Chapter 1519

The appearance of Yinmen attracted Qin Zixuan's attention. According to the old man's confession, Yinmen is very powerful. They are a group of unborn warriors. The purpose of this group of people is to live forever.

Back then, the Gu Yue family, the Gongliang family, etc. were also Yinmen. The strength of the Yinmen was indeed very strong, but that was only in the past. After meeting our men, their strength is really not enough.

Qin Zixuan thought of the good things in Dahai's hands. Even a lazy man like him could mention the holy master abruptly, so let alone the others. They must be much stronger than those hidden sects.

The strength of the old man is the early stage of the Saint Master, which is about the same level as Qin Zixuan. If there must be a difference in theory, it is the actual combat experience. Qin Zixuan does not have much actual combat experience.

Others have the best martial arts in the time travel, but Qin Zixuan's time travel is just making jokes and fooling around. Fortunately, he is lucky. He used to be protected by his wife, but now he has a son.

Even if Qin Zixuan is a worm, Dahai can make him a dragon, not to mention that Qin Zixuan is not a worm, no matter how bad he was in his previous life, the things in his head are enough for him to cope with this world.

Qin Zixuan didn't have any fear of the existence of the Yinmen, but expressed a little eagerness to try it out. He wanted to see whether they were stronger than his own, and wondered if he should recruit some members of the Donghuang family to help him .

Li Han frowned and asked, "Could that old man be from the hidden door?"

Uh, when it comes to that old Taoist, Qin Zixuan thinks that he is really a master, Dahai dare not let himself go to war with the old Taoist casually, it is best to fight the old Taoist when Dahai arrives.

Of course, the old Taoist has not shown any hostility so far, even an expert can be an expert who may become friends, that Qin Zixuan from the Yinmen thinks the answer is yes.

I just don't know if the old Taoist is alone or a group of people. If it is a group of people, they have to be careful. Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and felt that he should adapt to the situation. Do not know at all.

The two were sitting in the lobby, having a banquet and chatting, while Huang Tianluo and the county magistrate were interrogating the men who had been taken away. The men who were originally tough, would turn into cats, so they almost begged .

Except for one timid person who was frightened to death by the sound of dripping water, the others all surrendered, and they made it clear what they knew.

Huang Tianluo poked his head to look at the small black room, he had arranged it himself, there was nothing intrusive inside, it was just a pitch-black mass, and then he hung the other party up to let the blood out.

Of course, the sound of blood dripping into the water was faked a bit, but that's nothing to be afraid of, isn't it just the sound of beeping?Why are tough guys scared like that?All of them were as white as ghosts.

Qin Zixuan didn't tell him that this was a hint in his heart, and he scared himself into a ghost.

Huang Tianluo came forward with a statement to report that these men were indeed Zhong Zongli's people, but the old man was not Zhong Zongli's, and they didn't know when the other party mixed into their team.

Their goal was Qin Zixuan. They heard that Changjiang was a filial child, so they wanted to use Qin Zixuan to blackmail Changjiang. Zhong Zongli also set his sights on the City of Three Immortals. The miracles there moved the hearts of countless people.

However, Qin Zixuan didn't care about such a heart-warming miracle. This is something Huang Tianluo couldn't understand. He clearly had it in his hands, yet he let it out for others to visit. Why?

Qin Zixuan picked up the confession and read it again, looking at Li Han with a puzzled expression on his face. These people only wanted to catch him, why didn't they think about touching Li Han?Could it be because of Li Hanchang's safety?

Pfft, this question made Li Han fuming. What does it mean that she is safe?

Hehe, Li Han squeezed Qin Zixuan, if he snatched the young husband away, the beauties at home would cry to death.

"I didn't expect that they were really hiding on Chisha Island. The old man didn't lie about that." Qin Zixuan shook the statement in his hand and asked Huang Tianluo to write a copy and send it to the Yangtze River.

Zhong Zongli's people were really not within the scope of Qin Zixuan's attack, they were a group of ordinary people, and what he wanted to attack were those guys who thought they were out of this world experts.

To step on the heads of those people who claim to be out of the Three Realms and out of the Five Elements, to let them understand that out of the Three Realms and out of the Five Elements is just a beautiful myth, and they can't even do him, the prince of the world, that must be a great feeling.

Qin Zixuan sat there crookedly, with a smirk on his face, Li Han looked straight at it, and really didn't want to hurt Mr. Xianggong. Although Mr. Xianggong's strength is stronger than ordinary people, it is not enough to meet a master.

"My lord, master Feng sent someone to ask, when are you going back?"

Yang Shulin walked in from the outside, looked at the prince who was sitting there with a smirk, couldn't help covering his face, wondering what bad things the prince thought of again.

"Don't go back, I want to solve the case." Qin Zixuan clenched his fists and put on an expression that he would not go back. At this moment, Miss Yue must be angry. What is the difference between his going back and slow suicide.

"However, Master Feng said that Young Master Gong is going to take the little princess to Bingyan Island, and she can't stop her if you're not at home." Yang Shulin smiled wryly, thinking that this bomb could blow the prince back.

Sure enough, when Qin Zixuan heard that Gong Xu was going to abduct Ling'er, he became anxious at that moment. I'm sorry, that little bastard eats his food and drinks his food, and now wants to abduct his treasure, how can he bear it!
Without further ado, Qin Zixuan got up and walked out, with chills on his face, Li Han hurriedly followed, and pointed his thumb at Yang Shulin, this one is fine, he knows how to trick the prince back.

Yang Shulin hehe, he didn't lie to the lord, it was from Master Feng, and he conveyed it intact, Master Feng delivered it in a hurry, as if the little princess would be abducted if she went back late.

Outside the banquet city, Ling'er rode a fast horse at the front, followed by Gong Xu and Qu Chang, Qu Chang's complexion was not very good, and he shot Gong Xu with eyes like knives from time to time.

This bastard actually wanted to abduct Ling'er, so he had to follow closely. Fortunately, Ling'er had a good relationship with him, so he told him about it, and he accidentally passed it on to his future mothers-in-law.

Gong Xu, on the other hand, had a smile on his face, happy in his heart, he described to Linger how magical the island he was on was, and wanted to abduct Linger back to show his parents, but unexpectedly Linger was really tempted.

As long as a person arrives on the island, he is not the one who has the final say. Besides, his status as the young island master is not low at all. Although the environment on Bingyan Island is a little bit bitter, he can practice with half the effort.

These are the conclusions that Gong Xu has reached in the past two years of cultivation, and the speed of cultivation outside is really too slow.

(End of this chapter)

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