Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1521 Want to vomit blood

Chapter 1521 Want to vomit blood
Li Han punched Gong Xu flying, and then kicked Gong Xu a few more times. The kicked Gong Xu was bleeding in the air. Linger couldn't see it and pleaded with Qin Zixuan, so he let Gong Xu go.

Just looking at Gong Xu's appearance at this time, it was miserable, with blood on his chest, footprints all over his back, his buttocks were swollen from being kicked, and the slap marks on his face were layered on top of each other like an arhat.

"Gong Xu, leave the address of Bingyan Island, you can go."

Qin Zixuan raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Gong Xu with a cold look in his eyes. Qin Zixuan didn't want her to see the dark side, but it didn't mean he would let Gong Xu go.

Gong Xu's actions made Qin Zixuan think of those girls who were sold to small mountain villages in his previous life. Those girls had brilliant lives, but because they were young and not experienced in the world, they couldn't see the evil in people's hearts, and they listened to strangers, which put them in a desperate situation.

Gong Xu's background is definitely not low, a family that can cultivate such geniuses, how can it be an ordinary family, they may be a hermit family, even if they can't compare with the hidden family, there are many masters.

If Ling'er really followed Gong Xu to Bingyan Island, he might be in the same situation as those daughters, even if Qu Chang and the others followed, they would not be able to protect Ling'er, at most they would lose two lives.

Gong Xu's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground. He saw disappointment in Qin Zixuan's eyes. It was disappointment to him. Thinking that he had been taken care of by the Cheng Palace since he was born, and then thinking about his little plan before, Gong Xu There is a feeling of shamelessness.

"I'm sorry, I know it's my fault to leave without saying goodbye, but I really don't have any malicious intentions, I just want to take Linger to Bingyan Island as a guest, and ask the prince and concubine to learn from her."

Gong Xu lowered his head, not daring to meet Qin Zixuan's eyes when he spoke, no one would believe his words except Ling'er, Qu Chang watched the play with his mouth pursed, but his heart was filled with joy, he knew he lost a rival in love.

"Stop talking nonsense, Ling'er is going to Bingyan Island, we will naturally take her there, leave the address of Bingyan Island, get out!" Li Han sneered, "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will cut off your limbs!"

Gong Xu raised his head to look at Li Han, he saw the killing intent in Li Han's eyes, he couldn't help but smile wryly, it seems that he has really touched their bottom line, Prince Cheng may not be able to be cruel, but this great general is hard to say .

But do they really dare to take Ling'er to Bingyan Island?If it's true, it's not like he has no chance at all, Gong Xu's eyes flashed brightly, they only knew that his family lived on Bingyan Island, but they didn't know how many family members there were, and he didn't tell the truth.

When they arrived at Bingyan Island, where the Gong family had the final say, Gong Xu lowered his head for a while to calculate, and he really left the location of Bingyan Island, then got on his horse and left with injuries all over his body.

Li Han watched the back of Gong Xu leaving, with fire in his eyes, he tilted his head to look at Ling'er, this guy actually patted his small chest with a dangerous expression when he saw that he had escaped.

That expression almost made Li Han annoyed, and he wondered if what Xianggong taught Ling'er before could be taught to dogs. If this happened to the three Dahai brothers, it would definitely kill Gong Xu.

Forget it, it's just a little padded jacket, I'd better put more effort into it!Li Han silently comforted himself, trying to control his anger and walked towards Ling'er.

Gong Liangyan and Dinosaur looked at each other again, speechless at how much they doted on their daughter, why don't they beat and scold them?

"Ling'er, do you know where you are wrong?" Li Han couldn't help asking.

Ling'er rolled her eyes, as if she knew where she was, "I was wrong to leave without saying goodbye, mother, I'm sorry, don't be angry, okay?"

Ling'er got off Qin Zixuan's neck, ran to embrace Li Han's arm, and gave her a lovely smile. Li Han lost his temper at being laughed at, and finally gritted his teeth and handed him over to Qin Zixuan for education.

Can Qin Zixuan, a daughter slave, teach her well?Of course it's ok, sitting on Dapeng's back, Qin Zixuan broke up the dangers and told Ling'er. Every danger made Linger propose a countermeasure, and Linger was dumbfounded.

She and Gong Xu are friends, Gong Xu can't hurt him like this, this can't be questioned by Qin Zixuan, well, Gong Xu is a friend, not a real brother, so it is possible to cheat her.

This realization made Ling'er very sad. Qin Zixuan covered his head and asked where did all the cheating and abducting tricks he taught him go. Why did my little princess get tricked instead of cheating?

Ling'er was embarrassed by the question, can you say that the knowledge is at the bottom of the box?It seems that I haven't used it yet, should I pick it up and learn it again?

It seems that this world is really not safe, so what should I do?

Qin Zixuan hugged the little princess and sighed for a long time. His little princess was so well protected that he couldn't teach her to be a black-bellied little princess. What should I do?

Dinosaur sat by the side and looked at Qin Zixuan worrying. Everyone else wanted to teach their children well, but Qin Zixuan was teaching with a black belly. Why did he become a fool in the end?
When everyone returned to the courtyard, Gu Yueru and the others were relieved. They all knew Ling'er's status and were afraid that something would happen to her. However, Ling'er's matter was settled, but Gu Yueru's matter had not yet been resolved.

Gu Yue stared at Qin Zixuan like a ghost, Qin Zixuan's hairs stood on end, and he gave a smirk.

Gong Liangyan gritted her teeth, envious and jealous in her heart, Dinosaur pulled Ling'er and sat aside to watch the play, since Qin Zixuan wanted to teach the little princess to be a black-bellied ghost, Dinosaur thought he could help, so he didn't go out to play for a while, so it's better to take Let the little princess teach black.

"Why am I pregnant?" Gu Yueru grabbed Qin Zixuan's ear and asked, while Li Han blew on the side, calling out softly, my husband is tender, don't hurt me.

Qin Zixuan hehe, what are you blowing, it liberates me.

"This problem is a physical problem. Maybe you are prone to pregnancy, and you can get pregnant after drinking cold water."

Qin Zixuan stared at this explanation as soon as the dinosaur was beside him.

"Take a sip of cold water and let me see if I'm pregnant."

Gu Yueru exerted force on her hands, and Qin Zixuan put on a bitter face, "If we can find Zimuhe, it's really possible."

Qin Zixuan suddenly thought of the passage in Journey to the West, Tang Seng could get pregnant, so he could also get pregnant if he drank the water from the Zimu River. This is really not difficult, the problem is that he can't find it.

Gong Liangyan couldn't stand it any longer, she slapped Gu Yueru's hand off, not to get cheap and act good, she was trying to piss someone off.

"Hey, little Yanzi, let me tell you that pregnancy is really not a good thing. For ten months, you can't drink alcohol, eat cold food, eat seafood, and exercise excessively. Can you imagine such a hard life? You Why do you want to get pregnant so much?"

Gu Yueru looked curious, and Gong Liangyan said that I wanted to vomit blood!

(End of this chapter)

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