Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1531 Calculation

Chapter 1531 Calculation
The result of the five people standing by the sea and discussing is to send the news back. As for who will go back?To be honest, none of the five people wanted to go back, they all wanted to witness the contents of that book for the first time.

In the end, it was decided by lottery. Zhenjun Nanming was unlucky and actually got a red lottery, so he had to leave angrily. The other four watched Zhenjun Nanming leave happily.

After Zhenjun Nanming left, the four of them discussed that even if we don't go to Chisha Island, we should go around to check the terrain. It would be even better if they meet Zhou Yan at sea.

In this way, the four of them went to sea, while Zhenjun Nanming ran all the way to the hidden door. The five Zhenjun Nanming thought this was the safest way of action, and word of mouth would definitely not leak the news.

It's just that they didn't know that someone was hiding in the dark and watching their every move. Ying Xiaowu followed Qin Zixuan and his party to see the world.

After the incident in Sanxian City broke out, that kid ran to watch the fun, and then Qin Zixuan arrested him. This time, the plan was for Ying Xiaowu to follow him, and he must find the address of the hidden door.

Even if we don't kill them now, we still need to find out their location. Once they show hostility to the Yangtze River, they will copy their lair.

Qin Zixuan felt that it was very possible to choose the old nest of Yinmen. After all, what Yinmen seeks is longevity. They will not give up on the matter of Sanxian City, and neither will Changjiang. They will definitely come to the opposite in the end.

From the release of ancient books this time, it can be seen that if the hidden door comes to ask for it openly, then everything is within the controllable range and can be negotiated, but they don't have it, and they are waiting for an opportunity to snatch it.

Under such circumstances, Qin Zixuan really didn't see the friendliness of the Yinmen. Furthermore, a wave of mysterious people appeared at the altar of the Dilong Mountain Range.

Therefore, Ying Xiaowu's mission on this trip is still very important. At the same time, Qin Zixuan's plan to scare the snake is also a success, and the hidden door that the Yangtze River can't find is likely to be exposed before his eyes.

Fengtian City, Changjiang Standing in front of the map, looking at the ocean area, his eyes fell on Chisha Island, which is Zhong Zongli's old nest. According to the report of the spies, there are 35 cannons placed on it.

Where did those cannons come from? Needless to say, someone sold them to Zhong Zongli, and the person who sold them to Zhong Zongli also caught them. Unfortunately, the cannons cannot be brought back now.

Zhou Yan, this person is a surrendered general, and he is also one of the generals who are highly valued. After the world is pacified, he will be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. What a pity!Changjiang sighed, that person is really capable, but it's a pity he can't be used by him.

Since you can't use it for yourself, then destroy it!Killing intent flashed across Chang Jiang's face, and it took a long time before he looked away from the map and paced the room with his hands behind his back.

The news sent by his father is to let Yinmen do it and quietly observe Yinmen's combat effectiveness. Changjiang thinks that this plan can be made, but what he has to do is how to end after the two sides fight.

Regardless of whether the book is a real ancient book or a fake book made by my father, it is a book from Prince Cheng's Mansion. The products produced by Prince Cheng's Mansion must be high-quality goods, and the book that my father came up with in his head must be extraordinary.

This book cannot fall into the hands of outsiders, so it is imperative to start a war with the hidden door, there is nothing to discuss, my father always wants to save people from dying, but this kind of thinking is really necessary.

Li Mo knocked on the door outside and told Changjiang that all the adults he had summoned were in place. Only then did Changjiang walk out of the room. He still had an important meeting to hold.

But before he reached the conference hall, the family sent news that Qinglian was about to give birth. Changjiang rubbed his hands with joy when he received the news. He has a son. In 20 years, this continent will be passed on to his son. Free, he is chic, haha
Li Mo looked at the smile on Changjiang's face, and wondered why it felt a bit pervasive. Who did this look seem to plot against?The master can't count on the little master who hasn't been born yet, can he?

"You go and tell Mr. Jiang that this meeting will be presided over by him, just discuss a safe plan and hand it to me." Changjiang turned around and left after speaking. No matter how important a meeting is, his wife and children are not as important.

Li Mo responded, watched the Yangtze River leave, and patted his head fiercely. How could he think that the master would seek his own little master? That is impossible. Seeing how happy the master is, it does not seem to be calculating look.

Mr. Jiang was stunned when he received the news, and then he had a sad face. It was his daughter who was about to give birth, but he couldn't go to see it. Li Mo gave her a sympathetic look. Who made this troublesome time.

Those rebels jumped out to perform as if in a group. They didn't perform when the Lord was away before. What kind of performance is this? They haven't been cleaned up one by one.

The most ridiculous thing is that they themselves are still fighting to the death and life. I don't know how many forces have been uprooted, but this hasn't dampened their idea of ​​rebellion.

Changjiang met Qin Ziming halfway, and this guy happened to come to talk to Changjiang about something. He wanted to increase investment in the Western Continent, and he needed Changjiang to cooperate in some policies, which can also be said to be fighting for benefits.

As soon as he heard that Qinglian was going to give birth, Qin Ziming followed the Yangtze River without saying a word. He was as happy as the second fool all the way, and kept asking if he had a name?He can help if there is no name.

Changjiang rolled his eyes at this nonchalant remark. It was Qin Ziming's turn to name his child. If he hadn't been lucky to befriend his father since he was a child, he would still be in a trance.

Qin Ziming didn't care what Changjiang thought, he was really happy, and Changjiang was also moved in his heart. Although Qin Ziming's body was full of copper smell, he was really kind to his father and them.

This point of the Yangtze River is clear, so the attitude towards Qin Ziming is also much better. The two walked while talking, and soon came to the backyard. Mrs. Jiang had already arrived, and was instructing the maidservant to boil water to prepare for the delivery.

I am very happy to see Changjiang coming back. I comfort Changjiang not to worry. It is a long job for a woman to have a baby. I will not talk about pregnancy in October. It is just from starting to giving birth. At least a stick of incense is needed, three to five more Every day.

Changjiang clicked his tongue, Qin Ziming said yes, that's the reason, Mrs. Jiang was right, he is a father, every time a woman gives birth to a child, he survives like this.

Jiang Qinglian's screams came from inside the house, Jiang Jiang was eager to go in and have a look, Qin Ziming stood there laughing, the truth of this father and son, they both like to go to the delivery room.

Mrs. Jiang kicked him out before Changjiang got in. Women don't look good when they give birth, and their faces are distorted in pain. Mrs. Jiang was afraid that Changjiang would feel disgusted when he saw his daughter's ugliness.

Changjiang really didn't know this, he thought that the man never entered the delivery room because he was afraid of running into his luck, Changjiang didn't understand this as well as Qin Zixuan thought, Qin Zixuan was never afraid of running into luck, but he still couldn't enter the delivery room.

(End of this chapter)

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