Chapter 1547

As the voice of the Eastern Emperor Taiye resounded in the valley, the eyes of the soldiers who came with him turned red, especially what happened in the past 20 years was even more outrageous.

They didn't expect Yinmen to do such a bad thing, even Bai's deputy sect master heard the veins throbbing on his forehead, and he asked in his heart if Yinmen really did so many outrageous things?
"Leaving aside how many unconscionable things you did during the Yasheng Empire period, you can argue that you have a big forgetfulness and don't remember. Now the old man will read your crimes during the Shenlong period."

Donghuang Taiye liked this job very much, and his voice echoed in the valley with inner energy, for fear that no one would hear it.

Qin Zixuan put his luck on his hips, and today he said that he wanted to kill these grandsons. These are a group of inhumane guys. To say they are human is to flatter them.

"In the first year of Shenlong, when the world was first established, five thousand people in Chunshan Town disappeared overnight, and were driven into the depths of Chunshan to be beheaded and sacrificed for sacrifice. In the year of Shenlong, seven thousand villagers in Wuhu Village in Fuli Mountain were massacred overnight.
In the fifth year of Shenlong, nine hundred and ninety-nine pairs of boys and girls were captured and entered the Dilong Mountains, intending to sacrifice the lives of their children to the bottomless pit! "

After Donghuang Taiye read this, he looked at the people of the Yinmen, the complexions of the deputy head Bai and others changed wonderfully, they didn't expect this matter to be investigated clearly.

Many things are the secrets of the hidden door, so it can be seen that there is an important person in the hidden door who betrayed, but who is this person?Deputy head Bai looked at the people around him.

The Hidden Sect masters also looked at Deputy Sect Master Bai, and they also had the same thought in their hearts, and this betrayer must not be one of them, he must be someone sent to handle errands.

No matter how many people were killed, the people of Yinmen would not take it seriously, they were used to being superior, but the soldiers behind Qin Zixuan were different, all of them blushed with anger.

They either held the guns tightly, or stared at the cannon, thinking about how to fire more cannons later, and they must kill these conscientious people.

Qin Zixuan stared at Vice Sect Master Bai closely with a cold face, he had already seen that this person should be the person behind the Hidden Sect, he could tell by looking at the surroundings.

Let's see if the speaker knows that Yinmen has done so many bad things, will he feel guilty, will he live without shame, but Qin Zixuan is disappointed, and the other party has no shame at all.

Gong Liangyan felt Qin Zixuan's anger, and grabbed Qin Zixuan. She was worried that Qin Zixuan couldn't help but rush forward, and the opponents were all masters. If they really wanted to fight, Xianggong would not be his opponent.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan didn't know such a rational idea, otherwise he would be so angry that he vomited blood, and then asked Gong Liangyan, is he that weak?
"It's just an ant-like existence. Killing their blood sacrifices is their blessing. Qin Zixuan, Lord Cheng, Supreme Emperor, do you take yourself too seriously? Do you think you are the way of heaven? Do you think you can judge the common people? Woolen cloth."

Layman Qiushan, who was standing next to Vice-Master Bai, quit and jumped out to accuse him loudly. Qin Zixuan stared at him coldly, with a cold gleam in his eyes. These were the most shameless words he had ever heard.

"Isn't it right?" Qin Zixuan asked coldly. Donghuang Taiye put away the edict and held it on the handle of the knife with one hand. The same is true for everyone else. Facing the dog who won't admit his mistake, he should hit him with his fist. subdue them.

"There's nothing wrong with it. How can you admit your mistake? Judging by your strength, have you cultivated to dogs? We are cultivators, and we are superior to others. Killing them is to look down on them."

Layman Qiushan replied loudly, with a strong disdain on his face, Qin Zixuan was so angry that his liver hurt, and what made Qin Zixuan even more chilling was that the people from the Yinmen actually agreed with him.

Oh my god, these guys with bad views, Qin Zixuan pointed to Layman Qiushan and said: "Okay, good cultivators, you are cultivators, and I am also a cultivator, today I will let you know what death is!

If you don't destroy your hidden doors, and don't seek justice for the innocent people who died in vain, I, Qin Zixuan, have three words upside down! "

Qin Zixuan's words were like an order, and the soldiers who couldn't hold back their anger for a long time fired their cannons instantly, and the cannons roared, scaring Deputy Sect Leader Bai and his group to flee in all directions.

But these soldiers are not Zhong Zongli's people. They are familiar with the method of firing cannons and how to adjust the muzzle to chase people.

"Qin Zixuan, you are shameless. Didn't you say that you are a cultivator? It's kind of a one-on-one fight!" An angry cursing came from the master of the hidden sect, and Qin Zixuan was delighted at the time.

Yaya's bunch of idiots, are the cannonballs he developed with a lot of money for serving food?If you have a cannon, you don't need to rush forward to fight desperately, think Qin Zixuan is a fool.

Even if it was going to be hand-to-hand combat, it would be after the shells had been shot. Since there were still some remaining, Qin Zixuan didn't plan to waste it, nor did he plan to carry it back. The mountain road is difficult, so let's lighten the burden on the soldiers.

Zhong Zongli's surviving soldiers looked dumbfounded at the cannonballs flying all over the sky. It turned out that they could still fire like this. Were they idiots before?Holding the cannonball actually allowed the enemy to attack close to him, the death is really not wronged at all.

Vice Sect Master Bai was bombarded again, and his face was completely changed. A master of the Hidden Sect saw it and called out to the Hidden Sect of Heaven, and none of the three Sect Masters remained.

Layman Qiushan's expression was extremely exciting. He didn't expect Qin Zixuan and his gang to start a war as soon as they said they would start a war. Don't they need to think about it?We are all cultivators, and if we really want to fight, we should draw a path and fight again.

Qin Zixuan was rare, his words fell silent, and the soldiers knew what to do without even giving the order to fire. How could there be such a person.

It would definitely not happen to others, but anything can happen to Qin Zixuan, he just likes to make surprises.

Even though there are many masters in their profession, Qin Zixuan is reluctant to sacrifice even one of them. It is inevitable that both sides will sacrifice in hand-to-hand combat. Think Qin Zixuan as a fool.

There is no need to fight with cannonballs, that's a fool's behavior, only two fools would do this kind of thing, anyway, if Qin Zixuan doesn't do it, others can't do anything about him.

When formulating the battle plan, Donghuang Taiye and others were not very willing. They thought it should be a battle between soldiers and generals. Qin Zixuan pouted and said that they were two fools.

Well, in order to prevent Qin Zixuan from despising them, he had no choice but to adopt Qin Zixuan's strategic layout. Now, seeing the hidden masters fleeing in all directions, endless sympathy surged in his heart.

The Yinmen can exist for so many years, there must be a reason for their existence, and now it seems that the reason is that they are too conservative, look at how quickly they are destroyed.

Originally less than half of the Hidden Gate masters were reduced by half, and the remaining half were all killed. At this time, the sound of the artillery stopped, and the soldiers reported that the shells had been fired, and asked for instructions on the next step.Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the next step was to fight hand to hand.

(End of this chapter)

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