Chapter 1551

Zhuang Xian asked with a smile: "Since he is so clever, why did people rebel when he came back?"

Wu Quan who asked this question didn't know how to answer, yes, when Li Yunlong was away, no one dared to rebel, but when Li Yunlong came back, everyone jumped out.

Ge Dazhuang felt a bit of embarrassment in the air, thought for a while, and said: "Could it be that three years have passed, and the remnants of the defeated Yasheng Empire have recovered some vitality, so they jumped out to perform."

"It's possible."

"But are you sure that these rebels didn't hide their secrets?" Someone asked.

"It's really possible. I heard that after Li Yunlong received the news of the missing persons, he was furious and ordered his subordinates to investigate the matter." Wu Quan's eyes became sharp when he said this, "Do you think the missing persons will be It was stolen by the hidden door."

"It's really possible. When I went to return the ancient books, the Queen Mother said that the Yinmen had captured boys and girls for blood sacrifices in the Dilong Mountains. This incident offended the Queen Mother and the Supreme Emperor. In battle, the tone of the voice is to destroy the hidden door."

Ge Dazhuang's voice fell, causing a burst of contempt.

"The people at the Yinmen are so shameless, they pretend to be decent people while doing disgusting things. According to me, there are nine out of ten people who have found out about the Yinmen. Therefore, in order to cover up the truth, the Yinmen secretly supported some forces to rebel. .”

"This possibility is true, but that kid Li Yunlong is very skillful. Master Wei was killed once, which greatly reduced the strength of those forces, and they had to retreat back to recuperate."

"Are you sure Master Wei is a scam?"

"Isn't it a pit?"

Ge Dazhuang listened to the discussions of the people around him, and black lines appeared on his face, but he also felt that the Wei Fuzi incident was a pitfall. If the Three Immortals City was really important, how could they give up guarding it.

Since it is not important, it recruited scholars to study it with great fanfare, and it was so unfortunate that people rushed in, so they rushed to the forces around Li Han. If you really want to send those people to guard, it is impossible to be snatched away.

Thinking carefully, I am terrified, isn't this ancient book also a pit?But after thinking about it carefully, it doesn't look like it. The contents of this ancient book are so extensive and profound that it is difficult for him to understand one or two of them.

Forget it, I still don't want to be an enemy of him.Ge Dazhuang thought silently, he didn't want to jump into the hole dug by others, that thing was too cheating.

Li Han's mission was successfully concluded, and she was in a hurry to rush back. Although she looked calm, she was still very anxious, worried that Qin Zixuan would be injured because of the strength of the Yinmen.

Ling'er sat next to Li Han and pouted, with a dissatisfied face. She didn't get into the battle. This trip was just to see the scenery. Li Han watched the fun, not as good as the battle.

The enemy is dead, and he has no loss. This is a gratifying thing. As for how many people the Loose Cultivation Alliance has lost, Li Han doesn't worry about it, that's their business.

"Mother, the improvement of strength is faster than walking on the edge of death, why don't you let me take risks?" Ling'er asked.

"You are the heart and soul of your parents. If you ask you to take risks, you will stab your heart with a knife. Are you stupid or us?" Li Han rolled his eyes. It was a last resort to let Linger take risks in the past.

And Feng Wu Qinglan was with them back then, and now they are strong enough to protect themselves, so why did they let Linger take risks.

Ling'er had no words to refute, as if what she said was very reasonable, her parents were not stupid, it was she who was stupid, who wanted to take risks after leaving a good life.

Feng Wu Qinglan drank the wine in her glass silently, she didn't agree with this person's education, and there was nothing she could do if she didn't agree, it seemed that she had to find a way to take Ling'er away, it would be impossible to put Ling'er next to these two people.

Li Han didn't realize his mistake, so he pulled Ling'er and started to talk about the art of war and tactics, how to kill the enemy, how to break the game, how to set up a game when breaking the game, and a game in the middle of the game.

When Bai Jing saw the general giving a lecture, she immediately shifted a small bench to listen in, occasionally interjecting a few sentences, that little move was a waste of money, and Qin Zixuan's true teaching was well received.

Ling'er listened with her eyes wide open, not talking about what she encountered when she was traveling abroad, and then imagined how to fight back, how to dig holes, the more the discussion became, the more excited she became.

Feng Wu Qinglan, who was listening next to her, had black lines all over her face, worried that her eldest apprentice would be taught badly, is this really her mother?Oh, Li Han is not his own mother, she is a stepmother!
Qin Zixuan found Gong Liangyan. Gong Liangyan had already bathed, but his face was still pale. Qin Zixuan felt distressed when he saw it, so he ordered someone to bring food and wine, and accompanied Gong Liangyan to eat.

In the face of her husband's concern, Gong Liangyan is very helpful. This trip is just her and Qin Zixuan, without Li Han and the others, this rare two-person world is really comfortable.

No wonder Xianggong said that love is exclusive. This theory is not wrong at all, it is indeed exclusive, but everyone has been educated to be polygamous, so they have learned to tolerate.

"Eat more, this nourishes the brain." Qin Zixuan sent a spoonful of pig's brain to Gong Liangyan's mouth. Gong Liangyan looked at the pig's brain and hesitated whether to eat it. Surely this stuff will not make you more stupid?

Well, it was sent by my husband, but she still ate it, and managed to swallow a mouthful.

Qin Zixuan brought another piece of pork head to him, and said, "Everyone says it's good to eat, do you want to try this delicious food?"

Gong Liangyan stared at the pig's head with black lines on her face, raised her head and gave Qin Zixuan a whimpering look, and saw Qin Zixuan's eyes widen. Well, Gong Liangyan knew that Xianggong was making her happy, but can you change the method?

Lin Xi came in from the house, holding a letter in his hand, and came to Qin Zixuan and said: "My lord, the soldiers found a letter outside, I don't know who left it."

Gong Liangyan opened her mouth to bite off the pig's head meat, Qin Zixuan put down the chopsticks, took the letter and looked up and down, there was no name on it, and was about to tear it open to read, Gong Liangyan called: "Send it to check if it is poisonous?"

"No, even if it's poisonous, it can't poison me." Qin Zixuan waved his hand, if he was really poisoned, he just needed to defuse it, anyway, he knew the defuse technique.

Gong Liangyan frowned, did not continue to object, and stared at the letter in Qin Zixuan's hand.Qin Zixuan opened the letter and read it, only to see a large line written on it: "Blood debt paid in blood!"

"Yo, he even paid me blood!"

Qin Zixuan directed the letter to Gong Liangyan, with a funny tone, there is no justice in this world, Yinmen has done so many bad things, it really needs to be paid in blood, even the blood of Yinmen is not enough to repay.

"It seems that someone escaped from the hidden door, we have to deal with it carefully."

Gong Liangyan frowned, this was the last thing they wanted to face, but Yinmen was an ancient sect, even if they were caught off guard, how could it be completely wiped out.

Qin Zixuan held his nose, looked at the void, wondering what he was thinking, the enmity with Yinmen could not be resolved.
(End of this chapter)

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