Chapter 1563 Test
Faced with Li Han's question, Changjiang and the others were a little puzzled. If Song Qishan didn't dare to send back the ancient book before, Song Qishan would not show up when the soldiers went to ask for the corpse.

Is this unreasonable?Yangtze River muttered to himself.

Li Han also rubbed his head, it was really unreasonable!Ling'er looked at this, and then at that, not knowing what was unreasonable, Da Hai tapped on the table lightly, and after a while, she said, "Send someone to keep an eye on Seinfeld, I want to see what they want to do." .”

"Where to watch?" Ling'er asked curiously.

Dahai rubbed Linger's head, then looked at Quchang, Quchang patted his chest and said, "Leave this to me."

"Okay, this matter is a test, if you don't do it well, don't appear in front of me again." Dahai smiled lightly, and the soles of Qu Chang's feet felt cold when he laughed.

If there is no mistake, what Dahai means is that if this matter cannot be handled to his satisfaction, Quchang will lose the opportunity to pursue Linger.

It was also at this moment that Dahai realized a problem, that is, a person's nature determines his behavior style, and he taught Linger many messy things when he was young, but Linger just listened.

This child is not a treacherous person by nature, no matter how much you teach her, she won't be able to go anywhere.The most is to have a good mind and not be so easy to deceive. If she really encounters a treacherous person, Linger has no means to deal with it.

To solve this problem, one needs to find a man who truly loves Ling'er and can protect Ling'er. This man must be very kind to Ling'er, and must be ruthless enough to deal with enemies.

Li Han turned her head twice, looked at Qu Chang, and could see that she agreed with Hai Hai's suggestion, it just depends on how Qu Chang handles this matter and what means.

On the other hand, Ling'er pouted after hearing Dahai's words, "Brother, don't be so strict, he is our friend."

friend!These two words cut my heart, Qu Chang doesn't want to be Linger's friend at all, he wants to be a lover more.

With a sigh in his heart, Qu Chang stood up and said goodbye to the people. He was worried that if he stayed any longer, he would be mad at himself, so it was better to leave early to stare at Seinfeld.

Looking at the direction where Qu Chang was leaving, Feng Wu Qinglan asked with some concern: "Can he find Sein Fei?"

Hehe, Dahai was happy at the time, and looked at Changjiang, the two of them were not worried about this problem at all, this was a test in itself, even if no one could be found, Naquchang was not wronged at all.

Li Han didn't worry about holding Guo'er at all, and if he couldn't do it, he shot and killed the father and son. Who made them dare to think so much, and didn't see whose daughter Linger was.

In Courtyard No. [-] of Tianxia Inn in Fengtian City, Song Qishan looked at his son who was sitting in front of him, and he was satisfied no matter how he looked at it. He became a martial artist at a young age, and this talent can be ranked anywhere.

In addition, he is the deputy leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, which is more powerful than those sect masters. Those sects are at most a small fish and shrimp, without even a holy master, and the master is considered to be the best.

However, the lowest level of the Loose Cultivator Alliance is a master level, and it is not so easy for people who want to become a Loose Cultivator Alliance. In addition, the hidden door has been destroyed, and now the Loose Cultivator Alliance is the only one.

"Father, can I really marry Ling'er?" Song Fei hugged the beauty in his arms, and laughed like a prodigal. After hearing Song Fei's words, the eyes of the beauty in his arms darkened, but no one cared. how she feels.

"Of course, you are the young leader. If Li Yunfei wants to rule the Western Continent safely, he has to compromise with us." Song Qishan was full of confidence.

"That's true. It's a pity that Ge Dazhuang is not dead. If he dies, you will be the leader. Only then can I secure my position as the young leader." Sein Fei giggled a few times, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Ge Dazhuang won't live long, don't worry." Song Qishan said with a faint smile, the woman lying in Song Fei's arms stiffened as soon as the words came out, as if she had heard something she shouldn't have heard.

"Enjoy it, the letter has been delivered, and I think there will be news soon." Song Qishan got up and left the room, and sat down in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. A shameful voice soon sounded in the room.

Qu Chang brought Qu Chang to the street, looking around. It was not easy to find someone in the big city of Nuo, but Chang Jiang didn't tell him where the person was, so he had to find it by himself.

"Young Master, is this a bit difficult?" Qu Chang said with a dark face, seeing that Qu Chang was puzzled, he added: "We don't have any clues, let alone where they are, the Western Continent is so big, we Where can I find it?"

Hehe, Qu Chang opened the folding fan with a swipe, and said confidently: "The Western Continent is so big and it is not difficult to find them, but if we lock two places, it will be much easier to find them."

"Which two places?" Qu Chang asked.

"Fengtian City and Sanxian City." Qu Chang looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl. In terms of intelligence, he might not be able to play with the sea and the Yangtze River, but he was enough to play with Song Qishan.

Qu Chang looked at the young master who was full of confidence, thought of the great achievements of the young master in the past, slapped his head and secretly complained that his head was swollen, only seeing the brilliance of the sea and the Yangtze River, how could he forget the young master's skills.

In the extreme north, the young master is also the favored son of heaven, a radiant existence. Without the pressure of the light of the sea and the Yangtze River, the light of the young master will emerge again.

After analyzing the location, there is the residence behind. Qu Chang started with Song Qishan's character.

From this, the small inn can be crossed out. Song Qishan is the deputy leader of the alliance, and he will definitely not be short of money. Since he doesn't live in a small inn, an ordinary mid-level inn is naturally not worthy of his status.

So locked on the first-class inn, Qu Chang took Qu Chang to start visiting, and Qu Chang questioned again on the way, that is, what if people don't stay in the inn?
Since you are so rich, why don't you buy a yard to live in? No matter how luxurious and high-end the inn is, it is not comfortable to live in your own place.

This situation is very possible, and Qu Chang also thought of it. Compared to searching the yard, it is easier to search the inn. If you find it at the inn, it will save trouble. If you can't find it at the inn, it is not too late to search the yard.

Qu Chang has already figured out how to search the yard, that is to challenge neighborhood by neighborhood with the aura of a strong man, this approach may set up many opponents of holy masters, but the advantage lies in the speed.

Qu Chang Ting's face turned green, secretly thinking that it's a good thing he's not weak, even if he can't beat the opponent, he can still escape, otherwise Qu Chang worried that he would be killed, the dignity of a strong man cannot be challenged.

After walking through several inns, the two of Qu Chang came to Tianxia Inn. Qu Chang asked the shopkeeper if Song Qishan was staying in the inn, which attracted the attention of others.

(End of this chapter)

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