Chapter 1584

Above the Saint Master is the Breaking Heaven Realm. As for why it is this realm, well, this is the realm achieved by a group of people who have ideals and dare to think. Their goal is to break the blockade of the sky and break out of the Yanhuang Continent.

I have to admit that this is a great goal and a group of great people, but such a great goal has never been realized since the emergence of Breaking Heaven Realm.

Even so, this great goal has never changed, and it has been inherited by generations of Heaven-shattering powerhouses. The sea does not know how many generations it has been passed on.

However, with the inheritance from generation to generation, there are fewer and fewer strong people who dare to challenge the heavens, and they are looking for ways to break up and leave the Yanhuang Continent.

The reason why Dahai knows so much is because he was lucky and saw some legends about breaking the sky in the ancient books collected in the Eastern Continent.

The goal of Dahai’s research at the time was why there were no saint masters in the Eastern Continent, um, why?There is indeed no holy master in the Eastern Continent. Thinking back to when their spears and cannons were rampant in the Eastern Continent, it was really fast to attack the city and break the stronghold.

If there are strong Saint Masters, they must not fight so fast.Later, Dahai and Qin Zixuan moved to the Southern Continent, where a large number of Saint Masters were found, Dahai felt that something was wrong at the time.

Even if there is a sequence of development, they can't be so far behind. They all say that their strength is not enough for weapons. If you say that their strength is average, their weapons are average, and they don't have any specialties.

Later, Dahai found the answer. It’s not that they don’t have Saint Master Realm experts. They have even appeared in the Sky Breaker Realm, and there are many of them. punish.

What good deeds did the group of Heaven Breakers do?Alas, no one would believe me when I said it, those lunatics actually built a tower on the ground, the tower was ten thousand feet high, and then a group of bullying people ran up to it and blasted the sky.

They decided to use their own strength to blast a hole in the sky, and then climbed out of the hole. I have to say that this is a group of people who dare to think, but the result is sad.

The consequence of what they did was to arouse the wrath of the thunder in the sky. At that time, the Eastern Continent was bombarded by lightning for three full months, and the fire also burned for three months.

A big fire destroyed the Eastern Continent until it was liberated. Many mind-dharma cheats were destroyed in the fire, and almost all warriors were killed or injured. Since then, there has never been a strong Saint Master in the Eastern Continent, let alone the Heaven-shattering Realm.

It wasn't until Dahai and his group conquered the Eastern Continent that the warriors of the Eastern Continent came into contact with higher-level mental techniques, and their strength was improved. Whenever Dahai thought of those pasts, Dahai offered three incense sticks to the pioneers.

Dahai told Changjiang about this realm today, and Changjiang was dumbfounded. He didn't expect there to be such a group of lunatics in the world, and he was a little worried that he would also follow the path of lunatics.

"Brother, do you think the veterans will do the same?" Changjiang asked.

"Do you think it's possible for the sky to punch a hole?" Dahai asked back.

Changjiang shook his head, remembering the story his father told him. The sky is made up of the atmosphere. It should be possible to make a hole in the atmosphere. The problem is how to climb up?This is a big problem.

Fortunately, Changjiang didn’t say anything, otherwise Dahai would suspect that Changjiang had signs of madness, and he would definitely need to focus on treatment. Brothers, we are normal people, don’t think about climbing and climbing, you should think about airplanes, rockets and spaceships, that’s how to fly out key.

The dinosaur smiled and said, "It's impossible to dig out a hole and climb to the sky, but you can fly to the sky with wings, it depends on how strong our research institute is."

"That's the correct answer." Dahai said with a smile, "However, success in research is not something that can happen overnight, and I don't know if it will be possible when my hair turns gray."

"Then what should I do? I want to go up and have a look." Changjiang looked regretful. He heard his father talk about the starry sky and the Milky Way, and about the moon that can be seen by looking up.

My father said that there was nothing on it, but the Yangtze River said that I saw trees, rivers, and mountains. Why did I say that there was nothing?
"No hurry, there will always be a solution." Dahai patted Changjiang on the shoulder to comfort him, this younger brother is sometimes like a child.

The three chatted for a while, the smell in the courtyard dissipated, and then they turned around and entered the courtyard. There was still a bit of a smell, Jiang Jiang asked, "Brother, what experiment did you do just now?"

"I didn't do anything, I just mixed the most fragrant flowers in the world with the smelliest weeds, and wanted to see whether it would be fragrant or stinky in the end, and you will know the result." Dahai shrugged, and Changjiang was dumbfounded. ?
Thinking of running to get the space stone, the eldest brother is doing such boring experiments, alas, Changjiang shook his head and sighed.

The two brothers disliked each other's childishness, but they didn't know that they were actually quite childish, but their geniuses covered up these childishness, while Qin Zixuan was the guy who magnified childishness infinitely.

In the secret room, Dahai began to check the materials. He wanted to refine a space furnace, which can be used to make alchemy and medicine in addition to deceiving people, and it can also be used to store things. This is a treasure with space storage.

Dahai believes that as long as the refining is successful, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Brother, the space stone is a good thing. If you can find the space stone, I can help you refine it into the legendary space magic weapon." Dahai suddenly said.

"Oh, brother, you read too many novels." Changjiang replied, then looked up at the sea, pulled out his ears, and asked, "Is what you said true?"

Heck, Hai Hai gave me a supercilious look, before, oh, before, I told the dinosaurs to make space furnaces, but Chang Jiang didn’t know what to make, so he said flatly, “I’ve read too many novels.”

Pfft, the dinosaur stood beside him and burst out laughing. To be honest, the dinosaur didn't really believe it, but this kind of thing would rather be believed or not, in case it was refined and hit the face.

Changjiang turned around and left. He still went to his father to ask where he found the thing, and he sent someone to look for it later.

In the courtyard, Qin Zixuan was sitting at the table drinking tea, and Huayan was feeding Menger the porridge made of jiaolong meat. When he saw the Yangtze River coming in, Qin Zixuan looked inquiringly, didn't he just take away two stones?

"Father, where did you get the Space Stone?" Changjiang cut to the chase, looking at Qin Zixuan expectantly.

"I found that thing in the warehouse of the hidden door. It's just a piece with space stone written on it." Qin Zixuan thought for a while and added: "At that time, I wanted to throw away the person who came, but Xiao Yanzi felt that it was not easy to be valued by the hidden door. stone, and then moved back."

Changjiang was dumbfounded, do you want to answer so bluntly?Thinking of his father almost throwing it away, well, this is his style, Changjiang has no doubt that his father will do such a thing.

Gong Liangyan looked away from the books, and said with a smile: "If you want to investigate clues, go to the library, where all the books of Yinmen are placed."

Hearing the words, Changjiang left and ran to the library, Qin Zixuan watched Changjiang leave, thought for a while and followed him to the library.

(End of this chapter)

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