Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1590 Finding the Area

Chapter 1590 Finding the Area

On the snowy field, under the vast white snow, a majestic building stands proudly. This building is all illuminated by luminous pearls, even if it is an underground building, it is still as bright as day.

There are monsters with human heads and animal bodies everywhere in the building. These monsters walk around like guards, patrolling all directions.

There are still many human beings who are kept in cages, and animals are kept on the opposite side of human beings, in the name of cultivating feelings, and they don't know where to cultivate this feeling.

Several men in white robes hurried over, their eyes moved back and forth between the man and the beast, and suddenly pointed to one of them and said, "That's them."

Then the humans and the beasts were carried away at the same time, and no one knew what fate would meet them next. Life and death were out of their control, and these people in white robes could not decide either, they could only do their best to obey the destiny.

They came to the operating room and began to prepare for the operation. One of them suddenly said: "The outside is already surrounded by soldiers. I heard that they want to wipe out us. I don't know if we can escape."

"Jie Jie, you think highly of them. It is impossible for them to destroy our foundation. The great demon god will kill them on the snowfield."

The man in white robe with the knife in his hand laughed strangely, like a ghost coming out of hell, exuding a penetrating chill.

Soon the place was quiet again, but when they entered the operating room, it became lively again. The bound human being was unwilling to undergo this kind of operation and began to struggle hard.

And the tied tiger seemed to sense its own fate, and also began to struggle. Seeing that the chain was about to break, a few big men walked in from the outside, and they acted separately, instantly subduing one man and one beast.

The white-robed man picked up the knife with a cruel smile on his face, and directly moved the knife without any anesthesia. It cut open the necks of a man and a beast alive, and then began to transplant.

The methods were bloody and cruel. They seemed to have been used to this kind of scene for a long time. There was no trace of embarrassment in their eyes, and there was a faint look of excitement.

If Qin Zixuan saw this scene, he would definitely scold these people for being cruel and treating life as nothing. How could a higher human being be so indifferent to life.

Qin Zixuan and the others didn't know what was going on in the snowfield, they were driving towards the snowfield in an off-road vehicle, the sneak migration Qin Zixuan imagined didn't happen, but the food road inside was also cut off.

So before Qin Zixuan and the others arrived, there were still several conflicts. Fortunately, the soldiers who came to carry out the mission were all veterans of many battles, and they were defended by cannons, so they didn't suffer too much.

Seeing that they couldn't get out, those people had no choice but to retreat. When Qin Zixuan and his party arrived, it was already the second day when the biggest conflict broke out.

Gong Liangsheng was guarding there with the early stage personnel, and everyone was very happy to see Qin Zixuan and Dahai arrive.

Gong Liangsheng ran up to him and said in a trembling voice: "They are really too perverted, they completely ignore human life, and they are not worthy of being human at all."

It was the first time for Gong Liangsheng to go down the mountain to practice, and it was the first time he had experienced such a situation when he was so old. His ability to accept was not ordinary. When he saw Qin Zixuan as if he was seeing his relatives, tears rolled down his face.

"Good boy, don't cry, this is where you are going, the more perverted ones are yet to come, you have to learn to seek the shadow area in your heart, and then cast sunlight to drive away the shadows."

Qin Zixuan was talking nonsense in a serious manner, he said it was to comfort others, it was better to say it was teasing, but the word "shadow area in his heart" still caught Gong Liangsheng's attention.

The studious teenager asks what is the shadow area in the heart?How to ask?This question is very knowledgeable, so Qin Zixuan started teaching, unconsciously drawing Gong Liangsheng's attention away from the monster.

Dahai rolled his eyes, he was already the king of the Eastern Continent when he was as old as Gong Liangsheng, this one didn’t even wean his milk, he was too weak, Gong Liangsheng didn’t know that he was despised by others, he was still thinking about the shadow area in his heart How big is it.

Li Han stood beside her with her hands behind her back, listening to her husband's nonsense, and she also wanted to know how to find the shadow area in her heart.

Dahai found the person in charge here and began to inquire about the details inside. Li Chengyun invited Dahai to the tent, took out a stack of documents and handed it to Dahai, and began to explain the situation here.

"Master, we have blocked the snowfield for half a month. The people in the past two days seem to be eager to rush out, but they don't have any burdens. It doesn't look like relocation. I suspect fraud and have been blocking them with firepower."

"Well, you did a good job." Dahai checked the information in his hand, and replied lightly, a smile suddenly appeared on Li Chengyun's face.

Dahai didn't expect the opponent to hide so deeply. It is not easy to determine the opponent's position on the snowfield, but no matter how difficult it is, he must take the opponent down. This method is really human.

"You don't need to take action in the battle inside. The most important task of you and the soldiers guarding here is to block it and prevent them from escaping and continuing to harm mankind."

Dahai put down the materials, and he had a plan in his mind. Li Chengyun nodded. The order he received was to cooperate and obey, and he would do what the person in front of him said.

When Qin Zixuan came in to comfort the good Gong Liangsheng, Dahai had already negotiated with Li Chengyun, how to fight on the road had been worked out, and the ordinary soldiers would not move, and they would use their masters to crush each other.

"What about the kid?" Dahai looked at Qin Zixuan with a half-smile.

"I'm going to ask for the area." Qin Zixuan waved his hand, Dahai suddenly laughed, a little suspicious that there would be a master who asked for the area in the world, and that Gong Liangsheng seemed to be a very good protector of Xiaobai.

"Father, shall we set off now, or rest for one night before setting off?" Dahai asked.

"Let's set off now, settle the matter here, and the Yellow River will arrive soon." Qin Zixuan calculated the time, and after the arrival of Huang He's baby, he had to calculate some things, he had to do the township.

"Okay, then let's start now." Hai Hai was quite straightforward, he didn't think there was anything wrong with starting now, but he really wanted to go out immediately, first kill the monsters inside, and then search for the herbs on the snow field.

To perfectly solve the problem of the magic dragon flower, he has too many things to do, and Dahai also feels that there is too little time.

Li Chengyun didn't expect this group of people to leave so fast, so he hurriedly ordered people to prepare food, and everything else was taken care of. The food must be prepared enough.

"Chengyun, your strength is too weak, are you a weak chicken?" Li Han, who had been silent all this time, said something bad, which shocked Li Chengyun so much that he couldn't lift his head, and he really didn't dare to compare with Li Han.

"General, I, I will pay back, I will work hard to cultivate." Li Chengyun wanted to say that it was okay, not too weak, but considering the general's terrifying strength, forget it, he should admit his mistake obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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