Chapter 1593
When calculating others, you must also be prepared to be calculated by others. This world is a game of calculating each other.

But why didn't Qin Zixuan and his group plan on them? Qin Zixuan and his group didn't know where the base of those people was, and they followed silently to find the base.

Qin Zixuan and his group got off the sled and started camping. They dug snow holes one after another, then jumped in and started cooking. Nothing is more important than a big meal.

Dahai sat beside Qin Zixuan, watching his father grab a handful of shiitake mushrooms and throw them into the boiling soup, secretly slobbering, it was true that Qin Zixuan was making hot pot.

On this cold day, what is more suitable than hot pot, and the aroma will be wafting from the snow caves soon. They are going to have a full meal first, and then take a good rest before starting.

"Father, are you sure they are still moving forward?" Da Hai asked while eating.

"I'm sure they will speed up next, throw us off, and go further to go around the snowy mountain in front of them is their base."

Qin Zixuan picked up a piece of beef, shook it twice and stuffed it into his mouth, the temperature was just right.

"How did you find out?" Dahai asked curiously while eating.

Dinosaur also looked at Qin Zixuan, expressing his admiration for this bastard's flash of inspiration. When this bastard is stupid, he wants to kill him, but when he is smart, he makes you admire him so much.

"Looking at their clothes and faces, you can tell that life is poor. They are just a group of coolies living at the lowest level, but no one is born to want to live at the lowest level. Everyone wants to climb up, and they will not let it go. Chance for a better day."

Qin Zixuan stuffed another piece of meat, and then continued vaguely: "They have two choices now, one is to lure us into the game, and the other is to help us lead the way, let us fight those perverts to death Come alive, they took the opportunity to escape."

In a word, he has no friends. Qin Zixuan guessed their little thoughts before he got in touch with Qiangzi and his gang.

Dahai raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Han, Li Han said with a smile: "What your father means is what I mean."

Well, the sea is convinced, General, sometimes I am really willful, I only have my husband in my eyes, and no one else can see it.

After eating a hot meal, beads of sweat came out, and of course drowsiness came quietly, Qin Zixuan yawned with his mouth open, he wanted to sleep soundly now.

Lin Xi's voice came from the top of his head, "My lord, they are on their way, are they really not chasing them?"

"Don't chase, let's go over after sleeping, maybe their patrolling guards took the initiative to find them, and we rushed all the way to their base camp, don't you think that's cool?"

Qin Zixuan hugged Li Han and tucked the bearskin quilt around his body to save him from running.Dahai huddled on the other side of Qin Zixuan, saw his father's hand moving over to help him tuck the quilt, and smiled with big eyes.

Lin Xi is convinced, and the lord keeps his word. He says he won't chase if he doesn't chase, and he doesn't worry about losing him at all. Where can I find such a confident lord?Lin Xi silently picked up the quilt, he should sleep obediently.

There was a snoring sound in the snow cave, but Qiangzi and the others over there were dumbfounded. They didn't expect the other party to be so capricious, which made Qiangzi's plan difficult to carry out.

"Brother Qiang, what should we do?" Shitou stared at the disappearing stalkers who were at a loss, with disappointment on his face, wondering if those people really came to kill perverts?
"Let's go back. If they don't attack tomorrow, let's come and lead the way. I trust my intuition." Qiangzi sighed inwardly, but he couldn't run over to question them.

The few people stepped on the sled weakly and rushed back, bypassing the mountain and disappearing on the snow field.

The sky on the snowfield couldn't tell the difference between day and night, anyway, it was a vast expanse of whiteness. When Qin Zixuan and his group woke up, the snowflakes had stopped. They didn't rush to set off, but made a hot meal to feed themselves first.

"Let's carry some dry food on our backs, and then put the big sled here, leave a few people to watch, and come back to meet up after killing those guys." Dahai began to assign work.

Qin Zixuan had an opinion at this time, because Dahai had assigned this guy to the left-behind members. Dinosaur watched Qin Zixuan jump, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

Dahai's baby is filial, but a bit too filial. Qin Zixuan has followed her all the way up to now, how could she give up hunting for novelty just because of a little danger.

That's right, it's a strange thing. In Qin Zixuan's mind, the human head and animal body are still very strange. He has never heard of it before, so of course he has to see it with his own eyes.

In the end, the sea surrendered, so Qin Zixuan had to participate. A group of people rowed the sled and started to move. The dinosaur walked beside Qin Zixuan, and they chatted while walking.

Soon, they bypassed the snow-capped mountains and saw a large canyon. A group of monsters with human heads and beast bodies came out of the cave. They walked on the snow in a neat line and began to patrol.

The two sides bumped into each other by coincidence. Qin Zixuan watched the cave gate slowly close, and blinked vigorously. If he hadn't happened to meet, it would be really hard to believe that it was a stone gate.

The workmanship of the stone gate is very ingenious, it fits the original mountain body, and there is no trace of artificial mining. Qin Zixuan feels that this is God helping them.

"Kill!" The monster yelled indistinctly to kill. Maybe they received the order to kill strangers, but they didn't ask Qin Zixuan about their origins.

"Father, your luck is really good." Dahai praised, who would have thought that the trip would be so smooth.

The dinosaur also stretched out his thumb, pointed in the direction of the stone gate and said, "This trick is really against the sky, everyone's brains are too big, trying to find this stone gate is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"That's right, these people are indeed very powerful, but unfortunately they just refuse to follow the right path. If they behave themselves well, they might become masters." Qin Zixuan sighed.

Gu Yuerong and the others rushed up with big knives. They are young disciples who are at the lowest level of society at this time, doing coolie work. Before there are real masters, they are the ones who do it.

Qin Zixuan watched the monsters fall one by one, looked at the dinosaurs and said, "Their strength didn't increase much, but they became more stupid because they lost their minds."

"That's true. If they can still maintain their thinking, then the situation must be a different scene." Looking at the one-sided massacre, the dinosaur couldn't help admiring those perverts, they were too imaginative.

Dahai stood beside him with his hands behind his back and raised his eyebrows. The scene could be imagined, but if they really had thoughts, the first thing they would do would be to commit suicide. Who would accept this kind of life as a normal person?

(End of this chapter)

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