Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1611 Kill and Eat Meat

Chapter 1611 Kill and Eat Meat

The dinosaur and the monster were fighting fiercely, and saw the sea coming in, one against two, the monster was at a disadvantage, and it was difficult to communicate underwater. The dinosaur also knew that the sea had a limited time to hold its breath, so it is better to kill the monster first and eat meat.

The mighty dinosaur never thought about being killed, all he wanted was to eat meat, even if the monster was very powerful, who made this guy thick-skinned.

The monster's attack does not cause much damage to the dinosaur, but if the dinosaur hits it with a fist, the monster will be physically injured. Now it has joined a sea, and the battlefield is one-sided.

The monster struggled desperately at the bottom of the lake, and the waves on the lake surface, Qin Zixuan stared silently, worry written all over his face, Li Han looked left and right, really wanted to go down and fight, but it was a pity that there was no one around Xianggong to protect him.

The old Taoist followed behind, Li Han was worried that the old Taoist would come out after entering the water, the old Taoist was not a good thing, so he couldn't be given a chance, Li Han suppressed the urge to rush into the bottom of the lake, and looked around vigilantly.

But Li Han thought too much. When the dinosaurs and the sea were fighting at the bottom of the lake, the three veterans were also fighting. Although they passed the snow leopard's territory, the next snow bear's territory will be difficult.

These snow bears are far stronger than snow leopards and snow wolves, otherwise they would not occupy the territory here. Arthur was already injured by the leopard king, and this would cause more injuries.

The white bones broke through the wrapping of flesh and blood, trembling pitifully in the wind and snow, his fighting strength became weaker and weaker, even with the old Taoist and Cheng Qian protecting him, he still couldn't avoid getting hurt again and again.

This time the old man really regretted it, he regretted that he didn't just grit his teeth and stomp his feet and leave here, he was looking for death, no matter how much he regretted, the old man was powerless.

The ending was already doomed, and the old man couldn't change it. In order to keep himself alive, the old man proposed to retreat to recuperate quickly, or they would really die in Xueyuan.

Cheng Qian didn't dare to continue to play the role, he knew that the old man's previous hexagrams were very accurate, and their coming to Xueyuan was really dangerous, and he should leave obediently instead of dragging the old man forward.

No matter how much you regret it, you can't change the ending, so let's back off quickly, but they want to quit the snow bear, and with a scream, Arthur's life is left on the snow field.

Lao Dao and Chengqian couldn't take it anymore, even confiscated Arthur's body, turned around and ran back, followed by a powerful snow bear chasing him, and a snow leopard appeared in front, Lao Dao wanted to die.

It is true that there are pursuers behind and strong enemies in front. In the end, the two have no choice but to flee without thinking. It is better not to step into the territory of these two, it will kill people.

At the bottom of the lake, Dahai pierced the monster's head with a sword. The dinosaur pulled the monster's tail and swung its fist.

Sensing another powerful presence approaching, Dahai gestured to the dinosaur, and the two of them dragged the monster's body to the lake surface. Don't think about it for now, it's too dangerous.

Qin Zixuan stared at the disappearing waves and clenched his fists. Li Han looked behind him, wondering if it was too quiet behind him. Did the old man sneak in, or did they not come?
Just after the sea and the dinosaurs came out of the water, they threw the monsters to the shore without saying a word, then turned around and attacked underwater, and then jumped out of the lake with the attack power and landed lightly on the shore.

Qin Zixuan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the two returned safely, and then looked at the headless monster, Qin Zixuan really wanted to ask what the hell it was?
There was a roar from the lake, but the dinosaur and the sea walked towards Qin Zixuan regardless, shouting as they walked, "Hurry up and move the monster away, I'll eat him today."

Well, that's a good suggestion. Gu Yuerong and the others were quite self-aware, and they ran over to help without calling names. The little cook cheerfully sharpened his knife, and it was time for him to show off his might again.

"What's going on next?" Qin Zixuan asked, Dahai opened his mouth to answer, Qin Zixuan said again: "Hurry up and change your clothes."

Dahai rolled his eyes. Did he ask him to reply or not? After thinking about it, he still didn't reply. This matter will not be clear for a while, and he really needs to change into dry clothes.

"Brother, there are big guys down here, please be careful and don't get close to the lake." After speaking, the dinosaur also got into the tent, and his robe also had to be changed.

Qin Zixuan was quite obedient, and immediately conveyed the order, not to approach the lake easily, and someone should be in charge of vigilance if fetching water, so don't be careless.

Gu Yuerong and the others nodded, and circled around the monster with a smile. None of these guys didn't love food. They originally had the idea of ​​a gentleman staying away from the kitchen, but now it has disappeared. They are willing to do it for food.

Everyone was helping, when suddenly there was another huge wave on the lake. Qin Zixuan looked around and saw a monster with two arms. Unlike the previous monster with short legs, this one only had two limbs.

The monster's tail was like a sickle, and it shone with a sense of chill. It jumped more than ten meters. Its head looked around the lake shore, and finally landed on Qin Zixuan and his group, making strange screams.

"Hey, big guy, what are you?" Qin Zixuan asked, his words definitely did not mean to curse anyone, he really wanted to know what this monster was.

It doesn't look like a fish, or a beast. Its head looks like a combination of a beast and a fish, with several long beards and a meter-long pelvic fin on its abdomen, like a big knife piercing it. Where.

The monster didn't answer Qin Zixuan's question, or maybe it didn't understand. After all, the monster is not a dinosaur, and it doesn't have human consciousness and language.

Qin Zixuan's question was more like a provocation, so the monster responded. A water dragon spewed out of its mouth and shot at Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan was so frightened that he dodged quickly. He didn't want to change into another set of dry clothes, and he didn't bring many sets of that thing.

When Li Han saw the monster attacking Qin Zixuan, he quit immediately, motherfucker, dare to attack her husband, how dare you!Li Han turned around and came to the front of the sleigh, grabbed her magic bow, nocked the arrow on the string, and opened the bow to release the arrow.

Whoosh!A sharp arrow shot out and shot straight at the monster's head. The monster sensed the danger and hurriedly dodged by shaking its head and tail, but it didn't expect that the arrow was so fast that it passed the head, but the body didn't dodge it.

puff!The sound of sharp arrows piercing into flesh sounded, and then a stream of blood spurted out from the monster. With a scream, the monster shrank into the bottom of the lake and took all the arrows away.

"Damn it, it turns out he's a coward!" Li Han carefully observed the lake surface with his bow and arrow, trying to find the monster's footprints, but he was not polite.

Qin Zixuan walked over shaking his robe, stood beside Li Han and stretched out his thumbs in praise: "Daughter-in-law, mighty!"

Hearing that the murderous aura on Li Han's body had dropped by half, he happily accepted Qin Zixuan's praise. The sea and the dinosaur came out of the tent, looked at the blood-stained lake, and then looked at Li Han who was staring at the lake with staring eyes. thumb.

(End of this chapter)

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