Chapter 1613
"What is that?" Standing behind the old Taoist, Cheng Qian asked, looking at the huge hole in the cliff. The old Taoist also wanted to ask what it was?
The old Taoist counted silently, chanted words, his old eyes became brighter and brighter, just like the Yellow River seeing gold, the old Taoist suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, shouting that there is no unparalleled road.

"That's a chance, let's go up." Excited, the old man strode towards the cliff with big strides, Cheng Qian's eyes widened, he knew what this chance meant.

Dian Dian followed the old Taoist, and had long forgotten about returning to the Southern Continent. Since it was an opportunity, how could he miss it, and if he missed it, he would be sent away one day!I have to say that Cheng Qian is also an unprincipled guy.

Dahai looked at the lake, and confessed to Li Han: "Mother, you sit on the top of the town, let everyone be vigilant, don't give the old man a chance to attack, it may take longer for me to go down this time."

"Okay, be careful when you go down, that monster is not easy to deal with." Li Han was quite worried, if she didn't want to protect her husband, she really wanted to go down and have a look.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." The dinosaur was full of confidence and patted his chest, noting how thick his skin was, it was hard for him to think about anything.

Qin Zixuan thumped the dinosaur and said, "You still have to be careful. You must know that there are heavens and humans outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky. You must not be careless. There must be a reason for the reputation of the Holy Mother Lake."

"Okay, don't worry." The dinosaur couldn't stand this kind of farewell, pulled Dahai into the lake, and quickly dived to the bottom of the lake. Dahai released his consciousness to look for the monster that appeared before, but he couldn't find it.

The area at the bottom of the lake is not very large, so how could it not be found?Dahai frowned, his consciousness had already touched the lake, there was no reason why he couldn't find the monster, and that thing couldn't be invisible.

Or is there an agency secret channel?Thinking about it, I think it is impossible, this is the bottom of the lake, what mechanism and secret passage can accommodate monsters, it is not like a human being, a three-foot-high cave can accommodate monsters.

Thinking about it, the sea and the dinosaur came to the bottom of the lake, and the dinosaur was also wondering, where did the monster go?Where can it shelter at the bottom of this lake?The two looked at each other and began to search the bottom of the lake.

The sea is not as breathless as the dinosaurs, and after getting out of the water to change the air several times, I discovered something. I slapped the dinosaurs with excitement on my face, and lamented that the design here is too fucking strong.

Gently activate the mechanism, a tall passage appeared in front of you, and the monsters hid in it without asking. After the mechanism was activated, the breath that rushed to the face made Dahai happy, feeling that he had found his lair.

The two entered, and the trap door was closed heavily. Looking at the night pearl above, Dahai really wanted to ask how rich the human beings were in the past. First, the base construction of Moxiao, and then the buildings at the bottom of the lake. Each is stronger than the other.

"It seems that the crystals outside will contain special energy, and they all overflow from here." Dahai knelt down, picked up the water under his feet, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and said to the dinosaur.

The dinosaur nodded in approval. Looking at this underground building, the passage alone is tens of feet high and at least forty feet wide. Is this an exit or what?Why was it built at the bottom of the lake?

Dinosaurs thought of the submarine civilization that appeared on the earth. Couldn't humans live in this snowfield before?And they also have their own national cities, but later natural and man-made disasters and crustal movements wiped out all civilizations.

Just as the dinosaur was about to speak, it sensed the danger coming, and immediately put on a fighting stance. Even if the sea opened the water in its hand, it pulled out the sword at its waist, stared at the charging monster, and frowned.

"This is not the one shot by my mother," Dahai recognized at a glance, and asked suspiciously, "How many monsters are there?"

Dinosaur also wanted to know this question, but he knew that no one could give him an answer. What he had to do now was to fight, no matter how many monsters there were, he just wanted to kill them one by one.

The roar of wild beasts kept echoing in the space, the sea and the dinosaurs had rushed to kill, it was really a narrow battle, the brave wins, don't say anything at this time, just put the enemy down first.

Every punch of the dinosaur carried the power of destruction, and every sword of the sea would set off a cloud of blood, and the cry of the monster was even more shrill, as if it was sending out a signal for help.

"Not good, he's calling out to his kind, quickly deal with it." The dinosaur shouted, it's not that the dinosaur didn't want to show coercion, it's because everyone's strength is equal, and the monster can't subdue him if they use it.

In order not to embarrass himself, the dinosaur will not do useless work. The truth comes out of his fists. To defeat these monsters, he is the king here.

Dahai responded and attacked more fiercely. If dinosaurs had a thick layer of skin, Dahai was protected by fairy clothes and armor.

Qin Zixuan rested his chin and stared at the lake in a daze. The sea and the dinosaurs had been down for a long time, but they hadn't come up yet, which made Qin Zixuan very worried.

After turning around several times, Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han and said, "Protect me down, I don't feel relieved if I don't see them safe."

Li Han hesitated for a while, looking at the time, it has been going down for a few hours, the sea would come up to take a breath before, but now it won't even take a breath, could something be wrong?

Thinking of this, Li Han panicked for a while, looked at Donghuang Taiye and said: "Senior, I will leave it to you to sit here, and I will take my husband down to have a look."

Donghuang Taiye's eyes widened in shock at the words, Dahai made it very clear that he asked Qin Zixuan to wait up there, and who would bear it in case of danger going down?

Don't look at Dahai who doesn't usually get angry, but Donghuang Taiye knows what Dahai's Nilin is, that is, his family, whoever touches his family will kill him.

"No, if you want to go down to check, the old man goes down." Donghuang Taiye rolled up his sleeves and said.

"You can't, you don't have the good luck I have. If something happens, you won't be able to play a big role, so you'd better wait on it." Qin Zixuan said nothing good, and specifically attacked others.

Donghuang Taiye lost his temper after being hit. There was no way for every fortune teller to say that Qin Zixuan had great luck. The most lucky person in the world was Qin Zixuan, followed by Dahai.

I think back when the four major families were looking for a partner, they had to calculate a lot, otherwise they would be stupid to cooperate with a king Cheng who has no power.

"No, the leader said you can't let you take risks." Donghuang Taiye objected, but he lacked confidence.

"Don't listen to him, I'm his father, he has to listen to me." Qin Zixuan put on his hips and put on an unreasonable expression, Donghuang Taiye was speechless, what's so great about me, even his son can't beat him.

"Senior, let's protect the prince and go down together." Jiang Sheng said, he came with the team, but it didn't seem to have any effect. He would like to find an opportunity to show a little bit. .

"Are you good at water? It takes 10 minutes to get down to the bottom of the lake." Donghuang Taiye said that he was not hitting people, he was telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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