Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1615 The Treasure House

Chapter 1615 The Treasure House
Whose stone elephant is this?Question marks appeared in front of Qin Zixuan and the others' foreheads. Looking at the stone statue, Qin Zixuan thought of the Leshan Giant Buddha. The size of this stone statue is comparable to that of the Giant Buddha.

As for whose stone elephant it was, Qin Zixuan didn't know. His eyes looked at Li Han. Li Han shrugged. Her knowledge was limited, and she didn't know much.

Qin Zixuan's eyes turned to Dahai again, Dahai was also confused, he really didn't know this.Facing such a statue, none of them knew each other, which was a bit embarrassing.

Qin Zixuan patted the statue for several times, but couldn't think of a good way, so he said, "Let's go to another place to look, maybe we will find something."

Hai Hai and the others nodded. That was indeed the case. Standing in front of the statue, they didn't even notice it. They didn't even know who the statue was. What can they expect to find? Of course, they must find a place with good geomantic omen to hunt for treasures.

Well, the word feng shui has been recognized by everyone. Dahai and Dinosaur agree that Qin Zixuan is the spokesperson of feng shui. Before Qin Zixuan appeared, they had been fighting monsters.

After Qin Zixuan appeared, he didn't find a single monster. This is not normal, and it must be related to Feng Shui luck. Qin Zixuan himself didn't feel anything, and began to look at the stone house.

After scanning for a week, Qin Zixuan said: "I feel that there should be a mechanism here, everyone look for it."

"Brother, it's not a feeling, it's a real mechanism." The dinosaur said, and his eyes also scanned for a week. This stone house only has a statue and an altar in the center, which is somewhat similar to the ancient main hall.

It's just that the main hall is too tall. Generally, there are two rooms on both sides of the main hall. Dinosaurs knock on the stone wall from time to time, looking for the legendary mechanism.

Qin Zixuan laughed when he heard the words, and searched around with his eyes wide open. Behind Qin Zixuan stood Gu Yuerong and the others. They were not inspection agencies, but silently guarded to protect Qin Zixuan.

Li Han hugged Qin Zixuan's arm step by step, like a follower, and did not intend to participate in the search for the mechanism. From this point alone, you will find that the atmosphere here is a bit weird.

In the midst of it, Qin Zixuan didn't notice it at all, and occasionally he would tease Li Han, and received Li Han's enthusiastic response, if it wasn't for Da Hai, he probably couldn't escape a passionate wolf kiss.

After checking the four walls, but found nothing, Qin Zixuan went back to the altar, tilted his head to look at it for a moment, then turned the incense burner on the table slightly, but it didn't respond clockwise, so he turned it counterclockwise.

This turn was impossible, there was a click sound in his ears, Qin Zixuan heard the prestige and looked around, and saw a small door appearing next to the stone statue, saying it was a small door was a relative term.

Compared with the tall stone statues, it was really too small, but compared with the height of Qin Zixuan and the others, it was still considered tall, a full one foot five feet high.

The two rooms in the east and the west did not appear in the imagination, but a stone gate appeared. The dinosaur and the sea looked at each other, and the two came to the stone gate first.

Qin Zixuan also saw the scene inside and couldn't help but click his tongue. He is also a well-informed person, and he didn't expect that there really is such a rich land in the world.

The dinosaur entered first, followed by the sea, and then Qin Zixuan and Li Han entered side by side. Pearls the size of eggs were randomly thrown on the ground.

"This, this can't be a treasure house, right?" Gu Yuerong asked with a trembling voice, and pinched himself fiercely. He always thought that the Gu Yue family had a great fortune and many treasures, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

Qin Zixuan was drooling while holding the jewels. He had never seen jewels before, but he had never seen them in such a large size. Every piece could be regarded as a family heirloom.

Thinking that a ruby ​​with the size of a fingernail in the previous life could be sold for a sky-high price, how much should I sell for a ruby ​​with the size of a bowl?Qin Zixuan confidently gave a priceless label. It was the first time he saw such a big gem after traveling all over the world.

Li Han squatted beside Qin Zixuan, drooling, and said with a smile, "Do you like it? It's all yours."

Well, these words are quite arrogant, as long as you like it, you can occupy it. When you speak, you don't look guilty at all. Gu Yuerong touched his nose, really wanting to ask for a collection, but worried about being held by Li Han's neck to practice.

Forget it, I'd better go back and ask my brother-in-law in private, brother-in-law is generous, as long as I really like it, brother-in-law will definitely give me one, Gu Yuerong thought so, and retracted her claws.

Dahai and Dinosaur are rummaging through boxes and cabinets. What they fancy is different from Qin Zixuan. Dinosaur knows that Dahai is looking for medicinal materials, so he is very cooperative. He also hopes that Dahai can develop good medicine to improve his strength.

If one day in the future he builds a spaceship rocket, he can also go out for a while. By then, he will be strong and will not be bullied anywhere.

It has to be said that the dinosaur is a monster with ideals, and the ideals are lofty, and it will not be affected by gold and silver vulgar objects, but Qin Zixuan is obviously easily influenced.

"I like all of these, pack them all up and take them away, haha, I've made a fortune this trip." Qin Zixuan's slightly obscene voice sounded in the treasure house, Hai Hai picked his nose, his father was really too easy to be satisfied.

Without further ado, Li Han directed Gu Yuerong and the others to take out the snakeskin bags containing jewelry, yes, they carried several bags with them when they went into the water, Gu Yuerong cheerfully took over the task and started to get busy.

Dahai turned out a parchment scroll, which was written with incomprehensible ancient characters, and couldn't help but shouted, "Father, Uncle Long, come and see what is written on it."

Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur immediately approached the sea, accompanied by Li Han, well, Li Han is Qin Zixuan's personal bodyguard, so naturally he followed closely.

"What kind of talisman is this?" Dinosaur glanced at it, but didn't recognize a word. Qin Zixuan took it and shook the parchment, his eyes widened.

"This word is so familiar." Qin Zixuan shouted, Dahai stared at Qin Zixuan closely, wondering if his omnipotent father could recognize these words.

"What's that word?" asked the dinosaur.

Qin Zixuan patted his head, and suddenly shouted excitedly: "I remembered, this is an ancient Greek text."

What?Dinosaurs are dumbfounded, ancient Greek text, is there any mistake, what does this have to do with Greece?Or ancient Greece, dinosaurs knew that there was a Greek civilization on the earth, is this related to that period?

"What's written on it?" Dinosaur asked, with anticipation flashing in his eyes, is this continent really related to the earth?Or is it that there are other traversers appearing here, and they are still very powerful characters.

"I don't know." Qin Zixuan blinked. He only recognized the ancient Greek characters, and he didn't say that he knew the content. After all, he didn't major in this field when he was in school.

(End of this chapter)

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