Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1625 Angry

Chapter 1625 Angry
The dinosaur clenched its fists and smiled evilly. Pointing at Chengqian, he said, "Where are you breaking the sky sect? See if I can't destroy you."

Cheng Qian's body trembled a few times, and he looked at the old man. The old man would lose his temper after being rubbed against him. He just wanted to react when he received Cheng Qian's gaze, but he didn't expect a big hand to appear on his face again.

The dinosaur's attack again made Cheng Qian understand a truth. In the past, they looked down on Qin Zixuan and his group, but now the feng shui has changed, and it has been replaced by people looking down on them.

"The Potian Sect is at the foot of the Upside Down Mountain in the Southern Continent." Cheng Qian replied in a low voice, not daring to look at the old Taoist, he felt that the old Taoist now had the intention of destroying him.

Chengqian's honest cooperation really annoyed the old man, even if he confessed, he could have a choice, but Chengqian, the second idiot, actually told the truth.

He also confessed his old background, so can breaking Tianzong escape?The old Taoist didn't know what to do, he was really afraid of Qin Zixuan, the god-given darling.

Dahai stroked his chin, and took out a letter from his bosom. This was a letter from Huang He. The content of the letter was the information about the reversed mountain, and he also filed a complaint.

Huang He told Dahai that the Shadow Clan was too cowardly to let him investigate the truth of the reverse mountain, and even grounded him in the Shadow Clan. At that time, Dahai felt that the Shadow Clan was too cautious and exaggerated.

Now Dahai has to admit that he is really grateful for the cautiousness and exaggeration of the Shadow Clan. With Huang He's half-strength, it is really not enough to meet someone who is strong in the sky-shattering realm.

Alas, every big family that has been passed down for thousands of years must have a reason for their inheritance. The background of the Shadow Clan is indeed good. Although they don't know the truth about the inverted mountain, they know how to avoid danger.

"The Reversing Mountain was made of white bones?" Dahai silently put away the letter and asked again.

Cheng Qian's body trembled again, he didn't dare to answer this question, feeling that if he answered, he would definitely be beaten to death by the two people in front of him.

"I, I have answered so many questions, you, why don't you ask the old man, he is a fortune teller." Cheng Qian asked in a tearful voice, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Dahai was actually a little embarrassed when he asked this question, so he withdrew his soft sword. He really couldn't stare at a soft persimmon and pinch it, it would look very rude.

Feeling the sharp blade on his neck disappear, Cheng Qian let out a long breath, and collapsed on the ground without breath, just now he wandered around the gate of hell.

"Old Daoist, now you can answer my question, or else, hehe, I will send you to hell." Dahai laughed sinisterly, and the old Daoist was creepy.

Dinosaur was sitting next to him, ready to rub against the two of them at any time, and at the same time, he had a huge wave in his heart. Fortunately, he met Qin Zixuan and Dahai, otherwise, even if he was immortal, he might be caught by these people as a pet.

If life was like that, Dinosaur felt that he would want to die every day, but would not be able to die every day, and then live in this world sadly. The sadness can be imagined. Fortunately, he met Qin Zixuan.

The old man sat up and tidied up his attire, wanting to restore a little sanctimonious demeanor, but no matter how he cleaned it up, he couldn't restore that kind of demeanor.

"That's right, I'm a fortune teller, the most powerful fortune teller in the world." The old man sat up, and when he mentioned his profession, he looked proud, which made Dahai sneer.

"Answer the question!" The dinosaur reached out and pressed the old man's head, causing him to rub against the ground again. Damn it, you dare to show off in front of him, you want to die.

The sad old Taoist found out that he is now a scholar and meets a soldier. He can't explain why. He wanted to reason with the dinosaur, but the dinosaur told him with his fists what is called the strong and what is the law of the jungle.

Finally, the old Taoist recognized the reality and stopped showing off, and no longer took pride in being a fortune teller. In front of strength, he has no capital for arrogance, only capital for being abused, and that is his body.

"Inverted Mountain was indeed built by bones." The old man wanted to lie, but he saw Dahai make a gesture, and he knew that if he dared to lie, the half-witted fortune teller on the opposite side would be able to figure it out.

There is a reason why Dahai is only half-hearted in the eyes of the old Taoist. It is because Dahai has never been a teacher, nor has he studied hard. He just followed the Yellow River to listen.

Of course, Huayan and Gongliangyan met in Dahai Metropolis, especially after they fell in love with Qin Zixuan, they really passed on their housekeeping skills to Dahai and Huanghe, just for the two of them to help them.

The idea is very good, and Dahai and Huanghe really helped. If these two objected, Qin Zixuan would definitely not accept Gongliangyan and Huayan. After all, Qin Zixuan is a person who values ​​family affection, and he cannot make his son unhappy for his own selfish desires. .

Now, Dahai's half-baked level can still be calculated with his fingers. As soon as this gesture is made, the old man can see that if he dares to lie, he will definitely seek abuse by himself, and the big fist of the dinosaur will tell him what hell is.

"Who built it?" Dahai asked again, with murderous looks in his eyes from time to time, he didn't expect the warriors in Yanhuang Continent to be so mad, even the demon cultivators are not as crazy as them.

The Upside Down Mountain is so high, how many lives are needed to raise it?Dahai thought of this and suddenly found the meaning of coming to this world.

Perhaps there are too many lunatics in this world, so it is necessary for his father and son to appear to clean up these scum, and restore the Yanhuang Continent to a bright future.

"Yes, it was created by the members of the Breaking Heaven Sect." The old man lowered his head, not daring to look at Dahai, he saw murderous intent from Dahai's face.

"How many creatures are killed every year?" Dahai asked again.

"One hundred thousand." The old man dropped by in a low voice.

"Why?" Dahai asked, [-] a year, hehe, Dahai sneered, as expected, there is no good person, the same is true for the hidden door, and the same is true for the Potianmen.

The pursuit of longevity is not terrible, what is terrible is that these people are crazy, and that is really a major harm to this society.

The old man didn't speak, Dahai's soft sword appeared on Chengqian's neck, and he shouted, "Say it."

Cheng Qian was frightened to death, and a strong killing intent enveloped Cheng Qian. He really regretted why he was so greedy. It would be great if he just listened to the old way and left the Western Continent.

"I said, I said!" No matter how regretful he was, Cheng Qian still hurriedly replied, he was afraid that he would die if he spoke too slowly, "There is a formation on the reverse mountain, as long as we keep sending lives, we can accept it living under the reverse mountain To life, can delay death."

Hehe, Dahai sneered, and the dinosaur stared at the two old men and ground their teeth. He felt that his previous life was bad enough, but he didn't expect that compared with these scumbags, he was simply an angel, and this is the real villain.

For 38 people to live, [-] lives are sacrificed every year. Are their hearts made of stone?Could it be too ruthless, that is a fresh life!Dinosaurs who have received modern education really can't bear it. The world is crazy and sick!

(End of this chapter)

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