Chapter 1628
Huang He himself didn't know much, and neither did Master Ying and the others. They only knew that the place was terrifying, and the ancestors of the Ying family taught that they should not investigate and provoke it.

Facing Dahai’s inquiries at this time, they expressed that they were powerless to help. It’s not that they didn’t want to help, because their knowledge was limited. The owner of Ying even advised Dahai to think twice before acting, it was really scary there.

Dahai smiled back at the persuasion of the owner of the film family. Before the trip to the snow field, it was very scary for them, but now, Dahai expressed that he is not afraid, and the dinosaur alone can destroy them.

The strength of the dinosaurs is too high now, plus the thick skin of the dinosaurs, if you hit the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs will not feel it, but they can't block a punch from the dinosaurs.

You must know that even if Lao Dao and Cheng Qian teamed up, they couldn't hurt the dinosaur by half. The thickness of that guy's skin was unpredictable, and Hai Hai could only envy him for this.

"Brother, did you get any news, tell it." Huang He rolled his eyes, and he knew that Da Hai's trip had a deep meaning, and Huang He knew too well what kind of urine his elder brother was.

"Well, the situation about Reversing Mountain is even more powerful than you imagined. There are gathered the strongest fighters in Yanhuang Continent." Dahai said this, with a confident smile on his face again.

Yinglao and the others glanced at each other. They know more about their feelings than they do. They all say that the ignorant are fearless. Why are they afraid of ignorance?On the contrary, Dahai's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't take it to heart.

"Yellow River, you can't help with things there." The dinosaur said here, intending to let the Yellow River stay, but the words were intercepted by the sea.

"Uncle Long, the matter there needs to be dealt with by the Yellow River." Dahai interjected, seeing the puzzled dinosaur, Dahai explained: "The lineage of divine fortune-telling not only tells fortunes and looks at Fengshui, but also has the ability to transcend dead souls."

At this point, the dinosaur understood, and he also knew about the hidden door. At that time, Gong Liangyan stayed there for seven days and seven nights, until the bone fell deeply and the Yin energy dissipated, and then he finally closed his work.

However, Gong Liangyan also lost a lot of weight after completing the transgression, and the consumption was not ordinary. Compared with the situation in the reverse mountain, it is even worse.

"Chaodu, do you want me to cross over for those bones?" Huang He widened his eyes, saw Dahai nodding, his heart trembled, and asked, "Aren't those lives all human?"

"Not all of them, but 90.00% of them are human beings. You should take care of this transcendence. Prepare any items you need now. Don't be careless."

Dahai said and looked at Patriarch Ying, who quickly got up and clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Master, the Ying Clan will do their best to handle the items needed for Transcendence, and it will definitely not affect the work of Transcendence."

"That's the best. Let the Yellow River pass by when you are ready. We are waiting for him at Reversing Mountain."

After Dahai finished speaking, he got up and wanted to leave. Everyone in the Ying family got up quickly. They didn't expect Dahai to come and go in such a hurry. Is there such a hurry?
"Stay here, everyone. We'll have a few more drinks after we've dealt with that harmful thing." Dahai laughed, jumped onto the back of the roc and flew away from the dinosaur.

The things needed for Transcendence are listed on the list one by one, because I don't know how many undead there are on Reversing Mountain, the more things for Transcendence, the better, I just let Yingjia buy them with all his strength, and he is going to Reversing Mountain now.

Huang He is a ghost at heart, he wants to go to see how the sea fights earlier, but he didn't expect the owner of Ying to be even more ghostly, to catch Huang He and not let him leave, at least he must bring a batch of super crossing objects.

Master Ying also had careful thoughts in his heart. He thought that if Da Hai and the two were defeated, then he would take the Yellow River to flee for his life. In short, he couldn't charge up knowing that he was invincible, so it was better to go later.

No matter what Patriarch Ying had in mind, he really regarded the Yellow River as his own family to protect, even if Dahai knew Patriarch Ying's thoughts, he would not say anything.

Besides, Dahai and Dinosaur, sitting on the Dapeng, quickly came to the Reversing Mountain, hovered in the air for a while, and found the entrance where the two old Taoists met. The entrance was not the same place as the Yellow River found.

Dahai suspects that there are other exits here. After all, the gang of those who are afraid of death must be the same. The old man knew that he was going to die, but he only confessed to one entrance. The same is true for Chengqian.

Dahai tried his best but failed to pry their mouths open. He suspected that they only knew one way, so all he had to do now was to find a way.

The big roc flew very high, circled and flew up the reversed mountain, flew over the white clouds, and came to the top of the mountain, only to find that reversed mountain is different.

On the top of the inverted mountain, there is a flat river, as if seeing a white ash paving the ground. Perhaps the weathering is too severe, and a gust of wind can bring up a layer of dust.

Dapeng wailed from time to time, as if begging to leave, maybe it was the breath here that made Dapeng feel the danger.

Dahai and the dinosaur looked at each other, and the dinosaur raised his hand to inject a burst of energy into the body of the roc. The roc stopped whining and continued to fly on the top of the mountain.

The eyes of the two were always staring at the top of the mountain. On the top of this nearly [-] square meters, there is not even a single grass, let alone other birds.

"The breath here is wrong, I think there is knowledge here." Dahai whispered, and the dinosaur nodded. Although he didn't see anything, he instinctively felt threatened.

threaten?The dinosaur thought in his heart, what could be a threat to him?

Suddenly, Dahai took out a bunch of things that the dinosaurs didn't recognize from the space, and threw them on the top of the mountain seemingly randomly, but if you look closely, you will find that they are regular.

The dinosaur looked curiously and asked, "What is this?"

"This is the foundation of the formation. I feel that this place is not simple. I plan to set up a five-thunder formation." Dahai smiled, and killing intent flashed in his eyes from time to time. Not only the dinosaurs felt threatened, but so was the sea.

This kind of threat aroused Hai Hai's vigilance. The old Taoists and the others were just enjoying the big formation left by the predecessors. They definitely didn't know how to open and close the formation. They threw creatures on the mountain like puppets for Shouyuan.

This kind of behavior is too weird, more than [-] people need the lifespan of [-] living beings, isn't this too exaggerated?Anyway, the sea thinks it is exaggerated, so the upside-down mountain itself has a secret.

With Dahai's current strength, he still can't find out the truth thoroughly. If he can't find out, he doesn't need to investigate, and then destroy it directly. Anyway, Dahai doesn't bother to take a second look at this harmful thing.

For others, it may be possible to borrow life, but it is different in Dahai. From the first day he set foot in martial arts, he was not afraid of life and death, let alone borrowing other people's life.

The five thunder formation is one of Dahai's previous unique skills. It can destroy the enemy with the power of thunder. Since the top of the mountain poses a threat, it will destroy the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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