Chapter 1630

The sea and the dinosaurs fell to the ground freely, and fell in the air for about a stick of incense. Then there was a change in front of the eyes. The dark cave disappeared and was replaced by luxury.

An underground palace appeared in front of the eyes, with night pearls inlaid on it, jade paving underneath, and gold on the four walls. The pillars of the underground palace were made of cold iron, and various beast figures were carved on them.

There are ancient paintings on the wall, a guqin in front of the paintings, and a large bookshelf on one wall. It looks like a cultural person, but the desk is made of gold and jade, and the chair is made of strange animal bones.

Shengsheng changed this elegance, and none of the things placed in the underground palace were made of ordinary rocks, nor were they made of wood, and the last ones were made of meteorites.

The construction of the underground palace is extremely particular, with wind and water, it is definitely a geomantic treasure, but this geomantic treasure is shrouded in an impenetrable mist.

Dahai glanced around and the corners of his mouth twitched. It wasn't that Dahai maliciously speculated on others. Really, Dahai felt that the person who built the underground palace was an upstart, or an upstart who had never seen the world.

A real tycoon can't do this kind of thing, and he can't wait to put all his wealth on the bright side, so that the first words that others see him are: Lord, you are really rich!
The dinosaur looked around with staring eyes, and it took a long time before he uttered a sentence: "O sea, I think your mansion in the Eastern Continent is considered awesome, but I didn't expect it to be nothing compared to this place."

"Uncle Long, do you have a problem with your eyesight? Can this place be compared to the mansions in the Eastern Continent?" Dahai curled his lips, "Our mansion is full of fairy spirit, it's not like a rich man here, it's so vulgar."

"Well, you're right, it's really vulgar to the core." Dinosaur quite agrees, thinking about the mansions in the Eastern Continent, they are built according to Feng Shui, and they use the natural landscape as much as possible to maintain the truth and beauty of nature.

Even if it is a pavilion, it is still made of high-quality nanmu, with stone tables and benches inside, not looking for luxury, just looking for elegance, and the pursuit of different effects is very different.

"Da Hai, what to do with these vulgar things?" the dinosaur asked with a smile.

"Although they are all vulgar things, who would make my father like them, let's put them away." Dahai laughed, and the two guys moved into the ring while despising it, like bandits entering a village.

As long as they can be taken away, nothing will be spared. The movement here naturally alarmed Lao Zhuang and the others. They just woke up from a dream, and it was not so easy to fall asleep, after all, they slept too much.

"Who?" Lao Zhuang yelled loudly, and stood up from the warm jade. This sound woke up everyone else. Lao Hu suspected that Lao Zhuang did it on purpose. If he doesn't sleep, don't let others sleep. It's bad enough!
Hai Hai, who was moving the bookshelves into the space, heard the shout, and moved faster. He knew that the master here had been alarmed, and the time to do it was getting closer. Once a fight broke out, these vulgar things might not be able to keep them.

The idea of ​​the dinosaur is the same as that of the sea. The two guys are full of consciousness, and they don't know what it is or what it is useful for. They really accept what they see, and they would rather accept the mistake than let it go.

"Who are you?" Lao Hu and the others walked over from the warm jade, and seeing the empty underground palace, they were all in a bad mood. Those golden walls and splendid decorations disappeared, replaced by broken walls and ruins.

Well, the bastard dinosaur knocked down the floor of the house with brute force, and he is also strong, plus his hands can grow freely, that slap will be a piece.

Dahai smiled and looked at the people who came over, looked at the dinosaur and said, "Uncle Long, these mice are finally willing to show up."

"That's right, it's indeed a group of rats who only dare to nest at the bottom of the cave." The dinosaur smiled, sizing up the person with his eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth, and said to the sea: "Nephew, you watch the battle from the side, and see how uncle is playing with rat abuse. "

"Okay." Dahai applauded, cheering for the dinosaurs, not taking credit.

"Bold, who are you guys?" Lao Zhuang covered his heart with his hands, his heart palpitating, he felt a powerful force surging from the dinosaur, as if he was no match.

"Kill your people!" Dinosaur sneered, and the grievances surged again. He felt the deep malice from the sky. He was obviously not that bad. Why did he treat him like this? He turned into a monster through transmigration, but these people Live well.

The best way to break the imbalance is to kill the person who brought him the imbalance, so the dinosaur started first and attacked Lao Hu and the others, with strong wind blowing from his fist, and the air was brought out of the black hole by the wind of his fist.

Knowing the strength with one punch, the expressions of Lao Hu and the others changed drastically, and they shouted: "Old brothers, the enemy is attacking, a strong enemy is coming, get up and fight."

This voice made a group of people who were lying on the warm jade and cursing Lao Zhuang jump up, a strong enemy is coming, what does this mean?They don't know, but they just can't figure out where the strong enemy comes from?They are already the most powerful people in the world.

No matter what, they didn't continue to lie down. They knew that Lao Hu was not just talking nonsense. There must be strong people coming to provoke or grab the territory, but no one can take away their territory.

A group of people ran over with a huff, and when they saw the dinosaurs fighting fiercely, someone shouted, "Is that a human?"

"No, it's really ugly, how can it look like a human?"

"That's a monster. Look at his skin. Where did this monster come from?"

The chattering voices made the dinosaur annoyed. Although he accepted his fate, it didn't mean that he could let others discuss his appearance, that's not allowed.

Dahai observed the people with his hands behind his back, and heard their comments, Dahai burned incense for them. If the previous two punches could kill them, the next one would be a hundred punches.

If you don't torture these old guys who can't speak to death, the dinosaurs won't be relieved.

During the battle, the dinosaur saw that Dahai wanted to do something, and immediately shouted: "Don't do anything, leave it to me, you, you empty this place."

Good guy, the anger of the dinosaur has already burned, and the sea will naturally not go against the meaning of the dinosaur, and immediately shouted: "Uncle Long, it's almost enough."

Dahai was not worried about the dinosaur being beaten to death, and left with graceful steps, and continued to search the underground palace. Someone saw that he wanted to stop Dahai, but was grabbed by the big hand of the dinosaur and beat him.

Dahai searched while collecting the treasures, and soon came to Nuanyu, and a voice full of temptation appeared in his mind.

"Little guy, do you want to live forever? Come on, lie down on the warm jade and sleep, it will make you live forever!"

Dahai's eyes looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, but unfortunately he couldn't find it. His eyes finally fell on the warm jade. Looking at the green life slowly moving on the warm jade, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't lie down on the warm jade, but circled along the warm jade to see what kind of heaven-defying array was laid here, it was so overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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