Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1653 Arrival

Chapter 1653 Arrival
After arranging the affairs of Xinxiangyuan, Qin Zixuan and his party stayed with the family for another two days, and then left in Dapeng. This time, there was no maidservant Xiao Si leaving in groups, and they left in a streamlined style.

Only Lin Xi and the little cook were brought along, and the others were saint masters and above, and the weak did not need to follow. Qin Zixuan's traveling team changed silently.

All the way without a word, I flew across the vast sea, crossed the iceberg, and came to the sky above Bingyan Island. The scenery below was extremely white, and the flames and glaciers matched each other beautifully.

Dahai reminded everyone to take precautions, and landed first with the dinosaur, followed by Qin Zixuan and others.

Before they landed on the ground, Gong Sheng noticed that an outsider had broken in, and immediately became vigilant, and rushed out of the ancestral hall with the strong members of the clan. Gong Sheng was now very angry, and a fire was burning in his heart.

Gong Xu was caught and returned, but after searching all over the country, he found that more clansmen were missing, and Gong Wei and Gong Linghua were gone, no need to ask them, they must have escaped.

I thought I would get Gong Xu back and get married straight away, but now it's good, the bridegroom is back and the bride is gone, this marriage is a fart, Gong Sheng feels that he is a joke, and no one in love agrees with this marriage.

Thinking of Gong Wei, Gong Sheng gritted his teeth with hatred, regretting that he didn't slap him to death at the beginning, a guy who usually behaved so honest, turned bad without borders, was too bad, and ruined his trust.

"Who?" Gong Sheng looked at the group of intruders, exuding a powerful murderous aura.

"We are good people." Qin Zixuan replied, this guy is a little out of shape, attracted by the iceberg and sea of ​​fire in front of him, it is really half iceberg and half sea of ​​fire in the legend, the beauty is breathtaking.

Gong Sheng obviously didn't expect this answer, and the murderous aura on his body was even stronger. He clenched his fists and wanted to kill Qin Zixuan, but before he could take any action, a strong aura emanated from the dinosaur.

Um?Gong Sheng looked at the dinosaur, he didn't expect that there were also demigods in this group of people, what is the origin of the other party?Why come to Bingyan Island?The cautious Gong Sheng dared not act.

"Where's Gong Xu? We're here to see him." Dahai asked indifferently, his eyes still looking around, there are quite a lot of strong people here, the lowest is a master, of course, except for fools.

When Qu Chang heard that Gong Xu was mentioned, he couldn't help being nervous. Although he knew that he came to Bingyan Island to solve the troubles that Gong Xu might bring, he was still a little guilty. This is his territory.

Inside the ancestral hall, Gong Xu heard the sound of the sea, and immediately became anxious. He looked at the people guarding him and shouted, "Untie it for me, my friend is here."

The clansman gave Gong Xu a sideways look, and he didn't intend to do anything at all, so he untied it, treating him as a fool, he didn't want to be shot to death by the clan elders, and too many people in their Gong family died in order to chase the kid.

Some were frozen to death in the cold while escaping, some were shot to death by clan elders, and even some escaped. Well, he was envious of those who escaped, so he definitely would not help Gong Xu.

"Brother, I'm here!" Gong Xu shouted out regardless of embarrassment, his survival instinct was still very strong, he knew Da Hai would not let him go.

Gong Sheng didn't answer Hai Hai's question, nor did he pay attention to Gong Xu who was shouting inside, his eyes fixed on the dinosaur, and asked again: "Who are you?"

"We are Gong Xu's friends. As for him, please ask him to come out and meet him." Da Hai replied, his eyes glanced around, and he suddenly asked, "Are there just over 100 people in your Gong family?"

Dahai thought of what Gong Xu said, isn't there a few hundred people in the Bingyan Island Gong family?Are there too few people in front of them, or are they hiding in the cave and not coming out.

"How many of us are related to you?" Gong Sheng asked coldly, although he was afraid of dinosaurs, he had no good words to say.

Qin Zixuan stroked his chin and looked Gong Sheng up and down. He was very dissatisfied with Gong Sheng. He dared to hate his son. Who would not hate him.

"Old man, Gong Xu said that there are hundreds of people on Bingyan Island, most of them are idiots, right?" Qin Zixuan started to stab, and his short-tempered temper came up.

Li Han looked around, pointed to the icicle not far away and said, "Master, look, there are people in that icicle, I don't know if they froze to death, but there is not even a body collector."

This couple is worthy of being partners, and they cooperated very well in this round, and Gong Xu's voice came out again.

"Brother, come and save me."

Dahai was not in a hurry to save people, because Gong Sheng was going to explode with anger, he wanted to kill the one who couldn't speak, but when Gong Sheng moved, the dinosaur moved too, and both fists hit one place, the dinosaur didn't move, Gong Sheng backed away several steps.

He casually punched and decided, the dinosaur looked around, and said to Qin Zixuan, "Gong Xu didn't tell the truth, there are not hundreds of people on this island."

Qin Zixuan nodded, the words of the dinosaur are still worthy of trust, so he turned to Ling'er and said: "Silly girl, now that I have seen Bingyan Island, I understand that strangers' words cannot be trusted."

"He is not a stranger, he is a friend." Ling'er whispered back, her big eyes were still looking at the wonders of Bingyan Island, it was really beautiful.

Qin Zixuan was speechless, he didn't recruit his precious daughter, she taught her, she taught her, she taught her, what should she do if she just doesn't understand?She clearly intends to teach a swindler to come out, so why did she become a simple little girl.

I can't figure it out!Qin Zixuan held his forehead with helplessness.

"What are you doing here on the island?" Gong Sheng didn't start a fight, but started talking, if he couldn't win, he could only put it on the negotiating table.

"Gong Xu invited us here, you call that kid out, I have something to tell him."

Qin Zixuan said, the corners of his mouth twitched, he didn't know what the Nebula Beast had discovered, the bastard's joy couldn't be suppressed.

"Clan elder, why don't you call Xiao Xu out." Gong Lie finally spoke out, and he let go of his heart a little. His son's friend came, and he was still very strong. His son's life should not be in danger.

Gong Sheng's eyes fell on the dinosaur. After thinking for a while, he made a decision in his heart. In fact, he also wanted to know the outside world, and there was also a demigod outside. Gong Sheng wanted to ask if he had broken through the demigod.

So Gong Sheng softened and ordered someone to bring Gong Xu out. Anyway, a group of strong people are not afraid of the spooky weather here. Gong Sheng has no intention of inviting anyone into the cave, and Qin Zixuan has no intention of going in either.

They came to Gong Xu for a showdown, and they would fight if it was not good. If it was a bad fight, it would be difficult to fight in the cave, and it would be easier to escape if they couldn't fight because of the big scene outside.

Soon Gong Xu was brought out, Gong Xu's first sight fell on Ling'er, seeing Ling'er's eyes were red, but when he saw Ling'er and Qu Chang's holding hands, he became angry again .

Gong Xu felt something was wrong, as if the thing he was least willing to believe happened, a villain like Qu Chang dared to take advantage of the situation, it was too unreasonable.

Can't help shouting: "Qu Chang, let go of your dog's paw."

(End of this chapter)

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