Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1659 Awakening

Chapter 1659 Awakening
Regret being born as a human!These six words describe a woman's helplessness and pain, how much pain that woman endured before she realized this, and it hurts her heart.

If before, Gong Xu still couldn't figure out why his mother committed suicide, but now he understands that if Ling'er's experiences from his mother were applied to Ling'er, Gong Xu felt that he would be heartbroken to death.

So he didn't want to have a child with Linger, but now Gong Xu understands that he should let go, Linger is not his private property, seeing that Qu Chang treats Linger very well, maybe he can rest assured.

"Gong Xu, you are a good boy, I have always liked you very much, but I absolutely cannot give you any chance, because Linger is my sweetheart, my little padded jacket."

Qin Zixuan stared into Gong Xu's eyes, and said every word sonorously, "No matter how much I like you, once you do something to hurt Linger, I will definitely kill you, understand?"

"Understood, Ling'er has so many people who love her, so she will definitely live a very happy life," Gong Xu paused, feeling so distressed that he couldn't attract her, he still expressed his opinion to Qin Zixuan.

"I won't have unreasonable thoughts about Ling'er anymore. I hope that I can watch her happiness from afar. As long as she is happy, I will never disturb her life."

Gong Xu couldn't continue talking so much, he lowered his head again.

Qin Zixuan sighed, looked at Linger who was a little silly, stretched out his hand to touch Linger's head, such a silly child should not be pampered, how could he be willing to see her get hurt.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I will take good care of Linger and never let Linger suffer any grievances." Qu Chang hurriedly expressed, holding Linger's hand tightly, with firm eyes.

"I believe in you. If you dare to let Ling'er get hurt, I will definitely not let you go." Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth, looking at Ling'er a little sad, this child is also suffering.

After his birth, it was the most difficult period for Cheng Wangfu. The emperor's speculation and suppression forced him to let Ling'er go away to avoid disasters and pursue his own opportunities.

Gong Xu took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, wiped away the tears from his face, looked at Qin Zixuan and asked, "My lord, is there any chance of saving the Gong family's current situation?"

Qin Zixuan and Dinosaur looked at each other, looked at Gong Xu and said, "The offspring of brother-sister marriage have a 1/8000 risk of getting sick, and this is the first generation. Do you know how many generations your Gong family has been passed down to today? ?”

Gong Xu shook his head, Qin Zixuan continued to sigh, and asked: "What is the probability that your Gong family will have a fool?"

"Oh, it should be four out of five." Gong Xu thinks about the situation in his own family, and then thinks about the situation in other families. The probability of giving birth to a fool and a disabled person is too high, so high that it makes people feel numb. , It's not normal not to be a fool.

"Then why haven't we seen many?" Li Han asked from the side.

"Some of them died shortly after birth, some of them were digging mines with a little bit of intelligence, and some died in the cold, the chance of surviving is very low." Gong Xu lowered his head, feeling ashamed to look at others.

Qin Zixuan shook his head, and discussed with the dinosaur in a low voice. According to the current situation of the Gong family, he didn't know how many generations of intermarriage, and the blood would have rotted long ago.

"Gong Xu, your family's situation is really bad." Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Xu who was waiting for his fate to be pronounced, and Gong Xu's body froze there.

"Gong Xu, even if you ban recent marriages from now on, there will still be fools among your children in the future, but it will be much better than the current situation. It may take several generations to gradually improve, and the family Will leave the chance of being a fool."

The meaning in Qin Zixuan's words clearly told Gong Xu that it is unrealistic not to give birth to fools at all, and this hidden danger will always exist with the existence of the Gong family.

After hearing this, Gong Xu's face was very ugly. It seemed that there was no other way, he could only nod his head in resignation, but one thing is for sure, the Gong family must make changes, and they will no longer be able to marry close relatives.

If you want to make a change, it is imperative for the Gong family to be born, and it is impossible to stay on Bingyan Island to fend for yourself.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and looked at Gong Xu and asked, "Why didn't dinosaurs kill your Gong family and anger you?"

This question is also the doubt of the dinosaurs. They always think that the Gong family is holding back a big move, but it doesn't look like it.

"That old exorcist should have died a long time ago. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have been torn to pieces!" Gong Xu said angrily. Seeing that everyone didn't understand, he told what Gong Sheng had done.

That's really bullying men and women and doing a lot of evil. Although he is capable, he really didn't bring any good things to the Gong family, but it hurt many people. Whoever's daughter-in-law is fancy can be dragged to the bed immediately.

See who is not pleasing to the eye, slap him to death, the Gong family has a great relationship with Gong Sheng, many couples in the Gong family were broken up by Gong Sheng, his children are dead, and other people's children don't want to be at ease.

Gong Sheng is a big mountain pressing on top of the Gong family, but this big mountain still has the reputation of "I am doing it for you", which is really disgusting.

Gong Sheng's death did not anger the Gong family, but many Gong family secretly thanked the dinosaur and avenged their family.

After knowing the truth, Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb and said, "It's a talent to live to the point where everyone hates it."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was immediately happy, and the atmosphere became more relaxed. Qin Zixuan asked again: "Gong Xu, why did your family leave such perverted ancestral teachings, and who left them?"

Gong Xu shook his head and told Qin Zixuan that he didn't know either, but he was looking for the reason. He probably found the answer after looking through the palace family's classics. Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, hoping to find the reason.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and said: "I think it's not easy for someone to leave behind this ancestral teaching. He must hate your palace family to the bone and wish for your palace family to perish, but he didn't do anything directly, but let you live in a little bit of pain. perish."

This statement was deeply recognized by the dinosaurs, and it caused a family to perish through intermarriage, causing pain and guilt one after another. If the other party did not hate the Gong family, they would not believe it if they killed the dinosaurs.

It is precisely because of this that everyone became curious about the ancestors of the Gong family. As for whether there are any gods in the Gong family, Qin Zixuan does not doubt that there must be none.

Gong Xu sent blessings to Ling'er and Qu Chang. He suddenly found an important job, that is to lead the Gong family to a new life. Personal happiness in this life is not important, what is important is that the Gong family cannot really perish.

After unraveling his knot, Gong Xu bowed deeply to Qin Zixuan before leaving. He could feel the deep kindness from Qin Zixuan, so he couldn't hurt Ling'er even more.

(End of this chapter)

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