Chapter 1683
After the rest, everyone took a telescope to observe the surrounding environment to see if there was any Dihuang Grass or other spiritual herbs they needed.

Mu Qingyi looked at the telescope with envy, and had to say that the telescope is a good thing, it can see things far away, of course the telescope is not a clairvoyance, it cannot see through clouds and fog.

If the binoculars could see through the clouds, Mu Qingyi would probably have the idea of ​​robbing.

After looking around but not seeing anything good, Qin Zixuan waved his hand and went down the mountain. Of course, he didn't go back the way he came, but continued to move forward.Making such a rash decision, Mu Qingyi was about to kneel.

The birth of the holy decree is approaching day by day, these people, alas, Mu Qingyi doubts whether the news that she secretly made the holy decree is correct, if these people don't look back, then wouldn't she really have no chance with the holy decree?

Bai Jing took Wang Rui's hand and walked beside Mu Qingyi, her brows raised slightly, she found that Mu Qingyi's expression was very exciting, who would have thought that so much richness could be hidden under the cold appearance.

When going down the mountain, Qin Zixuan pointed to the sword-like cliff and asked, "What is that thing?"

Dahai and the others looked in the direction Qin Zixuan was pointing at, and the dinosaur replied first, "Brother, that thing is fruit, don't you even know fruit? Wow, I'm worried about your IQ."

Pfft, everyone burst out laughing, thought this was interesting, and felt a little sympathetic to Qin Zixuan, the dinosaur god has a strange brain circuit.

"You are really my brother. I guess our IQ is connected. Do you know what kind of fruit that is?" Qin Zixuan asked back, words like IQ connection can pop up.

Well, hehe, the dinosaur laughed. The dinosaur said he didn't know the fruit. He had limited knowledge, and the inheritance of the original owner was not omnipotent. Some fruits knew it, and some didn't.

On the other hand, Dahai twitched his eyebrows when he saw it, and said with a smile, "That's Feng Lingguo. Taking one can increase your strength by one level, and there are no side effects."

Um?As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes were on fire, and they felt that their saliva was out of control. Of course, what made everyone desperate was that there were only three of this kind of fruit, so it was destined that most people could not take it.

The three don't need to be asked to know who they are assigned to. They must be the three of the sea dinosaur Qin Zixuan. They are following the soy sauce drops, and this kind of heaven-defying treasure has no chance for them.

Mu Qingyi touched her nose to express that she wanted to eat it too, and even glanced at the crowd, hoping that the team would cause internal strife. If they fought internally, they might be able to fish in troubled waters.

What disappointed Mu Qingyi was that there was no sign of chaos among these people, and there was not even a dispute. The dinosaur took the initiative to pick the fruit, but these people believed him and were not afraid of him taking it all.

Of course, what puzzled Mu Qingyi the most was that not only did the dinosaur not eat all the fruits, but he also gave all three fruits to Dahai, and returned to Qin Zixuan to show off the white fox he hunted.

That is, the beast guarding Feng Lingguo is a white fox that has grown eight tails, and the dinosaur is discussing with Qin Zixuan whether to braise it or boil it.

The white fox who was caught by the dinosaur looked at the two pitifully with tears in his eyes, squeaked in his mouth, and wanted to eat it even after stealing its fruit. The white fox said that heaven would not allow it.

If it was Gong Liangyan and his daughters who followed Qin Zixuan this time, they might hug the white fox and call it so cute, and then beg to keep it. Unfortunately, this time it was Li Han and Gu Yueru. These two had no feelings for the white fox and did not plead for mercy at all. the meaning of.

Mu Qingyi opened her mouth to ask for it, but Bai Jing spoke first, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "My lord, this white fox is very cute, take it back to keep Meng'er company."

"Well, that's a good idea, but are you sure you didn't take the white fox back to take revenge on Meng'er?" Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, a white fox with eight tails, what if it hurts Meng'er?
It is indeed possible that Bai Jing was choked. After all, they robbed the white fox of the fruit and took away the white fox's freedom.

The dinosaur was moved by hearing this, flicked the white fox's head, and said with a smile: "Leave this matter to me, to ensure that it will not hurt Meng'er and be loyal to Meng'er."

The white fox cried again, this is the rhythm of taking it away, so I asked the master if he could negotiate with him and ask him to let him go.

Seeing that the dinosaur was full of confidence, Qin Zixuan agreed without further ado, and the white fox's eyes became even more sad. This is a major event related to its life, so don't we need to discuss it with it?

Fortunately, there is no braised or boiled water. It seems to have escaped with its life. The white fox hangs its head, but still can't help but feel sad, its freedom.

Dahai squeezed the fruit and said, "Uncle Long, how about I give you one, and then give one to my mother."

The dinosaur waved his hands and said, "Don't tell me, you can take it, I can use other things instead."

Dahai understood the meaning of the dinosaur's words. Dinosaurs can take natural essence directly, but they can't. Although Feng Lingguo can improve the strength of the first level, it can also have this effect if taken with more natural essence.

However, Jingyuan Pill does not have this effect. If you take too much medicine, the effect will be greatly reduced. Although some things are refined into pills, the effect will be doubled, but the effect of some things will be reduced. This is nothing to do.

So the three phoenix fruit were given to Dahai, Li Han and Gu Yueru respectively, so that the three of them could improve their strength. Qin Zixuan and the others sat in meditation on the mountainside to protect the three of them, and Mu Qingyi's eyes were straightened.

Can the distribution of fruits be so simple and crude?Don't you need to consider other people's ideas?My God, do you want to be so capricious?Mu Qingyi really couldn't see through this group of people.

Bai Jing sat next to Mu Qingyi, looking at Mu Qingyi's expression, she wanted to laugh, she didn't worry about Feng Lingguo at all, their team needed strong players, and those three were obviously the best choice.

The method of taking Feng Lingguo is very simple, it is to take the refining, and then improve the strength, it is very simple, the most important thing is that it will not affect the foundation, this is the nobility of Lingguo.

Qin Zixuan rested his chin and chatted with the dinosaur, and he didn't care if Guo Guo didn't have his share. His current strength was so good, and he wouldn't be able to fight anyway.

"Brother, that woman has a secret." Dinosaur winked and pointed at Mu Qingyi from the corner of his eye.

"There must be a secret. If she doesn't tell us, let's pretend that we don't know about it. Anyway, the Ming people are not made of mud. Let them fight. We are here to find medicinal materials."

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows and smirked. The two brothers looked at each other and extended their thumbs. Then the dinosaur asked, "Where shall we go next?"

"Go down the mountain and go forward. I think there are still good things waiting for us." Qin Zixuan looked forward, the dinosaur nodded, and walked forward.

Even treasures like Feng Lingguo can be found. I don’t know what good things are waiting in front of me. Thinking about dinosaurs, my heart is very hot.

When the two were chatting, Hai Hai was the first to stop, his eyes opened and light burst out, like two shooting stars passing by, disappearing into the distance, Hai Hai blinked and returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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