Second-hand little prince

Chapter 397 Buy it

Chapter 397 Buy it
"Wow, Miss Yue is so awesome." Qin Zixuan's jaw almost dropped in shock, is this still human?Lin Xi also widened her eyes. A master is a master. Once a master makes a move, the world is in his hands. It is very understandable for ordinary people.

After envoy Lan fell down, the shadow guard began to shout: "Envoy Lan is dead, the Chu army is finished, kill!"

One person yelled without threat, but everyone yelled that way, and envoy Lan died in battle, Da Chu's will to fight instantly disintegrated, people would not leave without a head, birds would not fly without a head, and the remaining forces of Da Chu became a mess .

Those who were afraid of death even jumped out of the pass wall. They should leave Qinglong pass. There might be a way to survive if they leave. If they continue to fight, they will die.

Wow!Qin Zixuan looked dumbfounded holding the big knife, and asked weakly, is the wall very low?Lin Xi didn't know, it was his first time on the battlefield, how could he know how high Qinglong Pass was.

The shadow guard next to him knew it. They fought with the old prince in the north and south, and they knew all the walls of the parties. They immediately replied: "It's very high. If you jump down, you will probably die, but there are also people who are lucky. will die."

Oh, Qin Zixuan understands, luck is hard to say, such as jumping off a cliff, some people jumped off and died, some people jumped off and were caught by a big tree, some fell into an ancient cave and got windfall, and some people learned It's all luck to have a peerless magic skill.

Except for those who jumped off the wall, there were no survivors among the [-] Chu troops, and they were all wiped out!After recapturing Qinglongguan, the prince immediately arranged for people to stand guard and check and close the gate at the same time to see if Da Chu had tampered with it. This had to be guarded against.

Afterwards, I went to see the barracks, where half of the rooms were burned down, the granary was burned out, and the place where the forbidden soldiers lived became a problem, but Qin Zixuan couldn't help it, so he just asked someone to drill a hole in the ground, let's make up for two days first.

Wait until the army has rested, and then build a house. Anyway, as long as Qinglong is in hand, there is still a way to survive. Can a living person be suffocated to death by urine?Of course it's impossible.

The next work fell on the prince. With the advice of his adviser, he arranged the work one by one. Qin Zixuan had already entered the military tent, so he should sleep for a while.

Gu Yueru followed Qin Zixuan to beg for praise, Qin Zixuan originally wanted to go to bed early, but was so entangled that he couldn't help it, so he sat there and praised Gu Yueru for a while, and the praised Gu Yueru happily went to the inner tent to rest.

Qin Zixuan wiped off his cold sweat. He really didn't expect the nine-foot-tall Gu Yueru to have the mentality of a little girl who just likes to be praised. Qin Zixuan thought about Bai Jing's investigation of Gu Yueru. Qin Zixuan seriously suspected that as long as Gu Yueru If she boasted, she would really work hard for others for free.

This girl is so stupid and naive, she was able to survive in the rivers and lakes, her luck is not ordinary, Qin Zixuan shook his head and fell asleep, the overall situation has been decided, the rest of the matter can be left to the prince.

The prince was so busy that it was three shots before the sun, and then he finished his work, but a new problem came again. Cheng Qiu sent news, saying that the military rations had not been delivered, and the old foundation of Qiyun Pass was almost exhausted, and there was still a need To support [-] imperial troops, food has become a big problem.

The army is going to fight outside, so they can't have nothing to eat, so who is willing to sacrifice their lives?The prince had no choice but to write a letter to the emperor for help, asking him to urge the army to send the food quickly, and at the same time, the generals were called in to discuss countermeasures.

The prince understands that eggs cannot be put in one basket. Apart from asking the emperor for help, they have to find a way to save themselves. The group discussed for a while, and the more they discussed, the more they felt something was wrong. Finally, Tang Shiqiang asked weakly: "The deputy commander-in-chief has not yet up?"

ah!Everyone suddenly remembered that there was a deputy commander missing, no wonder something was wrong, but where did the deputy commander go?Why don't you come to the meeting? It's a big deal if you don't have military rations.

The prince hurriedly called his followers to call Qin Zixuan, seriously suspecting that Qin Zixuan hadn't woken up yet. It was true that Qin Zixuan hadn't woken up yet, but he woke up from hunger. He wanted to eat before he woke up. of.

Lin Xi was busy preparing food for him, and at the same time had to serve Qin Zixuan to wash up. It seemed that Qin Zixuan meant that he didn't intend to get up, and wanted to solve all the problems of eating in bed.

Hearing the crown prince calling him to discuss matters, Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and poked his head out. He really didn't want to wake up. When he asked what the problem was, Qin Zixuan lay on the bed and groaned, "If there is no food, I will buy it. Is the problem that money can solve is still a problem?"
What you said made the visitor speechless, and he was not short of money for the prince, but with so many mouths, how much money would it cost if he wanted to buy food to solve the problem?When they go out on an expedition, who would bring money with them? Basically, they put their wealth and property at home and confessed their future affairs.

They don't know if they are going to go home, so they will tell their family first. The money is naturally left at home for the writers. Anyway, the army is going to fight, and they eat the emperor's food. Now that Qin Zixuan said that, it seems quite right, and it seems that wrong.

I had to persuade Qin Zixuan to get up, everyone is waiting, and there are still Dachu's remnant enemies in the pass, we need to discuss the next march plan, Qin Zixuan thinks it is true, and the next march plan should be carefully planned.

The losses in this battle were too heavy, so try to reduce the losses as much as possible in the future. If there is no frontal outbreak, then sneak attack and ambush to make up for the losses in this battle. Thinking about the business, Qin Zixuan stopped moaning and got up from the bed.

After washing and eating, Qin Zixuan took a goose feather fan, wore a bearskin coat and a tiger fur coat, wrapped himself into a meat ball, and walked out of the military tent.

Gu Yueru followed behind, looking at what she was wearing, then at Qin Zixuan and Lala Linxi, and asked in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid of making the prince too hot?"

Lin Xi held the fire dragon gun, tugged at the corners of her mouth, and replied in a low voice: "I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that the prince will be frozen to death, and the prince is afraid of the cold."

Oh, Gu Yueru doesn't understand very well, do you have to wear so much because you are afraid of the cold?
The three of them entered the big tent, everyone's eyes were on Qin Zixuan, the crown prince invited Qin Zixuan to sit down, poured a cup of tea and put it in front of Qin Zixuan, and told about the rations.

Qin Zixuan scratched his head, didn't he say that before?Things that can be solved by money are nothing to worry about. Why did this issue come up again? He widened his eyes innocently and replied two words: "Buy it."

"No, no money." The prince blushed slightly. He was neither greedy nor corrupt, and he was not good at doing business like Qin Zixuan. But in the end, he will also give him some silver taels.

"No money? Oh, look for me." Qin Zixuan stood up and fumbled in the crotch of his trousers.
(End of this chapter)

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