Second-hand little prince

Chapter 808 Rescue

Chapter 808 Rescue
The sea was named the sea, but it was the first time I saw the vastness of the sea. Standing on the bow of the boat, I was very excited, jumping and shouting from time to time, why the jump was of course too short, Li Han stood beside Qin Zixuan, enjoying the sea breeze.

"This boat is so fast." Gu Yueru leaned on the strings of the boat and looked at the receding sea. She could feel the speed of the boat was very fast, many times faster than the boats she had been on before.

Seeing that no one is taking care of Dahai, Xiao Yan bent down and hugged Dahai in his arms. Dahai hugged Xiao Yan's neck and kissed him. Sister Xiao still loved him, unlike unscrupulous parents who only know how to show affection and don't treat him Seriously.

This time out to sea, the seven fairies also came. They had been waiting in Yujing for so long, and what they were waiting for was to go out to sea.

After Qin Zixuan left the capital, Yujing City fell into a commotion. The emperor began to cleanse the spies of Daqi and Dachu, and at the same time besieged and killed Meng Ziqing and his gang. The emperor knew the importance of Qin Zixuan too well. Once he was snatched away, the loss would be great.

In Qin Zixuan's shipyard, the price of the ship increased again. One ship was sold for 100 million taels of silver. This is the price increase Qin Zixuan confessed. Those people who want to track him must need a big ship. Qin Zixuan did not forget to make an extra fortune before going to sea.

The emperor couldn't laugh or cry when he received the news. That kid was getting more and more courageous. He knew that someone was tracking his whereabouts, but he even provided transportation. Does it sound like an exaggeration, but Qin Zixuan did it.

On the sea, Qin Zixuan was wearing a felt hat and sitting on the deck playing mahjong, with delicious wine and fruit placed beside him, Qin Zixuan hesitated for a while holding the cards in his hand, should he play it?This is a big problem, Qin Zixuan is worried that he will lose.

Under Qin Zixuan's hands, Dahai tapped the table with his small hands, with a wicked smile on his lips, and a stack of bank notes in front of him, he was in a great mood, and won a lot of money today.Sitting behind Dahai were Xiao Yan and his daughters, looking at Dahai's card and then at the hesitant Qin Zixuan, each of them covered their mouths and snickered.

When several people were fighting wits and courage, a signal flare suddenly erupted over the sea in the distance. The guard immediately reported to Qin Zixuan and Li Han after seeing the signal flare.

As soon as Li Han heard that it was the distress signal from Prince Cheng's Mansion, he immediately sent out the signal to respond, and then ordered the big ship to sail at full speed to the place of distress. Qin Zixuan also put away the mahjong in front of him, walked to the bow and looked into the distance.

On the vast sea, a great battle was taking place on a ship flying the flags of Daqin and Prince Cheng's Mansion. Red and white knives flashed alternately. From time to time, some people uttered painful screams, and the battle became fierce and desperate.

The soldiers on the ship were quite powerless looking at the enemies coming up continuously. At this desperate moment, someone shouted loudly: "Brothers, cheer up, our reinforcements will arrive soon."

This loud drink was like a dose of chicken blood. It turned out that the desperate soldiers began to get excited. Many people saw the response signal in the distance, indicating that their comrades in the distance were coming here. As long as they persevere, they will be fine. Get out of this sea alive.

Qin Zixuan held up the binoculars to observe the situation on the sea. The sentinel on the mast sent out the ship's branch earlier, pointing out a clear direction, and the big ship continued to accelerate forward with a humming sound.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the battle on the ship can already be seen. Li Han shouted to prepare for support. The soldiers behind him raised their rifles. The distance was getting closer and closer, and they had already entered the range of 500 meters. Li Han's gesture fell. , Gunshots rang out.

Those enemies who were boarding the big ship fell into the sea in response, one shot after another, the enemies fell into the water like dumplings, this movement naturally alarmed the two gangs on the ship who were desperately fighting.

"The general is here, the general is here, we are saved."

"Kill him, fuck them to death."


Excited roars sounded on the boat, and the exhausted soldiers were full of strength. They saw the hope of surviving, but the enemies who besieged the soldiers were stunned. Killing one's own partner was frightening.

This group of people must be devils, they must be sent by the envoys, they must run away quickly, or their lives will be lost, facing such a big killer as a rifle, they have no hope of winning.

From rushing onto the big boat to turning around and jumping to the small boat to escape, it took only a few breaths to make this decision. It is easier for them to compromise with reality as they live at sea.

The distance of 500 meters was quickly reached, and the sound of rifles was still ringing. Even if they escaped from the big ship, they would still have to attack in front of them.

Qin Zixuan was still observing the battle situation, admiring himself so much, no matter how good his martial arts was, he was talking about the immediate matter, no matter which famous mountains and rivers these people came from, which fairy seat they were cultivating under, if they met his long spear, Haha, down!

A group of people with no hope of escape put down their swords and knelt on the ground begging for mercy. They didn't know how to escape other than begging for mercy.

Li Han sent people to board the boat to escort them over, and at the same time sent people to board the big ship to inquire about the situation. Until now, Li Han didn't know which team was in danger.

"Thank you General for saving your life, thank you Prince for saving your life"

The rescued soldiers on the boat had already seen who was coming, but they didn't expect that besides the general, there would be princes accompanying them, and they all knelt down to salute. Qin Zixuan waved his hand and asked them to send a supervisor to answer, while the others rested and recuperated.

Not long after, Zhang Xiang rushed over from the boat and paid homage again. If the general and the prince hadn't arrived this time, his group would be dead. "Zhang Xiang, the shadow guard team leader of Prince Cheng's residence, will see the prince and the general."

"Excuse me, get up quickly." Qin Zixuan stretched out his hand to support Zhang Xiang, and then called the imperial doctor to examine Zhang Xiang, bandaged the wound, and then began to ask questions. It turned out that this ship was the frontline team checking the sea route, and they had been here all along. Sea View Terrain.

I don't want to alarm the aborigines on the island. These aboriginals are all good at fighting, and they are desperate to fight, bringing life danger to Zhang Xiang and his party. The signal light is just a last hope. I didn't expect to meet them. Prince and General.

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiang burst into tears with excitement. The iron-blooded man thought that he was going to be buried in the sea. people watch.

Zhang Xiang came to the conclusion that not only humans survive in this sea area, but also a group of powerful humans. There is an island two thousand miles away from here, which is also the base camp of this group of aborigines. The island is not small. , there is nothing on it that has not been found yet.

Qin Zixuan's heart was moved. Since there are humans and humans who can kung fu, it means that there are a group of civilized humans living on the island. I don't know how advanced their civilization is.

(End of this chapter)

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