Chapter 815
The gold mine was confirmed. On the second day, Qin Zixuan and his team brought the captives to the gold mine and asked them to mine. The supervisor was the old man who led the way. This made the old man very happy. He walked vigorously, unlike yesterday. dead air.

Hearing that the work is full, even the children called to come to work, but Qin Zixuan didn't let them follow, children accept new things quickly, Qin Zixuan asked them to learn Daqin dialect, and arranged for someone to instill in them the idea of ​​being loyal to Daqin .

After Dahai arrived, he found a clean place with good feng shui to lie down and continued his wretchedness. Qin Zixuan looked at Dahai's appearance, pointed at Dahai very firmly and said that his expression was wretched and perverted.

Li Han pinched his nose and agreed, even if he didn't agree with it in his heart, he still admitted that what Xianggong said made sense. hang around.

Gunshots came from the direction of the cottage, Qin Zixuan looked back and did not move, as long as the signal flares were not released, it proved that the enemy was not strong, and the soldiers who stayed behind could handle it, they made an appointment early, if they felt difficult, they would release the signal flares, don't wait until they run out of bullets Die and ask for help.

The cottage was attacked by a large number of people, but the group was frightened by the guns in the hands of the soldiers. The leaders who screamed the loudest fell into a pool of blood at this time, and the others were hiding behind trees and did not dare to rush forward.

Liang Qiu held a gun on the wall of the stronghold and looked coldly at the natives below. They haven't taken the initiative to attack, but this group of people is eager to come and die. It is estimated that the prince and the general will come back to attack these people after they are busy with the gold mine. After all, these are labor forces.

Babalu's voice sounded outside the village, it's the same everywhere, if you can't beat it, you start cursing, what does Babalu mean? direction to shoot.

Even though the man was hiding behind a tree, his face was covered with blood, and he shot down the tree with a single shot, and the debris splashed everywhere. Liangqiu stroked the rifle in his hand, with a confident smile on his face, this gun is good, or Follow the prince for fun.

"Brother Liang, do you want the brothers to go down and charge?" Zhang San asked.

"No, our task is to guard the stockade. Regardless of whether we win or lose, we will inevitably suffer damage. You don't know that the prince is kind. If the brothers die, the prince will be very sad. Do you have the heart to add trouble to the prince?"

Liangqiu asked with a straight face, everyone bowed their heads and didn't mention the incident, the prince is kind and they all know that, naturally they don't want to cause trouble for the prince, and if they are under the prince's hands, the prince will be sad if he really dies, saying The prince was soft-hearted, and his heart was completely moved.

"Then let's keep watch and let them blare for another two days." Zhang Sandao said, returning to his post.

The mining of the gold mine went smoothly. There were professionals to guide how to refine it. Qin Zixuan didn't need to intervene. He walked around with his hands behind his back, came to the sea and stretched his head to look at the sea with a smile on his face. Ran all the way to sleep on the rocks.

"Sir, let's go over there and have a look, the flowers there are so beautiful, can I pick one for you to wear?" Li Han pointed to the opposite hillside and said, Pfft, the sea couldn't help laughing, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, this bitch Started to go crazy again, lack of pumping.

"I'll wear it for you." Qin Zixuan replied with a dark face.

"Okay, I'll wear it." Li Han had a smirk on his face, knowing that he had said the wrong thing. Although my husband looks like a flower, he hates wearing makeup, and he is still very manly.

Seeing that the sea didn't show signs of getting up, Qin Zixuan and Li Han walked side by side. They should go to see the flowers. They can mess around with the sea. Anyway, as long as there are no accidents, the soldiers here will not let Dahai have any accidents.

"Why is there no vegetation growing there?" Gu Yueru walked up behind the two of them, and saw a three-meter-square area where there was no grass growing. It was quite strange. Qin Zixuan squinted his eyes and looked at it. Not only was there no growth, there was no life at all. No sign of it, not even a fly.

"That stone is different from the one next to it. It's crimson red and looks like blood. Could it be a flying stone?" Qin Zixuan thought of a meteorite, and the Yanhuang Continent is also called a flying stone. Remember, not all meteorites are good things, some are poisonous.

The piece in front of me is likely to be poisonous, because there is no living body on it, not only on the stone, but also around it. It can be seen that it is not an ordinary poison. Qin Zixuan dare not let Li Han take risks.

"How do you study it if you don't take a look?" Li Han turned his head with a question mark on his face, he didn't let him take a look, it was too strict.

"Let's find a professional to look at this thing. It's up to them to decide whether it's useful or not. You don't understand these things. Look at it." Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, and Li Han retreated to Qin Zixuan's side with a smile. What the husband said was right. Take a look.

No matter what the two of them thought, Gu Yueru looked around in circles, and of course did not get close. Seeing a goat passing by in the forest, Gu Yueru suddenly exerted strength and jumped at the goat, while Qin Zixuan and the two It is towards the flowers.

The azaleas all over the mountain were like a sea of ​​flames, red and alluring. Qin Zixuan pinched one and put it on Li Han's ear. He looked around and smiled. Li Han decided not to take it off.

Gu Yueru grabbed the goat, tied the four legs with a rope and lifted it, threw the goat onto the meteorite, looked at the goat's expression, and saw that the goat jumped as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and wanted to escape from here.

But soon the goat stopped moving, Qin Zixuan and Li Han also ran up to watch, staring at the boss, suddenly found something, that is, this stone can suck blood, the goat shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally left a piece of wool .

"What is that? Did you see his mouth?" Li Han asked.

Qin Zixuan shook his head, pulled Li Han and Gu Yueru back, afraid that this strange stone would suddenly jump up and hurt people, "Go away, don't look at it, this thing is too evil, maybe it's an animal instead of a stone."

"No mouth." Li Han said, animals must have mouths, that thing obviously has no mouth.

"It's true that it has no mouth and no tentacles. It's really a weird thing." Gu Yueru answered the words, and the three of them stepped back in unison, not daring to take any risks. They cherished their life only once.

Qin Zixuan asked himself well-informed, but he couldn't remember what kind of monster it was. When he returned to the valley, the sea had already sat up from the stone. The gold essence source here was not much, and he had already sucked it up, and he could break through after digesting it.

Seeing the three people come back with question marks on their faces, Dahai asked what happened. Qin Zixuan took the stone as an interesting story, and the soldiers around were all dumbfounded. Is there such a strange thing?They expressed disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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