Chapter 823
The enemy was destroyed, and a ship was also robbed. The three ships received the finished characters and rushed to the east coast. When they returned to the room, Qin Zixuan grabbed Li Han's ears and continued to spray. It's a big mistake, and the companionship on the lips is not the joy in the heart.

Xianggong is so angry because he cares about himself, how happy he is, Qin Zixuan's eyes hurt with that genuine smile.

"Smelly woman, do you know how precious your life is? Do you know that there are three children waiting for you at home? She is a fart for a foreign woman, is it worth your risk? Ah? Talk!"

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth looking at the smiling face, this time Qin Zixuan was really angry, if it wasn't for his sharp eyes, this bitch would have jumped into the sea, where would he go to find someone when the wind and waves were big, there is no such thing as a lifebuoy in this era.

Thinking of the life buoy, Qin Zixuan decided to study it after returning to the base, and put the life buoy together. Of course, the girl with a smiley face in front of him had to be trained well so that she knew where she made the mistake and could not make the same mistake again.

"It's not worth it, she's a fart, even if she runs away, it doesn't matter, if you hit her once, you can hit her a second time, hehe, I really know I was wrong." Li Han began to review his behavior, It seems a little risky, if he dies, wouldn't he never see his little husband again, bah, Li Han decided to live a long life, and he must stay with him for a lifetime and grow old together.

This is not land, jumping into the sea, no one knows what monsters are waiting for you under the sea, even if the opponent escapes by chance, it will not be too late to deal with them in the future, you should not chase the enemy with your life.

"Sister-in-law, dear husband-in-law, my favorite husband-in-law, I know I made a mistake, and I promise not to make the same mistake again in the future, don't be angry, okay, I will feel bad for my body when I am angry, it will hurt here, touch it, really it hurts"

Li Han grabbed Qin Zixuan's hand, Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth, this silly girl doesn't even know where her heart is.

Qin Zixuan grabbed a few handfuls, Li Han smiled like a flower, hugged Qin Zixuan and gnawed, it can be regarded as coaxing the hairy little husband, Li Han is in a good mood.

Dahai was held in Xiao Yan's arms, standing on the bow of the boat looking at the scenery, now his father was teaching his mother a lesson, Dahai was very sensible to give up space, and Dahai was also angry at his mother's adventures, so he didn't intend to go in and rescue his mother, so he just Let her be honestly trained.

"Do you think that woman is still alive?" Jia Nan kept looking at the sea. Their boat had already sailed a certain distance, but they still didn't see the woman's head exposed. If she died, shouldn't the body float out?Jia Nan suspected that the other party was still alive.

"She should be dead. No matter how good her water skills are, she will not be able to swim back to the shore. This is a vast sea, and as you can see, there are many eating merman in the sea." Xiao Yan's legs trembled when he thought of the blood on the sea.

Even with good skill, nine out of ten people will die if they fall into the sea. Only those who are extremely lucky can find that chance of survival. The horror of the sea is far beyond human comparison.

Dahai tilted his head and watched for a long time, but he did not find Meng Ziqing floating up. It seemed that he was dead. The people on board thought that Meng Ziqing was dead, and the chance of escaping from so many piranhas was small, and they didn't even look at it. When a battle broke out in the sea, most likely they didn't have time to struggle.

While discussing, everyone speculated that there was darkness in the distance, and it looked like a storm was about to come. Everyone returned to the room one after another. Dahai will follow Xiao Yan back to the room now, and he will not disturb his parents tonight.

No one on the boat noticed that at the bottom of the big boat, a head stuck out of the water to breathe from time to time. Because the speed of the boat was too fast, it would occasionally drink a couple of sips of water, but even so it couldn't stop that head's desire to survive.

The heavy rain came as promised, like a bead curtain connecting the sky and the sea, the bean-sized raindrops hit the boat, and there was a rattling sound, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were as good as ever, Li Hanyi was in Qin Zixuan's arms, listening to the rain outside , with a contented smile on his face.

Qin Zixuan had already fallen asleep at this time, it didn't matter if it was raining or not, a big-hearted person didn't need to worry about it, and he slept soundly. Li Han touched Qin Zixuan's pretty face, as gentle as water.

The next day, a red sun rose in the east, the sky was as blue as washing, and it was another fine weather. Many people went out of the room to the deck to breathe, stretched their waists and looked into the distance, as if they could see the connection between the sky and the earth , it seems that as long as you walk over, you can reach out and touch the sky
Of course, it just seems that as adults, they will not make the mistakes of young children again, and they will not think that they can go to heaven by running there, and they will not have the fearless momentum of the ignorant, chasing horses and dreaming of going to heaven.

Qin Zixuan also walked out of the room. The soldiers loved Qin Zixuan very much. The prince's angry appearance frightened them. It turned out that when the prince was mighty, the general had to evade and bow his head to admit his mistake. The gangsters would not know that this was a relationship between their husband and wife. way of getting along.

A woman can turn the world upside down outside, she can stand up to three armies at once, and it is happier to be a little woman when she returns home. Obviously, Li Han has already grasped these simple truths, and never has to force her in front of Qin Zixuan.

"Dahai, my son, do you miss your father?" Qin Zixuan came out and said at the top of his voice. Dahai, who was waving his small fists, immediately retreated to report and threw himself into Qin Zixuan's arms to express his missing.

"Brother Xuan, come here and practice two moves." Gu Yueru was practicing his sword, and when he saw Qin Zixuan coming out to greet him and perform two moves, Qin Zixuan immediately shook his head. Look at him, that's a real fight.

"Brother Xuan, come and listen to our ensemble piece, please correct me when you are here." Xiao Yan is holding the pipa, Jia Nan is holding the flute, and the other five are holding musical instruments, including the big conch that was just discovered this time And bone whistle.

This can be corrected, Qin Zixuan sat next to Qi Nu without saying a word, decided to reward his ears, and listened to some people playing music. Li Han was not interested in the music, so he held a sword and fought Gu Yue like a trick.

On the other side of the deck, Wang Rui was discussing the wedding with Bai Jing. They were already engaged, and they wanted to have the wedding after they got back. Although they would have to wait a year according to the normal order, Wang Rui really couldn't wait.

And they are not too young, as the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, the wedding procedure can be simplified, and it is more important to have a baby early for fun. Wang Rui is trying to persuade Bai Jing that they can learn from the prince and give birth to a baby and throw it to their parents. The responsibility of the Son of Man, and then they hang out with the prince together.

Time is tight and the task is heavy, Wang Rui wants to deceive Bai Jing as soon as possible, there are any reasons that can be pulled out, as for going out to sea with Qin Zixuan, this does not need to be mentioned by Bai Jing, Wang Rui also wants to hang out with King Cheng, I want to see A different world.

(End of this chapter)

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