Chapter 825

Qin Zixuan handed over the war horse to his servants, and ran into the mansion with big strides, calling his mother, I am back, your favorite eldest son is back, his flattering expression is more vivid than the sea, which is being hugged by Uncle Zhong Follow closely behind, clapping hand music, father also has today.

Li Han strode behind with his hands behind his back, while Gu Yueru watched the show with his face sideways. The Seven Fairies and Wang Rui continued to return to their Green Willow Villa, and they still had to discuss the wedding. Calling parents into Yujing, this matter must be well planned.

Concubine Cheng hugged Huang He and walked to the gate of Fenglin Courtyard, when she heard her son's voice, the expression on her face softened instantly, she did not want to take this immature son.

"My lord, I miss you so much." Qin Zixuan rushed forward to give Concubine Cheng a warm hug, and kissed Huang He happily. Huang He was kissed inexplicably, expressing that he didn't know the strange uncle in front of him.

Huang He, Qin Zixuan yelled, stretched out to hug Huang He, Huang He turned around and hugged Concubine Cheng, blaming his uncle for being so scary, Huang He was about to cry from fright, with his mouth puckered and his face full of grievances.Concubine Cheng hurriedly coaxed her grandson, and whitened Qin Zixuan with her eyes.

"My lord, you won't get any bad things this time, you can pick them first later, ha ha." Qin Zixuan laughed along, as long as he didn't listen to his lord's chanting, he would do whatever he wanted.

Dahai also came over, clapping her little hands and calling grandma, Concubine Cheng responded with a smile all over her face, the nanny took Huang He over, Taifei Cheng hugged Dahai for a while and kissed her, she missed her so much, she is still a sweet grandson.

Li Han walked over to salute, then came to Huang He, stretched out his hand and squeezed it, the wronged Huang He finally couldn't bear it, and burst into tears, Qin Zixuan covered his face and snickered, it seemed that the daughter-in-law was going to bear the firepower of her mother again.

Sure enough, Concubine Cheng widened her eyes and reprimanded Li Han if she could be gentle. Seeing the red marks on Huang He's face, her heart ached. .

Dahai coaxed Concubine Cheng to go back to the house quickly. He was hungry, wanted to eat snacks, big meat buns, twice-cooked pork, and wanted to eat a lot. Concubine Cheng felt distressed when she heard it. Walk in the house instead of blocking the door and scolding people.

Gu Yueru walked to Li Han's side and called out affectionately, Li Han was not annoyed, and followed Qin Zixuan with a smile, looking at Huang He, who was crying with snot bubbles, and complained that the bear child was ignorant, but Dahai didn't cry like that Pass.

Dahai, who was walking in front, looked back and smiled, was he too old to cry?But my mother's hand strength is really strong, and it doesn't matter how heavy it is, it must hurt Huang He, otherwise I couldn't cry like that.

The nanny managed to coax Huang He well, Li Han reached out to hug him, Huang He grinned and began to cry again, so the nanny hugged Huang He and walked a few steps quickly, she should just follow the concubine, the general's attack is not serious, the red mark on Huang He's face It hasn't gone away yet.

After Qin Zixuan returned to Prince Cheng's Mansion, the quiet Prince Cheng's Mansion was bustling with excitement, Zhaocaijinbao lined up and shouted wildly, circling around Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan took the Frisbee sent by the maid, threw it out with his hands, and the four big wolf dogs immediately chased after the Frisbee screaming.

When Qin Zixuan was sweating profusely from running, the convoy behind also came back, moving box after box of things to Prince Cheng's mansion. Concubine Cheng sat in the house and waited for a while. It's just complaining, and I know how to play when I come back.

"Grandma, Dahai misses you." Dahai holds Taifei Cheng's face and kisses her, attracting Taifei Cheng's attention. Spectacular, talking about the rain, talking about the fish monsters in the sea, and talking about the shark bigger than the boat.

Following Hai Hai's explanation, Concubine Cheng's attention was finally diverted from Qin Zixuan and his wife, and even the attention of the maids waiting in the room was diverted. Mrs. Song sat beside her with her belly upright and listened enviously.

There were three pregnant women sitting next to Mrs. Song. Qin Zixuan, who didn't shoot on the wall, had a top-notch sowing ability. After sowing the seeds, he went out chic, leaving a few big bellies for Concubine Cheng to take care of. This is one of Concubine Cheng's grievances .

Qin Zixuan, who had been wandering outside, felt that the time was almost up. Dahai should have digested his mother's anger, so he walked into the room with his head, and saw Qin Zixuan, who was like a poem, showing a hellish expression.

Li Han nodded frequently, yes, yes, it can finally spread its branches and leaves. Next year, the Cheng Palace will have four more children. It would be better if there were twins. The more children, the better. This is Li Han's true thought. How lively.

Seeing the two of them coming in, everyone hurriedly saluted, including the four members of the Song family. Concubine Cheng didn't let them go out to greet them, fearing that there would be too many people bumping into each other.

Their big gift was stopped by Li Han, and they had to take good care of their children after they were pregnant, and they couldn't make big moves. These few were not themselves, so they had to be pampered.

Qin Zixuan came to sit next to Concubine Cheng with a smirk on his face, Dahai covered his face and looked at his father's cowardly expression, it was really hard to think that this person was Prince Cheng who scolded the general in public, a typical bully and fear of toughness.

"Hungry, eat some dim sum first, and the food will be served soon." Dowager Cheng pushed the dim sum in front of Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan cheerfully squeezed the dim sum into his mouth, Li Han also snickered while sitting next to Qin Zixuan, her skin Concubine Hou is not afraid to teach her.

Soon the servant girl delivered the food, and several people moved to the dining room. Concubine Cheng's anger had disappeared, Qin Zixuan let go, and immediately returned to her usual appearance, throwing jokes from time to time to make everyone happy. The stomach let her eat more.

"Come back this time, the Song family and they are not allowed to leave again before giving birth." Concubine Cheng looked at the four daughters of the Song family, and then at her son, and couldn't help but say.

"It's a bit difficult." Qin Zixuan replied pipitically. There is still an island waiting for Daqin to conquer. How can he, the person who discovered the island, go with him? Besides, the rich resources on the island have not been obtained yet. All right.

The sea called to go together, which meant that everyone should go together, and it would be impossible if they were not allowed to travel. He also wanted to go to the island to find gold mines. He only conquered a few hundred miles and he would gain a lot of money. If he conquered them all, wouldn’t it be a big discovery , can definitely let the strength be raised again.

Concubine Cheng squeezed Hai Hai's little face, it was impossible to go with her, how could she, the mistress of the house, wander around? That would make people gossip behind her back, saying that she was not a woman and didn't know how to manage the house, that would be a big crime, Concubine Cheng expressed that she did not want to recite it.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm good at broadcasting." Qin Zixuan's brain went crazy, and he began to bite his ear to Li Han again after eating. Li Han stretched out his thumb, planting first-class sticks from his father-in-law, and discussed with Qin Zixuan to have two litters in three years, the more the better.

Concubine Cheng raised her head to look at these two guys, these two guys did not back their words.

(End of this chapter)

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