827 Genius
Dahai laughed at Qin Zixuan's old man in front of the empress dowager, which made the empress dowager's cheeks ache, and finally had dinner in the palace.

After returning home and washing up, he slept on the bed he was familiar with. He felt comfortable all over. Qin Zixuan slept with his limbs spread out. The next day Qin Ziming came to see Qin Zixuan early in the morning. Of course he couldn't see him. Qin Zixuan was still sleeping late.

On the other hand, Dahai and Li Han got up quite early, and they practiced kung fu every day. They did practice three times in winter and three days in summer. Qin Zixuan couldn't bear these hardships, and Qin Zixuan slept soundly when they practiced kung fu.

Song sat beside Li Shui with a big belly and watched Li Shui practice, which is called prenatal education. In the past, when Li Han was pregnant, she had to read scriptures and prenatal education. Now that Song is pregnant, she doesn’t need others to read. She can read it by herself, but she hopes that her children will Like the sea, he is versatile in both civil and military affairs, so Mrs. Song got up early to watch the general practice martial arts.

Concubine Cheng also came here early and sat there to watch the sea practice. It’s been a long time since she saw the sea. Concubine Cheng wished to stuff the sea into her eyeballs and stare at it all the time. A strange place.

Qin Ziming sat next to him bored, hoping that Qin Zixuan would wake up early, this idea was doomed to fail, until it was three o'clock in the sun, Qin Zixuan got up from the bed, and the servant girl hurried forward to help Qin Zixuan get up.

When Qin Zixuan came out, he saw Gu Yueru fighting with Li Han, Dahai was standing beside him with a small sword in his hand, Gu Yueru was teaching Dahai how to use swordsmanship, she came to Prince Cheng's mansion not just to dawdle, but also mission.

Fortunately, Dahai is a smart child. No matter what moves he teaches, he can learn them as soon as he learns them. The rest is cultivation. This satisfied Gu Yueru and gave Gu Yueru more time to wander around.

If Dahai is stupid and has to teach you over and over again, then Gu Yueru's little days can't be as chic as you are now, and it's impossible to go wherever she wants. She has to complete the task first, or wait until Zhao Qingfeng When she came out, Gu Yueru had to be trained again.

Qin Zixuan glanced at the two people in the battle, and sat down beside Qin Ziming. Qin Ziming looked at Qin Zixuan, this guy is really lazy, even lazy than him, what time did he get up.

"Why did you come so early in the morning?" Qin Zixuan yawned, with tears in his eyes, rubbed his eyes, took a sip of the green tea handed over by the maid, and now the concubine Santongfang is pregnant, The person who waits becomes a servant girl.

"Didn't I miss you? Last time I wanted to hang out with you, but unfortunately my mother wouldn't let me. Oh, when will I be as free as you?" Qin Ziming looked at Concubine Cheng with envy.

"Take it easy. When Dahai was about to go out and wave, my mother and adults didn't agree. Dahai clapped his toes and reasoned. Anything that makes sense is easy to handle." Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Dahai who was holding a small sword. His mouth is so eloquent that Qin Ziming might not be able to compare.

Qin Ziming rubbed his fat face, this is a solution, asked Qin Zixuan when he would go to sea again, Qin Zixuan replied soon, found an island with people and rich resources on it, the emperor has already been tempted, and will definitely send troops soon.

Qin Ziming was discouraged after hearing this. He really wanted to go to the sea to play. Thinking of the rich resources in the sea, Qin Zixuan felt that King Xian should be tempted, and maybe he would help persuade Princess Xian, so it was Qin Zixuan who came up with the idea to let Qin Ziming follow The virtuous king talks.

Qin Ziming, who was frightened by this proposal, stared round his eyes and talked to his father. He had never thought about it, and he did not dare to try it. Although Qin Ziming is the father of several children, he still ran away when he saw his father and met the mouse. to feline.

"Look at your future." Qin Zixuan was speechless, this coward, Qin Zixuan really didn't realize that the virtuous king was frightened, he is quite a gentleman.Qin Ziming stopped this topic with a smirk, and started to tell Qin Zixuan what happened in Yujing recently.

At the end, Qin Ziming blinked his eyes and said, "Did you know? That idiot Qi Ruobai is here again, and she came after me. I wanted to take advantage of it again, but it's a pity that that guy has learned to be smart now and won't let me Get started."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? She's already married, so if I ask you to do it again, it's not like giving Jiang Yi a handle so that the Jiang family can divorce her and drive her out." Qin Zixuan curled his lips. It doesn't matter how he got started before, after all, he was never married. , Married, you have to abide by women's morals.

Now that Qi Ruobai is the princess, the other party dare not do anything, if Qi Huang dies and Qi Ruobai loses his backing, Qi Ruobai will be unlucky, as long as he is not really stupid, he will avoid it.

"They came here for you this time. Brother, I don't understand. Where did the rumor start? It spread all over Yujing City at once, alarming all forces. Now the water in Yujing is deep. Whether it is Both big and small forces are watching you."

"You don't know, the most ridiculous thing is that even a small sect in the rivers and lakes actually joined the ranks of robbing people, and then that unlucky little sect was wiped out before it could take any action. Do you know who did it?" Qin Ziming blinked Eyes tantalizing.

"I didn't do it." Qin Zixuan didn't follow the routine, and returned to Qin Ziming in a serious manner. Qin Ziming stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little funny. Qin Ziming was very helpless, this buddy didn't cooperate.

"I know it wasn't you who did it. I heard that it was the people from Leishenya who did it. Those people sent the most spies, and they were all very cunning. I wanted to track down a few, but I didn't expect to be discovered by them. A few of his subordinates died." Qin Ziming felt pain again when he thought of the little bastard who died, what a good subordinate.

"Don't get involved in this matter. It's very dangerous inside. Thunder God Cliff is a force that Daqin must take seriously. We small families can't afford to mess with it. Don't make trouble for your upper body. If they come to me, I have my own means to deal with it." They." Qin Zixuan patted Qin Ziming's shoulder to prevent Qin Ziming from continuing to wade through the muddy water.

"Oh, I'm not strong enough. It would be great if I had their kung fu." Qin Ziming looked at Li Han and Li Han, who were beating each other in a daze, and felt envious again. Can't bear it.

Qin Ziming agreed with this, he would not be able to suffer, otherwise he would not have eaten all his flesh, and he would not even be able to sit in a hot air balloon. Qin Ziming was fascinated by the hot air balloon again, God, what a wonderful thing, but he couldn’t sit on it, Want to lose weight without willpower.

Dahai brandished a small sword and began to gesticulate beside him, and he did it in a decent way. Li Han and Gu Yueru fought against each other and retreated with their strength. Then they stood aside and watched Dahai's sword play. With the sword move, Gu Yue blossomed like a joy.

Hai Hai learned this set of sword skills, and Gu Yueru could take the time to go out for a while. It would be great to teach a genius how to practice martial arts. Gu Yueru can't wait to pass on all her unique skills.

(End of this chapter)

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