Second-hand little prince

Chapter 853 Cooperation

Chapter 853 Cooperation
After confirming her destiny, the Goddess began to discuss cooperation with the emperor. Of course, the fact that the Gongliang family does not interfere with the imperial power remains unchanged. None of the five major families wants to intervene in the imperial power. They prefer to live in seclusion in the world.

Those are a group of people who understand clearly that the change of dynasty is a general trend in history, and if a family and a power are managed well, they can last forever, which is much stronger than the imperial power.

What Gongliangyan talked with the emperor was very simple, that is, the vast snowfield can be attributed to the unification of Daqin, but Daqin can't change their living habits, and can't dictate to the Gongliang family's territory. In other words, you complete your unification, I don't It's in your way, but don't dictate to the Gongliang family.

Those ordinary people are under your control, as long as they don’t destroy the foundation of their Gongliang family, the emperor doesn’t want to change their living habits, as long as the Daqin culture spreads, there is a kind of invasion called moistening things silently.

As for subduing the Gongliang family, the emperor has no such thoughts for the time being, and he also knows that Daqin has no such confidence, and the five major families are all detached families, there is no benefit in fighting them, like Gu Yueru's family, no one was born, you and What is he fighting for?

And even if he was born to help him beat bad people, the emperor liked it more, he would not sit on the head of the royal family to do his best, and he would not let the emperor pay tribute. Of course, if there is good wine to offer tribute to them, they would not refuse An expert likes wine, the emperor understands.

In short, the emperor is really satisfied with the cooperation between the Gu Yue family. After listening to Gong Liangyan's proposal, he will agree to it without hesitation. Those conditions are not considered conditions. As for not harming the people on the snowy plain, the emperor never thought of harming them .

The talks between the two parties were very successful. Gong Liangyan didn't expect the Great Qin Emperor to be so eloquent, and he didn't even ask people on the snowfield to pay tribute. Isn't this person too kind? As for the opening of trade, Gong Liangyan thinks it's a good thing.

The emperor learned from Qin Zixuan, and he already knew the benefits of trade, so he could open the market to collect taxes. Those taxes were more than the money collected from the common people, and he could also reap the gratitude of the common people, which was beneficial to the long-term stability of Great Qin.

Think about it, other dynasties forced the people to not have enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes, but the people in Daqin were not like this. They ate well and wore warm clothes, so why should they turn against themselves?

"I heard that people in Daqin only pay [-]% of the land tax, and there is no population tax. Is this true?" Gong Liangyan finally asked a question that she couldn't figure out. What can the [-]% of the land tax do?What does the country use to feed the army and officials?

The emperor nodded. The results of economic reform are gratifying. Daqin has got rid of the system of exploiting the people. As long as the economy is invigorated, the court will not be short of money.

The emperor didn't know that in Qin Zixuan's previous life, not only did the common people not collect taxes for farming, but they also had to be subsidized by the state. That's it, the common people are still unwilling to farm. There is no money for doing business or wages for farming. quick.

It can only be said that Daqin has not yet developed to that level, so the emperor cannot see that step, but Qin Zixuan knows that he can only guide the emperor to make changes step by step, but cannot tell the emperor that you have reached that level step by step.

If you really want to say that, you will probably be regarded as a lunatic by the emperor. When the society develops to that point, the emperor will know that it is time to change without Qin Zixuan saying so.

The emperor talked with Gong Liangyan for a long time, both of them were very happy, the emperor sighed in his heart, winning Qin Zixuan to win the world is not empty talk, but there are not many people who know how to win the world, do you really think that taking people away is winning the world?Wrong too.

Then Qin Zixuan must be willing to help you, Qin Zixuan must be willing to give advice, and since he is his uncle, Qin Zixuan is of course willing to help, and he has to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. That lazy guy has no idea about imperial power, so he just Know how to enjoy.

The emperor also couldn't figure out whether it was better to seize the imperial power, or to be a happy prince like Qin Zixuan. I can only say that each has its own advantages. Since he likes to be a happy prince, that is the best result. The royal family doesn't mind more Raise a few happy princes.

Gu Yueru and Gong Liangyan bid farewell to the emperor, and the two went out of the palace together. The emperor told Gu Yueru that a batch of fine wine was ready, and he wanted Gu Yueru to send someone to take it away and present it to Senior Zhao. , she will arrange for someone to send him up the mountain.

The emperor was relieved, sent the two of them away, and chatted with the prince for a while, and then the father and son lived in the Immortal Palace, and before they reached the door, they heard continuous laughter inside, and the loud laughter of the sea came from far away.

Then came Qin Zixuan's voice, the emperor was delighted when he heard it, these two are really father and son, they have the same little expression, the prince thought of Qin Zixuan taught Dahai the theory of picking up girls, and couldn't help complaining to the emperor that Dahai was taught crooked.

The emperor raised his head to look in the direction of the Xianju Palace. There was such a father who couldn't believe it. He told the prince that geniuses have their own tempers and can be induced from the side, but they can't be suppressed with ruthless hands. That would cause a backlash. The sea is like this , but the inducement cannot force him to change.

Of course, you can send the censor to line up to teach Qin Zixuan a lesson, let him be honest for a while, don't teach Dahai everything, the prince thinks it makes sense, Dahai's kid really has a temper, Qin Zixuan will cheat on him immediately if he offends him, revenge will not wait overnight.

When the emperor came to the Xianju Palace, he saw Qin Zixuan running happily with his sleeves rolled up, Hai Hai followed behind with his short legs, laughing loudly from time to time, the Empress Dowager sat beside them and watched the two laugh like a flower Li Han was peeling melon seeds, and he knew who it was for without asking.

The maids and eunuchs saw the emperor and the empress came and knelt down, the emperor waved them down, Qin Zixuan and Dahai also ran over, and a group of people sat in the yard chatting after seeing the ceremony, Dahai wanted to eat melon seeds, but in the end Li Han brought them all together. Send it to Qin Zixuan.

"Hey, my daughter-in-law peeled these. If you want to eat them without the shells, you can find a little daughter-in-law yourself." Qin Zixuan took the melon seeds and smiled happily. He raised his eyebrows at Dahai, who ground his teeth and turned his head. Complained to the emperor, and started to cheat his father again.

The emperor picked up Haihai and helped him wipe the sweat off his face. The kid kept moving forward on the road of cheating, and he found new tricks.

The emperor asked Wei Dehai to send the investigation materials to Li Han for viewing. These were all people who wanted to do evil to Qin Zixuan, including Daqi, Dachu, and Yunmeng from a small country. How did it happen? Anyway, there are many people who want to kill Qin Zixuan.

The emperor asked Gu Yueru about this question, and Gu Yueru told the emperor that many capable fortune tellers can calculate the general trend of the world, and even stronger fortune tellers can figure out who the key person is. It was inferred to Qin Zixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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