Chapter 856
Qin Zixuan didn't take this matter to heart, and wandered around Yujing City the next day, took a group of people to swim in the lake in the afternoon, and sat on the flower boat in the evening to listen to music and watch beautiful women, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Gong Liangyan spent the whole day with Qin Zixuan, sat on the flower boat at night, looked at Gu Yueru who was enjoying himself, and then looked at Qin Zixuan, and felt that Qin Zixuan was just a dye vat, teaching good people to bad, what is this all about!

At this time, Qin Zixuan didn't know that there was a team starting from Dachu and marching towards Daqin. The leader of the team was a young and handsome young master. .

There are quite a few well-known talents who accompanied this noble son, and they are proficient in all kinds of poems and songs. This trip is to attack Qin Zixuan, and it is best to trample Qin Zixuan under his feet.

All of them are fighting loudly, walking with wind, their chins are at 45 degrees, and they look superior to others.

When they were on their way, Qin Zixuan was having fun in Yujing. After staying at sea for three months, Qin Zixuan began to miss the good life in Yujing. When he returned to Yujing, it was a fun stroll, and he had to play everything again. .

On the third day, the appointment of Xiaojian Mountain arrived. Qin Zixuan led a large group of people out of the city and arrived at the foot of Xiaojian Mountain. On the grill.

Qin Zixuan didn't know if the other party really dared to come, in order not to turn himself into a second fool, Qin Zixuan also came out with a trick, that is, if the other party didn't show up, he would treat it as if he had come out for a picnic.

Standing by the side, Gong Liangyan watched with her hands behind her back as a group of maidservants were busy. She really couldn't figure out why Qin Zixuan lived so comfortably. Wasn't he worried about his achievements?Isn't he worried about being assassinated?
Gu Yueru dropped Gong Liangyan and ran to Qin Zixuan's side. He saw Qin Zixuan take out a skewer of mutton, and knew that it was grilled. The mutton skewers are delicious. Qin Zixuan, the old driver.

Dahai brought a plate of lobsters and told him to call them lobsters. A group of people didn’t seem to be here to fight, but really came to have a picnic. This made it difficult for those who watched the fun. I ate the whole thing beforehand, so I can only watch but not eat, I am so greedy that I am drooling.

Qin Ziming squeezed over from the crowd and directly joined the foodie team, saying that this guy came out a little early, so he had other plans.

"Uncle Ming, why didn't Kun'er come here?" Dahai became upset when he saw Qin Ziming coming alone. Qin Ziming squeezed Dahai. The two brothers have such a good relationship.

"Brother, let me tell you a piece of good news. My father agrees that I will go to sea with you." Qin Ziming squeezed to Qin Zixuan's side, helping him while reporting the good news. Qin Zixuan had expected it a long time ago and was not surprised at all.

In the future, there will be many people who want to hang out with me when they go out to sea. Looking at the rich resources on Yingxin Island, it is impossible for those people not to be tempted. The war hurt Qin Ziming.

After all, apart from Qin Ziming's body, he really has no strength, and he can't even dodge a stray arrow. The Xian Wang is also worried that this kid is unlucky to be injured by a cold arrow.

"Then come hang out with me next time." Qin Zixuan readily agreed, and Qin Ziming was even happier. The two chatted and barbecued. Fatty is a foodie, and his cooking skills are not bad. Qin Ziming is very good at cooking.

In the past, Qin Zixuan was in charge of the food for a group of people, but now with Qin Ziming's help, the cooking and food are faster.Qin Zixuan picked up the mutton skewers and handed them to Gu Yueru, telling her to eat while she was there, don't get in the way here.

Gu Yue happily retreated to Gong Liangyan's side, and asked Gong Liangyan to eat mutton skewers together. This was really delicious. Gong Liangyan took a bite with surprise on her face. I don't know why Qin Zixuan is so proficient in cooking. Isn't he Prince Cheng?
"Sister, I know you don't understand, but let me tell you, don't use ordinary men's tricks on Qin Zixuan. That kid doesn't play cards according to common sense. He is very kind to women. That kind of kindness has nothing to do with love. Respect, you don’t understand even if you tell me, anyway, you will understand after a long time.”

Gu Yueru put her arms around Gong Liangyan's shoulder and bit her ears. She could somewhat understand Gong Liangyan's mood. This girl is a goddess, proficient in arithmetic, and has a good sense of people, but she can't see through Qin Zixuan. It's strange if she is not curious.

Gong Liangyan nodded slightly, she was not a fool, it could be seen that the servant girl of Prince Cheng's Mansion was really at ease in front of Qin Zixuan, not the kind of expression that would make her die when she saw her master.

"Sister, pay me for this. It's ready." Li Han peeled a lobster and put it in Qin Zixuan's mouth.

In a decisive battle, there were no flashes of swords and swords that everyone expected, and there was no dust flying. They only saw that King Cheng and his group were eating oil, their stomachs were growling, and their saliva was drooling in three bowls. They still didn't see the challenger come forward. .

Qin Zixuan ate and drank enough, looked around and looked at the sun, it was already past noon, is that bastard dead, or did he not dare to show up?Qin Zixuan hummed to me and waited until the flowers withered. He hummed several times but still didn't make anyone come out.

It made Qin Zixuan think of Doudizhu. When he got home, he found a musician, played the little tune, played a live-action version of Doudizhu, and shouted from time to time: Hurry up!All the flowers I've been waiting for are gone.

Until the sun went west, and the man in the hat did not wait, Qin Zixuan was so angry that his liver hurt and he knew that he was being played by someone.Qin Zixuan cursed a few harsh words, rode on Taxue and headed home, he didn't wait any longer.

Those who came to see the excitement were equally disappointed, they wanted to see Prince Cheng's mansion show off their power, but they only saw a feast, and then they just drooled and covered their stomachs, and they didn't get any benefits, and they all followed the hats. Men are cowards.

They didn't know that the coward scolded by them was wronged at this time, but Zhou Zishou wanted to go to the appointment. The problem was that he was injured, and it was not serious. He would naturally have to pay the price for not taking the usual path.
Those city guards are not vegetarians. When they see someone jumping off the city wall, no matter whether they are good or bad, they shoot for a while first. As for what to do if they are shot to death, it is of course a matter of course. There is no responsibility and reward for shooting to death. shoot dead.

It's a pity that his arrow skills were abnormal. It can also be said that Zhou Zishou was quite strong, so he failed to keep him, but instead allowed Zhou Zishou to take away a few arrows.

Not to mention challenging King Cheng, even a man of half age would be able to hack him to death, even if Zhou Zishou was killed, he would not dare to attend the appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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