Chapter 884 Catch
Wang Mingzheng was standing by the side and kept shaking his head. The prince was really scared when he was tossing about. He really convinced him, and he didn't know what to think. No matter what, he just wanted to marry and go home.

After finally confirming the bride, Qin Zixuan stood beside him and kept laughing, and the two of them laughed heartily. In the end, Liu Yi couldn't help but drink to Wang Rui in a low voice, and Wang Rui took a reassurance.

"Hey, the girl is facing outwards. She hasn't paid her respects yet, she's facing that silly boy." Qin Zixuan complained to Li Han in a low voice. I never thought of this trick.

Of course, it's useless even thinking about it, Qin Zixuan doesn't know how to be a female celebrity, and just like Concubine Cheng's attitude at that time, she still has opinions if she doesn't ask for it.

"My lord, smart." Wang Mingzheng came to Qin Zixuan and gave a thumbs up, inviting the two to sit down. Qin Zixuan patted Wang Mingzheng on the shoulder, with an expression that you took advantage of it. Wang Mingzheng didn't mind either, they did. Big deal.

Under the loud yelling of the ceremony officer, the newcomer paid homage and was sent to the bridal chamber after three obeisances. After that, Wang Rui and his wife came out to toast and bowed. Qin Zixuan, the result can be imagined.

Qin Zixuan didn't get drunk, but Li Han counterattacked forcefully and drank the two of them directly under the table. Jia Yan came to persuade them to drink, and asked the two young masters to be taken down to sober up, and sat on the table to chat with Li Han.

In the wedding room, Bai Jing crossed her legs and lifted her hijab to look around, full of curiosity about her future life, her big eyes flickered with anticipation from time to time, she didn't expect that she would have today.

In another new house, the bandits had already started eating, and her head cover had been lifted. Wang Rui sent Liu Yi into the bridal chamber. The first thing he did was to lift the red cover, and then she was pulled out. Let's have fun.

Since she got up in the middle of the night, the dripping water has not run out, so that she is not allowed to go to the toilet on the way. Liu Yi really wants to arrest those people and beat them up. Whoever stipulates that they must go to the toilet after eating and drinking, she is very good at it. Can you bear it!
They drank outside until the sun was setting, and then they all dispersed. Qin Zixuan was going to make trouble in the bridal chamber, but he heard a servant report that he had found the man in the bamboo hat. Qin Zixuan was in a mess. people.

The old fox Wang Mingzheng stood beside him and laughed. For some reason, Qin Zixuan felt that it was designed by this old fox. If it was true, this old fox would have worked hard for his son.

"My lord, you should hurry up and arrest him. If he disappears again, you won't know when he will show up next time." Jia Yan persuaded, and Fu Qing followed suit, which meant that the other party was very cunning. If he ran out and smashed the signboard again, his reputation would not be very good.

You can't repeat it again and again, you will lose face if you repeat it again and again, this is a big matter, and it must be resolved quickly. The man in the black hat is a big bad guy, and it's important to catch the bad guys.

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth. After three days of marriage, there will be no big or small troubles. Then we will make trouble tomorrow. When he said this, Wang Mingzheng and the others nodded repeatedly. That's right.

In order to report to their grandson as soon as possible, the two families also put all their efforts together. They used all kinds of unique skills, just asking to send the prince away. Qin Zixuan ran away with a large group of people.

Zhou Zihe ran out from the slums in the west of the city, and a group of people ran behind him. Zhou Zihe was so angry that he scolded his mother. He even escaped the census, but he still didn’t escape those dog noses. There are too many pursuers today, and there is no way out.

Qin Zixuan arrived with a group of people, and saw Zhou Zihe running towards the city wall. After seeing no way out, Zhou Zihe thought of the city wall again, and seemed to have no choice but to jump from there. I don't know if I will be beaten to death when I go back.

Before he reached the city wall, he saw a group of city guards guarding the opposite side, drawing their bows and arrows as if they were ready to shoot. Zhou Zihe turned his foot and changed the direction. This time he was unlucky and only ran [-] meters away. , and saw Li Han standing in front of him.

"Boy, you should run away again!" Qin Zixuan came out from behind Li Han, stared at the man in front of him with his hips akimbo, yelled at him, dared to smash his own signboard, dared to make Yujingcheng see the joke of Cheng Wang's mansion, he was so courageous and kind don't run.

"Qin Zixuan!" Zhou Zihe yelled, hatred welling up in his heart, the faces of his parents flashed before his eyes, he hated it.

"Presumptuous, dare to call me the king's name, take it down!" Qin Zixuan pointed forward, Li Han jumped out, rushed to Zhou Zihe's head and kicked him in a row, Zhou Zihe's strength was not as good as Qin Zisheng's, Who is Li Han's opponent?

After the three moves, Zhou Zihe sadly found that he was taken down. This result made Zhou Zihe doubt his life. He is also a person who has practiced martial arts for more than [-] years. Why is he so weak? Okay.

"Boy, if you dare to trouble Prince Cheng's mansion, report your name and let me know which small power of the dead ghost family you come from." Qin Zixuan stepped forward with his hips on his hips. .

If Li Han wasn't here, even ten Qin Zixuans couldn't beat him. Zhou Zihe had obsessive confidence in his own strength. If he didn't cooperate, he would be crushed by Li Han and his bones would be ground to pieces.

Zhou Zihe screamed, his eyes were red with pain, and he had a clear understanding of Li Han's ruthlessness in his heart.

"You're good at hiding. Are you a mouse? You're not a man when you asked me to fight and then hide like a mouse." Qin Zixuan said quietly, looking Zhou Zihe up and down, feeling a little familiar, as if What knowledge.

After this question was raised, a group of people circled around Zhou Zihe, they were indeed familiar, where did they meet?Lin Xi slapped his head and remembered, this kid looks very similar to Zhou Ziming.

"The Zhou family's, the missing eldest son?" Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Zhou Zihe, not to mention that the more he looked, the more he looked like him, now Qin Zixuan understood where the hatred came from, it turned out to be a fish that slipped through the net.

"Put it up and bring it back for trial!" Qin Zixuan knew where the hatred came from, so he lost interest in continuing to play. The people in the Zhou family were so disgusting that Qin Zixuan didn't even want to take a second look.

"It was reported that the eldest son of the Zhou family died at the time. He must have gone to some force to practice martial arts. This force is not the force of the Great Qin. If it is the force of the Great Qin, there is no need to declare his death. You treat this guy well, I want to see Which side did he sell himself to?"

Li Han was not interested in Wen, but was very interested in Wu. His mind turned quickly, and he quickly figured out that there was something going on.

(End of this chapter)

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