Chapter 887
The Shangguan Eagle's palms clashed with the cannonballs, the consequences can be imagined, seeing the Shangguan Eagle as the center, the air exploded with real fire, and I don't know how many shots were fired, anyway, when the roar stopped, the guards moved The fire torch found nothing, it turned into slag directly.

Concubine Cheng sent someone to the palace to explain the situation, while arranging for someone to clean the battlefield, she frowned. This person was heading towards Fenglin Courtyard, and his son and daughter-in-law were not in Fenglin Courtyard, so what was the purpose of the other party coming?
It is impossible for a woman like me to fall into the eyes of those masters, and the rest is the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. Could it be that they came here for their grandson?Concubine Cheng's face became gloomy, and asked Uncle Zhong to go down to make inspections, and prepare enough ammunition, and if someone breaks into the house and continues bombing, don't ask her.

Uncle Zhong led the order to make arrangements, and Cheng Wang's mansion became lively. The dead had to be arranged for funerals, the injured had to be transported for medical treatment, the alive had to be on duty, the destroyed houses had to be counted, and tomorrow they had to be repaired.

In the palace, the emperor didn't sleep anymore, but sat there waiting for the news, and soon the news came, and when the person who sent the news left, there was a sound of breathing in a corner, and said quietly: "That person should be the holy man. division."

"Saint Master!" The emperor almost jumped up from his chair in shock. Saint masters are rare, at least the emperor has never seen them, but the master has. Zhao Patriarch is the master. What is the goal?"

"Yangtze River, Yellow River." The voice sounded again, and then disappeared into the darkness. From the beginning to the end, no one could see who made the voice, and the emperor also fell into deep thought.

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are not ordinary dolls, they are the bonds of alliance with the Gongliang family and the Donghuang family. If these two die, the emperor really has no idea whether the two families will turn their faces.

It seems that the Shangguan family must be the one who attacked. If it is not the general power of the Shangguan family, it will not be able to get a holy master. The number of holy masters that can be counted on one hand has killed one. I don't know if the Shangguan family will be hurt.

"Shangguan family, you are arrogant for a while, wait for my cannons to be ready, sooner or later I will blast Thunder God Cliff, I want to see what corners you can hide!" Didn't find it either.

Qin Zixuan didn't know about Yujing's affairs, he was sleeping soundly with the quilt in his arms, how could he know that someone opened fire on his rear, and it was super fierce firepower.

Early the next morning, Qin Zixuan and his party rode across the Heishui River and came to the valley. Looking at a herd of bison grazing inside, Qin Zixuan swallowed his saliva. It was all meat.

The old man Donghuang Taiye was really active today, he took the initiative to hunt and kill a bison, and dragged it to Qin Zixuan to make Qin Zixuan's cauldron stew, Qin Zixuan laughed a few times, he really thought, the problem is not that big pot.

The soldiers stepped forward to carry away the bison. They should dismember the limbs first. There were also people chopping firewood together. Qin Zixuan began to cook his own ingredients. If he wanted to stew a pot of delicious beef soup, the ingredients were essential.

A group of people who were not in a hurry sat at the foot of the mountain and started firing. The aroma spread far away. Donghuang Taiye circled the iron pot twice from time to time, asking if it was okay?Qin Zixuan ignored him, the old man was almost chattering.

Dahai took out the dice from his waist, and called the old man to come over and play a few games. Donghuang Taiye covered his pocket when he heard it, and resolutely refused to play a few games with Dahai. Still have to keep shopping.

Qin Zixuan raised his head and said that he was stingy, Donghuang Taiye rolled his eyes, and asked Qin Zixuan for apprenticeship fees, Qin Zixuan came and asked, is it you, master?You are a master, and the embarrassing Donghuang Taiye has nowhere to refute.

Li Han sat down in front of the sea, the two girls began to gamble, Gu Yueru sat beside her and cheered, also holding a dice in her hand, shaking it twice from time to time, she didn't join the game, she practiced by herself.

Donghuang Taiye moved away from the pot, and stood watching with his hands behind his back, wanting to learn some gambling skills from it. After Dahai’s laughter sounded, Li Hannian’s chatter followed, threatening Dahai to give him a few books from time to time. , Dahai giggled, after hearing this threat a lot, he was no longer afraid.

Qin Zixuan stood up from the pot and stretched his waist. There were several big pots stewed in a small space. There was a large herd of bison. Not only Qin Zixuan and his soldiers had good food, they could have a few big bowls today, that is It's full.

"Hey! Old man, how did you come here?" Qin Zixuan turned his head and saw a beggar-like old man grabbing a bone and gnawing on it. The key is that so many people didn't notice the old man's appearance, and the speed was incredible.

"Come here." The old man replied in a short time. This answer made Qin Zixuan doubt his IQ. He came, hehe, the simple answer. The question is how fast did they come? Nobody found out.

The soldiers were all ready to fight, Qin Zixuan waved his hands to let the soldiers relax, he didn't feel any danger, this old man should have no malicious intentions, probably a greedy old man attracted by the scent.

Donghuang Taiye also looked back at the old man, but he didn't recognize who it was, but the other party could appear under his own perception, and he didn't let himself find out that Donghuang Taiye, a proud old man, was not arrogant anymore, and he actually took the initiative to greet him.

Qin Zixuan curled his lips, another little old man who climbed up and stepped down, what about the arrogance of being with him?Instead, take it out and use it twice.

Li Han and Dahai glanced at each other and continued to gamble. Their mother and son are really big-hearted, and they don't care about anyone who comes.

The old man wanted to arrest him, but Qin Zixuan quit, and shouted: "Hey, old man, can you be more sensible? If your big dirty hands touch the soup, who will drink the pot of soup?"

Donghuang Taiye winked at this, and if he couldn't drink it down, drink less, why offend an expert, but Qin Zixuan didn't have that awareness, he stared at the old man with his hips crossed, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Old man." The old man replied two words, wiped his hands on his body twice, turned his head and saw a basin of water, ran to the basin to wash his hands, the basin of clear water turned into black water, Qin Zixuan suspected that the call came from the Heishui River water.

One of the guards had good eyesight, so he hurried forward to change a basin of clean water, and the old man continued to wash, but this time it didn't turn into black water, but it was not clear, a bit muddy, Qin Zixuan suspected that the old man hadn't washed his hands in 800 years.

"Old man, I didn't mean you. You are too old. Can't you pay attention to your hygiene? Look at your rags and your messy hair. The chicken coop is neater than your hair."

Qin Zixuan pointed his finger at the valley and said, "There is a hot spring 300 meters away, hurry to wash it, this meat has to be stewed for an hour, or it won't taste good, go quickly."

The old man looked at his clean hands and didn't want to leave. Besides, he didn't change his clothes after washing.

(End of this chapter)

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