Chapter 908

Shangguan Sheng didn't stand up when Shangguan Xie was humiliated, because Shangguan Sheng knew that his family was wronged, and the people of the Fengwu family were not easy to mess with. Shangguan Sheng didn't want to tear faces with the Fengwu family now.

It's just that the younger generation in the family didn't care much, and Shangguan was still very disappointed in how much he was promoted, and he didn't see such a simple situation. From the beginning to the end, that Qin Zixuan hadn't made an offer, and it seemed that Shangguanxie made an offer like a fool.

He glared at Qin Zixuan bitterly, and Shangguan Sheng followed him down the mountain. He had to go back and train the descendants well. All those careless ones were tricked by a small mountain villager. It was a shame to the Shangguan family.

Qin Zixuan felt even more proud when he saw a big brother from the Shangguan family go down the mountain. He continued to wander around while shaking the sea.

Zhao Qingfeng found Qin Zixuan and proposed to give him the mahogany heart. He wanted to make a weapon for Dahai. Qin Zixuan had no objection, so he immediately handed the mahogany heart to Zhao Qingfeng.

"Father, if you love the elder son, the elder son will love you too." Dahai shouted.

"I hurt, I really hurt my eldest son." Qin Zixuan returned the wolf kiss, and Dahai giggled.

As Tao Muxin passed into Zhao Qingfeng's hands, those who wanted to play with Tao Muxin all sighed. They originally wanted to cheat Qin Zixuan, but now it was hopeless. Zhao Qingfeng had the things in his hands. People who know the goods.

After playing on the mountain for a day, Qin Zixuan and his group went down the mountain. When they were full and ready to go to bed, Zhao Qingfeng reminded Qin Zixuan not to sleep late, but to go up the mountain every day to listen. As for why he did this?
Hehe, of course there is a reason, who made Li Han follow Qin Zixuan like a shadow.Qin Zixuan didn't go up the mountain, and Li Han didn't go up the mountain either. What followed was not an exchange of treasures, but a real exchange, and it was also a good opportunity for young people to learn.

Every old guy brought the young people over, in addition to opening their eyes, the most important thing is to open their ears, to listen carefully to other people's experiences, and to avoid the detours others have gone through.

Qin Zixuan answered honestly, and also knew that there would be an opportunity for Li Han in the future. Li Han is a pitiful child. He has no mentor to guide him, and he has to grope his way forward by himself. That is to say, he is smart enough, otherwise he would not have reached such a height.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan was honest and obedient, Zhao Qingfeng went to rest and fell asleep without saying a word. The next morning, everyone got up early. They didn't practice today, but ran up the mountain after breakfast one by one.

As for why, of course it is to grab a good seat, and if you go late, you can only squat behind other people's buttocks. If the wind is stronger, it will be difficult to hear clearly.

When Qin Zixuan and his party came to the mountainside, many people had already guarded the downwind area, and the mountain wind howled. If they were guarding the upwind area, they would not be able to hear it very clearly. Fortunately, there were still many positions vacant, so Qin Zixuan and his party quickly grabbed a good position. squat down.

Afterwards, more people ran up the mountain. Qin Zixuan was chatting with the people around him, inquiring about what he was talking about, while teasing the elder son to play. He couldn't help but cause a few white eyes, and then Qin Zixuan would give him an even whiter look.

In Yujing City, in the main hall, the emperor received the latest border battle report. He hadn't sent his army to attack Xiqin, but Xiqin had already marched towards the Qinglong Pass of Daqin. The emperor was so angry that he slapped the table in the hall. It was really a good trick.

When the emperor was angry, some people naturally felt uncomfortable. Since this battle must be fought if not fought, then fight hard. The emperor asked the Ministry of War to quickly mobilize combat resources and send them to Qinglong Pass. At the same time, a general set off from Yujing City to rush to the border go.

It turns out that the power of Great Chu has been taken down by the Western Qin Dynasty. The members of the royal family of Great Chu were massacred and their heads were hung high on the city wall. The handwriting in this has the shadow of the Shangguan family. If it were not for the presence of the masters of the Shangguan family, it would not be so easy for the remaining power of the Great Chu to survive. was taken down.

Qin Zisheng sat in the middle of the army, looking at the Qinglong Pass in the distance, his eyes shot a look of determination, he believed that it would be easy for the Shangguan family to win Daqin, and even more believed that he was the future emperor.

With the beating of war drums, the soldiers of the Western Qin Dynasty began their third siege battle. Arrows from the city flew like rain, piercing hot bodies one after another. The blood stained the ground red, and finally merged into a blood River, the war drums did not stop, they continued to beat.

Qin Zisheng stared at Qinglong Pass coldly. No matter how many soldiers fell down, he could not arouse his sympathy. The generals standing beside him looked cold in the distance. They really wanted to call a halt to the research, it was too bloody.

"Your Majesty, it's better to suspend the research, our sacrifice is too great." Veteran Mu Lei couldn't help but said, he folded his hands and didn't dare to look at Qin Zisheng, Qin Zisheng snorted coldly, didn't even bother to look at him.

After thinking for a while, Qin Zisheng asked, "Have you found the merchant sister yet?"

"Yes, I haven't found it yet." Mu Lei lowered his head and replied.

"Hmph, a bunch of pig-like waste, you can't even find a single person, what else can you do besides eat." Qin Zisheng cursed, his eyes turned on the battlefield again, Mu Lei's face turned redder, and his head lowered, Of course, I was even more unconvinced in my heart, who knows who is a pig, if he has the ability to show off in front of Qin Zixuan.

Some of the generals next to him snickered, some held their breath, and some clenched their fists.Ever since Qin Zisheng established Xiqin, the merchants disappeared from everyone's sight, and no one knew where they went, as if they had never appeared in this world.

It is said that geese have left traces and people have left traces. The merchant family said that there are hundreds of people, but there is not even a trace left. Many spies have been sent to look for it, but nothing has been found so far.

Qin Zisheng also knew that he would not lead soldiers to fight. He wanted to use the merchant sisters, but he didn't want the merchants to look down on him. When Dachu was in chaos, they immediately hid and didn't even give a face to face. Qin Zisheng gritted his teeth in anger.

No matter how angry Qin Zisheng was, if he couldn't find the merchant's sisters, he would have nowhere to get angry. At this time, Qin Zixuan didn't know that a caravan was rushing towards Daqin at the border of Daqi.

Shangbiefeng's girl disguised herself as a man and walked in the middle of the caravan, looking around from time to time. She also tried her best to leave Dachu safely along the way, not because she was not patriotic, but because Shangbiefeng knew too much.

Shang Biefeng knew that her small body was no match for others, and she wanted to live a long life to avenge the royal family of Da Chu, so she had to go far away to find a big thick leg to hug, after much deliberation, only Da Qin could be her.

As for Daqi, it was not within the scope of Shang Biefeng's consideration. It was not until she passed the Wandering Soul Pass that Shang Biefeng breathed a sigh of relief. Da Chu and Da Qi are much safer.

Shang Biefeng secretly looked at the soldiers on duty on both sides, with a look of approval flashing in his eyes from time to time, as expected of the soldiers trained by Li Han, he is the spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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