Second-hand little prince

Chapter 910 Negotiation

Chapter 910 Negotiation
A group of people went out of the snow, crossed the grassland, and went straight to the border town. They beat horses like flying along the way. Qin Zixuan didn't know whether Shangguan's house would continue to be mad and continue to attack Prince Cheng's mansion. To be safe, he should go home early.

In this way, the team rushed to Yujing City twice as fast as when they came, and along with Qin Zixuan, there were also experts from all sides. After these people came to Yujing, Qin Zixuan arranged them to live in other courtyards , and then rode back to Prince Cheng's Mansion.

When the guards at the gate saw Qin Zixuan coming back, they hurried up to greet him, and at the same time arranged for someone to report inside, while the person in charge of the royal family's procurement went directly to Beijing to return to his command. Qin Zixuan flew all the way to Fenglin Courtyard.

Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing seeing Concubine Cheng and her children sitting on a tricycle. The tricycle has become a means of transportation for the palace. The bearers used to ride a bicycle instead of carrying the sedan chair, which saved a lot of energy. .

"Yangtze River, Yellow River, Yellow Mountain." Qin Zixuan yelled at the top of his voice, watching the three elder sons being overjoyed, kissing this one, kissing that one, it was extremely rare.Concubine Cheng felt distressed when she saw her son lose weight again.

"My lord, am I handsome again?" Qin Zixuan made a V letter, made faces at Concubine Cheng, turned the tricycle and walked back.Qin Zixuan followed the car, inquiring about the situation at home while walking, and Li Han followed happily.

There have been several assassination incidents in the Chengwang Mansion during this period, but only the first time was more scary. The attackers were all good players in that attack, and the opponents were useless with bullets. The strength of the subsequent waves was obviously not as good as the previous ones.

After Qin Zixuan heard this, he understood that the masters of the Shangguan family died forty or fifty times. Even if there were more masters in their family, they would feel pain. They must have given a mission, and those who are well-informed would naturally not accept such a life-threatening mission. .

There are also people who only accept the money but not their fate, and accept the task as soon as they accept it, which is why they are sent to death from time to time. Qin Zixuan's return relieves the pressure on everyone. Although Qin Zixuan is just an idler, he will be everyone in this building. backbone.

Concubine Cheng hugged the sea and was reluctant to let go, while Gong Liangyan hugged the Yellow River and did not let go, discussing with Donghuang Taiye what medicine to use for them to take a bath, they never thought of fooling Qin Zixuan when they accepted these two, it is true From the bottom of my heart, I want to cultivate the two little dolls into talents.

The old monster of Zhoushan circled around Huangshan. Huangshan took a few glances at the old monster of Zhoushan, closed his eyes and did not look at anyone. When Mrs. Song took out the book, his eyes widened instantly. He liked to listen to Mrs. Song's reading.

Faced with this discovery, Qin Zixuan felt helpless, this kid is so stupid, how could he love to study?As soon as I said this, I received a small slap from Concubine Cheng. Isn't it good to love learning? I really can't speak.

Qin Zixuan doesn't think it's bad to love to study, but it feels weird. You said that such a young child is at the age of playing and sleeping, so why does he like listening to books?Concubine Cheng commented that Huangshan was most similar to Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan didn't believe this at all, he didn't like to study or practice martial arts, he only liked to eat, drink and have fun, Huangshan didn't look like himself.

Song gave the answer to this question, that is, Huangshan is like Qin Zixuan before he lost his memory. Know how to fight back.

Qin Zixuan's conclusion left the Song family speechless. At that time, the talent of Prince Cheng was first-class, and his personality was even better. Of course, that kind of good personality is really easy to suffer, and he doesn't know how to resist when he is riding on his head. .

The Zhoushan old monster teased Huangshan for a while, and was a little disappointed. This kid has a good temper, but he is not suitable to be his apprentice. Anyway, Huangshan was deleted from the list of old monsters in Zhoushan.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about these things, if he had the talent, he would learn it. If he didn't have the talent, he would be fine. At worst, he would just bring more tools to save his life.

After talking with his family for a while, when the palace came, Qin Zixuan packed up and went to the palace, accompanied by Li Han and Dahai, they first met the emperor in the imperial study, Qin Zixuan was surprised to see an old acquaintance.

The person who was so angry with me at that time actually appeared in the imperial study room, this is really a rare visitor.Qin Zixuan cheerfully greeted the Shangbiefeng sisters, and couldn't believe that the two had defected to Daqin.

The emperor was not polite to Qin Zixuan, he directly spread out the map, and told Qin Zixuan that Qin Zisheng is now divided into two groups, fighting at Qinglong Pass all the way, and rushing all the way to Daqi, it seems that he is going to destroy Daqi first, and then take the way to Youhun Pass.

Qin Zixuan blinked, Qin Zisheng developed fast enough to take down Dachu so quickly, Qin Zixuan's words aroused Shang Biefeng's disdain, telling Qin Zixuan that Dachu would be destroyed so quickly, it was because the other party used despicable means.

If it weren't for the Shangguan family to kill the high-level officials one by one, Dachu would not be destroyed so quickly, and Qin Zisheng didn't love the people, he would just keep exploiting the common people, no matter how many soldiers Qinglong imprisoned, Qin Zisheng would not frown.

If Qin Zixuan really wins the world, it's really God's eyes!When Shang Biefeng said this, her face was full of anger. Although she was dismissed by Da Chu, her feelings for Da Chu were true. If she didn't know what to do, she would not have come to Da Qin.

"It's a good way to kill the high-level people. Are we prepared?" Qin Zixuan asked.

The emperor nodded, the general's recruit guards were all equipped with rifle guards, and the general was equipped with a pistol. If there was an emergency, he would have a hole card to save his life, otherwise his general would have been replaced long ago.

"Now that Qin Zisheng sent troops to fight Da Qi, should we send troops to help Da Qi?" the emperor asked.

Qin Zixuan touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked: "Is Da Qi willing to surrender?"

The emperor shook his head, "If Daqi is willing to surrender to me, there is no need to be in trouble. We will start a war against Daqi sooner or later. At this time, whether to rescue Daqi is a problem. I am afraid that if he is rescued, it will not be good, and he will not surrender."

"Then don't save him. Qin Zisheng is brave and intrepid, and he doesn't know how to govern the country. Let him make disasters for Da Chu and Da Qi. Then we can end well and unite the hearts of the people when the time comes." Qin Zixuan said.

"The common people suffer like this." Shang Biefeng said.

"Tch, you are also a person who leads soldiers to fight. As long as there is war, the people will suffer. Rather than letting them suffer back and forth, it is better to go through it once. Wherever my Great Qin Tiejia passes, it will bring them rain. There is no harm if there is no comparison." , No, there is no good or bad without this, my Daqin's good policy must have a clear contrast, so that they understand that Daqin really cares about the people and is worth relying on..."

(End of this chapter)

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