Chapter 916

Dahai said so, it is not easy for the emperor to go in, if you want to take it out to have a look, that is not acceptable, and the proposal of showing Qin Zixuan's appearance will not work, so in the end, Feng Wuqinglan went in to have a look alone.

The Zhoushan old monster was circling behind, but it was not easy for him to get in. Feng Wu Qinglan walked into the room, and saw Qin Zixuan with a silly smile on his face, and a little man lying on the small bed, staring at the novel world.

Feng Wu Qinglan first looked at Ruxue, and presented a heavy gift, Ruxue struggled to salute, was pressed on the bed by Feng Wu Qinglan, and told Ruxue to rest well, don't be too polite, so she gave birth to a phoenix girl to Ruxue, That is also a great hero.

Originally, Ruxue was a little disappointed to have a daughter, but now seeing the prince's happy appearance, and looking at the noble woman in front of her, Ruxue feels at ease, no matter it is a boy or girl, as long as the prince likes it, Ruxue is satisfied.

After talking to Ruxue, she came to the small bed and reached out to touch Qin Xueling, but Qin Zixuan blocked it with her hand and warned Feng Wuqinglan not to touch the bone, but Qin Zixuan knew that touching the bone was a very painful thing.

"Don't worry, I won't feel the bones, I just want to see." Feng Wu Qinglan said helplessly, the child was just born, and her mind was filled with water to feel the bones.

"Ling'er, hehe, baby, your nickname is Ling, and your first name is Qin Xueling. It was taken by your grandpa, are you happy?" Qin Zixuan was relieved when he saw that Feng Wuqinglan didn't touch his bones, and continued. To tease my daughter.

Qin Xueling yawned, she was sleepy, she closed her eyes and went to sleep, she didn't care what Qin Zixuan said, she was happy even watching her daughter sleep, Feng Wuqinglan really convinced Qin Zixuan, and quietly withdrew.

Concubine Cheng came in and asked Qin Zixuan to go out to accompany the guests for dinner, what's the point of lying in front of the small bed all this time, Qin Zixuan couldn't help it, so she reluctantly left.

Soon, word spread in Yujing City that King Cheng had won a thousand pieces of gold and gave porridge for a hundred days!The news swept across, and some people had already rushed to the porridge place to wait, and they wanted to be happy.

The emperor left after eating, and then the noble concubines of the empress dowager's palaces also sent rewards. Clothes etc.

The birth of the first woman in the history of Daqin was congratulated by all the officials and praised by the common people. Qin Zixuan's action was too big, bigger than the scene of Dahai's birth, which aroused Dahai's little jealousy, and then scratched Qin Zixuan's collection. .

Qin Zixuan smiled foolishly, he didn't care how much oil and water was blown away by the sea, he hugged the sea and kissed again and again, the eldest son was a pistachio, and the youngest daughter was a little padded jacket.

Concubine Cheng sent someone to ask about the baby names of the two little grandchildren, Qin Zixuan slapped his head, do you even need to think about it?One is called Taishan and the other is called Huashan.That casual look made Concubine Cheng unable to recruit, but luckily Qin Zixuan didn't get her name.

Concubine Cheng chose her own names, the one who was born in poetry was called Qin Jinhong, the one who was born in painting was called Qin Jinyi, and the little grandson was bestowed by the empress, so Concubine Cheng didn't have to worry about it. Happy events came one after another, and Concubine Cheng was busy and happy.

The nannies are in charge, Concubine Cheng makes all the arrangements, and treats them equally as much as possible, so as not to let the Song family feel left out. The son likes his daughter, and it is inevitable that Qin Xueling will be favored. Concubine Cheng didn't bother , all she can do is level a bowl of water.

When Cheng Wang's mansion held a big banquet, the battle in front of Qinglong Pass was raging, Qin Zisheng called in a million civilians, and wanted to take down Qinglong Pass with the tactics of crowds. Unexpectedly, the group of new soldiers turned around and attacked Qin Zisheng when they saw that they had nowhere to go. .

Someone yelled to kill the dog, avenge the emperor, and restore Dachu!Then the shouts became louder and louder, Shangguan Huai was dumbfounded, with Shangguan Huai as the center, the soldiers fell in wave after wave, but this group of people were brave enough to attack Shangguan Huai and Qin Zisheng wave after wave.

There was no other way, Shangguan Huai had no choice but to protect Qin Zisheng and evacuate. He could take the enemy's head from among thousands of troops, but what about 10 people?These people only have anger and hatred in their hearts!They did not recognize the Western Qin established by Qin Zisheng.

Because this dynasty did not bring them any benefits, only disasters, the flames of war shifted before Qinglong Pass, Qin Zisheng had no choice but to leave Qinglong Pass, and before returning to Sishui Pass, the group of soldiers screamed to kill Arrived at Surabaya Pass.

Shangguan Huai had no choice but to flee again with his people, and finally Ning Anguo came out to offer advice, that is, let's not fight Qinglong Pass, but concentrate our forces to fight Daqi. Was counterattacked to the door.

Ning Anguo faintly felt that Great Qin was sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight, and was sitting watching the turmoil in Western Qin. The people's poor livelihood was the root of the turmoil.

After unifying the Three Kingdoms, it is hard to say whether Great Qin will stop or continue to expand outwards. Ning Anguo thinks that the possibility of continuing to expand is the greatest, because Emperor Qin is not an ordinary person.

Ning Anguo contemplated Daqin's possible direction while making plans, but Qin Zisheng was obviously frightened, he didn't dare to shout anymore, and honestly rushed to Daqi's front line with a few soldiers.

After walking halfway, he heard the rebellion in the imperial city, and raised the banner of Dachu again. He didn't know where to find the blood of the Dachu royal family, so he hugged him to the main hall and became emperor. A small number of people rushed to the imperial city again.

Shangguan Huai's thinking was simple, he couldn't defeat a million army, and it was very simple to kill the emperor, so the group returned to the imperial city, Shangguan Huai touched the palace, killed the little emperor and hung him on the city gate.

At the same time, several families that participated in the rebellion were also wiped out by Shangguan Huai. Shangguan Huai used force to help Qin Zisheng consolidate the country. rebellion.

Following Qin Zisheng's departure, the Qinglong Pass returned to tranquility. The recruited militiamen scattered and fled for their lives. Some went home and some went to the mountains. Few continued to serve as soldiers for food.

Mu Lei and other generals gathered the old troops and retreated to the Sishui Pass. They should guard the pass honestly. Thank God if Daqin didn't attack them.Guarding the Surabaya pass, all the soldiers lacked food and supplies, and Mu Lei wrote a letter asking for food, clothing and weapons.

When Qin Zisheng received the memorial, he was so angry that a bunch of traitors still had the face to ask for food. Of course, Qin Zisheng didn't want to give it.

Do you want to starve to death the soldiers at the border without giving them food?If there is no one guarding the pass city, it will be too late for the soldiers of Daqin to regret it when they attacked the city and plundered the village.What he said was level, but Qin Zisheng had no food, so he continued to force the big family to donate food.

(End of this chapter)

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