Second-hand little prince

Chapter 924 Understanding

Chapter 924 Understanding
Qin Zixuan spent half an hour but couldn't make the other party understand what he meant. Similarly, Qin Zixuan didn't understand the other party's meaning. He sat there panting tiredly and didn't want to make gestures with the other party. It was too tiring and the communication was not smooth.

Li Han stood by and yawned while watching. Qin Zixuan went to look at the picture to read, and sat there cross-legged to teach women how to read. This kid gave up direct communication, so let's teach her how to read first.

What surprised Qin Zixuan was that the girl had a good memory, and could memorize it after teaching it twice. Qin Zixuan was very happy, and immediately decided to give her a name, Congcong.

The name can be as casual as you want. After Qin Zixuan called her a few times, the woman knew that Cong Cong was referring to her. As soon as Qin Zixuan called her name, she immediately responded.

So Qin Zixuan devoted himself to teaching with even greater enthusiasm. The girls ate and drank well at Qin Zixuan's place, and their enthusiasm for learning was even higher. For the next half month, Qin Zixuan continued to teach, while the army was still mopping up.

In half a month, Congcong has been able to express himself clearly. Daqin Linguistics is good, and those teachers said it was unbelievable, learning too fast.

Through Congcong's expression, Qin Zixuan had a general understanding of the group of opponents. Congcong couldn't tell where her ancestors came from, but she knew that she had lived here for a long time.

Congcong told Qin Zixuan that there is room for other human beings to live on this island. There have been wars and unifications before, but those unifications did not last long.

This is similar to the dynasty, there are always disobedient younger brothers who jump out, some people succeed in rebellion, some fail, no matter success or failure, if you want to become a master, you need to fight.

The earliest established tribe was called the Wild Wolf Tribe, and their totem was the wolf. However, this tribe has now perished, and the reason for its demise was the younger brother's rebellion. Cutting grass and roots is common in any era.

Qin Zixuan listened to Congcong's narration, and a picture flashed before his eyes, which was like a historical song. After the Yelang clan, there appeared Ji clan, Xiaoyue clan, Chiniu clan and other tribes.

History is always strikingly similar. They always disappear after a period of time and are replaced by new tribes. From the initial wooden stick to the current bone knife and stone, every change is a revolution of advanced productive forces.

So far, Qin Zixuan has heard about bows and arrows from Congcong's mouth for the first time, but the bows and arrows Congcong understands are different from those in Qin Zixuan's hands, and the range is not on the same level.

It was only then that Qin Zixuan realized that the productivity at this time was not only lagging behind that of Daqin, but also lagging behind the productivity of the entire continent, and they hadn't figured out the mature planting technology yet.

Up to now, their standard of living is still starvation. If they hunt more prey or find more food every day, they can fill their stomachs. If they find less, they can only starve.

They also worship the sea god. Every year, they send the underage men and women of the clan to the sea to pay respects to the sea god and ask for the blessing of the sea god. Qin Zixuan picks his nose when he hears it. He doesn't know if there are any gods in the sea, but Qin Zixuan knows that the sea can't control himself. The tide ebbs and flows, so begging is useless.

Regardless of the size of this island, there will be seawater intrusion every few decades. Qin Zixuan suspects that this has something to do with the ocean climate and has nothing to do with Poseidon.

Congcong also told Qin Zixuan that this is only a small tribe, and the real big tribe has to go north, where there is a plain, where people can plant and weave hemp.

Qin Zixuan nodded frequently after hearing this. Although he was very backward, Da Dao saw their progress. These people will always stagnate, probably because of their living environment.

After all, the environment here is forest and mountains. It is difficult to plant value, and I don’t know if it can grow anything. If all the trees are cut down, the mountain may slip and break.

Qin Zixuan talked about the landslide in the mountain, but Li Han and Congcong didn't understand, and didn't understand the relationship between cutting down the big tree and the landslide. Qin Zixuan didn't go into details, but Qin Zixuan knew that he couldn't do tree-cutting for the sake of development.

Qin Zixuan remembered the lessons from his previous life very clearly. Those people neglected the environment for the sake of development, and in the end they had to spend ten times and a hundred times their efforts to manage it. It is not certain whether they can be cured.

Qin Zixuan would not do such unpleasant things, so they decided to let these people move north to farm on the plains. According to what Congcong said, the area there is large enough for them to develop. .

Everyone chatted for a while, Qin Zixuan was interrupted by the soldiers' notification, but it was the vanguard spies who sent back the news that they had detected the plain that Congcong said.

Now whether to move forward or advance steadily, Qin Zi needs to make a big decision. Qin Zixuan calculates the time. They have been out for more than two months, so let's take down that plain first.

I don't know if there are any new changes in Daqin in the past two months or so. Qin Zixuan doesn't want to waste too much time, so he can go as fast as he can, and the worst is to gather people together to teach.

Later, the south sent the latest news from the dangerous place, that is, how to deal with the coal dug out. This question does not need to be thought about carefully, and it must be transported back.

Daqin needs things like coal, and they also need coal on their ships. The steam engine has been used on the big ship, which can just resupply the big ship.

After finishing his business, Qin Zixuan asked where Dahai had gone. The soldiers reported that Dahai had gone to Chiniu Mountain. Chiniu Mountain used to be the residence of the Chiniu tribe. After the destruction of the Chiniu tribe, it became a barren mountain.

Dahai and his group are looking for the legendary red cow on the Red Bull Mountain. This is an animal that Qin Zixuan has never heard of. It looks like a cow, but it is extremely small and has a huge poison on it.

Legend has it that it is a Tuteng beast of the Chiniu tribe. With the demise of the Chiniu tribe, this kind of red cow gradually disappeared from people's sight, and they have been living in Chiniu Mountain.

Chiniu Mountain will become a barren mountain. The most important reason is the poison on the red cow. No one can cure the poison except the people of the Chiniu tribe. Those who enter the Chiniu Mountain will only die if they are attacked. Over time, no one will enter. Red Cow Mountain.

Qin Zixuan frowned after hearing this, these guys are really skilled and daring, they just killed them unprepared, not afraid of being bitten by the red bull, Qin Zixuan was dissatisfied and couldn't say anything, who let him beat them.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan was worried, Li Han immediately stepped forward to comfort him. There is a little poisonous girl here, don't be afraid, she claims to cure all poisons, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes when he said this.

That's just a claim that if it is true that any poison can be cured, it will not go out to sea with the ship to find poison.She can only detoxify known poisons, like those that have not been encountered yet, it will take time for the little poison girl to detoxify.

(End of this chapter)

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