Second-hand little prince

Chapter 926 Human Origins

Chapter 926 Human Origins
Facing the red cow, Qin Zixuan jumped in fright, then Li Han lifted Haihai's neck and slapped Haihai twice, causing Haihai to roll his eyes.

Father is the treasure in mother's hands, even more precious than his eldest son, if he is sincerely convinced, why can't Mao's own status be raised to a higher level?Dahai howled twice at the top of his voice, as a way to save face for Li Han.

When Li Han softened and put him down, Dahai ran with short legs, and the red bull in his hand had already been thrown onto Qin Zixuan. He saw Qin Zixuan jumping and shaking the red bull to the ground, and then shouted and chased after Dahai. .

Dahai's laughter made him run away, Qin Zixuan's jumping sound sounded from behind, Li Han followed behind with his hands behind his back, he didn't attack his eldest son, and the slaps hadn't been taken away yet, and he started to scare his husband again.

Gong Liangyan looked at the family of three running all over the mountains with envious expressions on her face. This was the life she yearned for, but unfortunately her parents were serious people and never teased children like Qin Zixuan.

If Gu Yue wasn't worried about his eldest apprentice being beaten to death by his parents, he had already started to think about how to distribute these ginseng after they were brought back to the family. The elders in the family should be filial, the master should be filial, and the uncles and uncles should also be filial.

After counting dozens of ginseng but no birds, Gu Yue's heart throbbed like a calculation. There are advantages and disadvantages to a great family business.

Turning her head to look at Gong Liangyan, based on the principle of sharing bad news, Gu Yueru told Gong Liangyan and Feng Wu Chuxuan about her troubles, until the pained expression appeared on their faces, Gu Yueru was satisfied Leaving, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Zixuan was playing with Dahai and accidentally fell into a hole, and he didn't know how the hole was formed. It was pitch black inside, and Qin Zixuan was so frightened that he kept screaming, almost piercing someone's eardrum.

Dahai stopped, turned around and ran back. Li Han had already jumped down. Looking at his mother's movements, Dahai really suspected that there was a frying pan inside, and his mother would jump down without hesitation.

The scream attracted Gu Yueru, who lay down on the side of the cave with Hai Hai and looked down, Qin Zixuan's feet had already landed on the ground, and his body was hugged by Li Han, feeling relieved and no longer screaming.

Li Han took out a torch from his pocket and lit it up. The dark cave was greeted with a faint light, causing the soldiers above to drop two torches. Li Han decided to check the cave carefully.

When the torch illuminated the space, Qin Zixuan and Li Han discovered that the space here is really big, it is as big as three houses, and the place where they fell was just a hole.

A soldier descended along the rope and stood guard behind the two of them. Qin Zixuan held a torch and looked around, and found that there were reliefs on the wall, but the portraits were not particularly similar, like abstract paintings.

It depicts the battle between humans and animals. There are quite a few animals here. Qin Zixuan counted them, and there are quite a few in this space, including tigers and lions, wild wolves, boars, and cheetahs.

None of the animals appearing here are fuel-efficient lamps, and all of them are not low in combat power. From the pictures, it can be seen that someone was injured and the angle of attack.

After careful analysis, Qin Zixuan understood one thing, that is, the ancients were not fools, they actually knew how to use the weaknesses of animals to fight.

Most of the weapons in their hands were stone and wooden sticks. Qin Zixuan reckoned that this should be a cave of primitive people. This kind of thing is a broken cave for a person without artistic talent.

But for those researchers who pursue the origin of human beings, this place is a paradise. Qin Zixuan didn't find anything like bones after reading it, and he didn't know whether those people migrated or died outside.

Because there was no valuables inside, the others were very disappointed. Only Qin Zixuan ordered the soldiers to mark it, and it must be protected for future scholars to study.

As a time traveler, Qin Zixuan knew the value of this kind of thing very well. Its value can be said to be priceless, and there is no way to estimate it.

Gu Yueru was very disappointed. She thought she would find a genius and a treasure, but she didn't expect it to be a dilapidated house. Seeing Qin Zixuan's arrangement of various protection measures, Gu Yueru disapproved.

Qin Zixuan was not the kind of person who held his nose and swallowed his anger, and immediately launched an attack, asking Gu Yueru, do you know where human beings come from?How did humans form?
Who is the ancestor of human beings?Why do people live?What is the meaning of living?Where do you come from?Where are you going?After asking a series of questions, Gu Yueru widened her eyes and began to reflect, as if there was no answer.

So Gu Yueru asked Qin Zixuan a question, and Qin Zixuan gave a very interesting answer, I am me, I come from my parents' love bed, I am going to die, I live just to live.

This time it's a bit fucked up, Qin Zixuan didn't understand these questions himself, so he answered casually, and answered whatever he thought, Gu Yueru let out a oh, and threw this question to the back of his mind.

This guy is a rough guy, it's impossible to stump Gu Yueru with such an unsolvable problem, and he doesn't care about it.Gong Liangyan, who was standing by the side, fell into deep thought.

Qin Zixuan didn't know at this time that his random question revealed a great scholar, Gong Liangyan, who would embark on a journey of researching the origin of human beings in the near future.

And left a famous masterpiece, is one of the soul figures in the theory of human origin in the Yanhuang Continent, and has been described several times in the history of the Yanhuang Continent.

After Qin Zixuan finished his good deeds, he left with his eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, leaving behind Gong Liangyan who was still thinking deeply and Gu Yueru who was jumping. The family of three returned to the ginseng mining area, looking at the ginseng piled up on the hill, grinning laugh.

The soldiers came forward and reported that there were not enough jade boxes to hold ginseng. Qin Zixuan waved his hand and said, "It's not a problem to send people to the jade mine to mine."

After hearing this, the soldiers ran away with a smile. It was really not a problem. There was not only a mountain of ginseng, but also a jade mine. Soon someone ran to deliver a letter, and other soldiers continued to dig.

Everyone was grinning happily, Qin Zixuan stood there with his hands behind his back, and began to think about who to give it to. When he got something good outside, the first thing he thought of was his family.

The next day, the Seventh Fairy came with a group of soldiers carrying the jade box. She was dumbfounded looking at the piles of ginseng. Hearing and seeing are definitely two different concepts.

"Seven sisters, let's get rich." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, even though his muscles ached, he still couldn't help being cheerful, he laughed even when he was sleeping.

The Seventh Fairy nodded excitedly. Ever since they met Qin Zixuan, their luck has always been so good, and they never lacked good things. This younger brother is very worthwhile.

(End of this chapter)

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