Second-hand little prince

Chapter 928 Dismantling

Chapter 928 Dismantling
General Cheng is a military family, and Li Han still has the Cheng family without soldiers, or else there is the Tang family Zhan family, how could it not be the turn of the Qiao family who was born as a civil servant!
King Xian stood there, watching the quarreling ministers frowning. He was a member of the royal family and could not lead troops into battle. He had to choose carefully, and he could not let a certain family dominate.

The emperor's head hurts from the noise, and then he looked at Qin Zixuan who was sitting there watching a play and drinking tea, he was quite speechless, did this kid treat the hall as a vegetable market?

If Qin Zixuan knew the emperor's thoughts, he would admit generously that he was just watching a big show, and it would be wonderful if he came on stage after you sang and fought one by one.

Fighting for three points with reason, disturbing eight points unreasonably, Mr. Qiao belongs to the one who will disturb eight points even without reason. How can his son be praised so vigorously by only Mr. Qiao, without even an alliance.

Qin Zixuan asked Li Han about Qiao Kaifu's situation in a low voice, Li Han pursed his lips, do I need to ask this?Certainly not so much, Mr. Qiao is a civil servant, it is strange that a civil servant would tend to train his son to be a general.

You must know that the status of a military commander is not as good as that of a civil servant, and it is also risky. God knows which battlefield he will die on. Li Han doesn't think Master Qiao can cultivate a first-class good son.

If this is the case, then it is impossible for this person not to be famous by now, and he has already become famous in the army. After all, the champion of martial arts comes once every three years.

Qin Zixuan agreed with Li Han's reply. Since this is the case, why does Master Qiao still fight for the command of the three armies?Is it because he has a good daughter?

Qin Zixuan asked in a low voice, Li Han gave him an appreciative look, and Qin Zixuan snorted angrily, is he so unreliable?He is a very smart and big man, and he has also led soldiers, okay?
Looking at the two whispering to each other, the emperor couldn't help asking Qin Zixuan for his opinion. Qin Zixuan laughed a few times, and proposed a duel based on the principle of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big things.

Whether it's a mule or a horse, we don't have the final say on whether we can do it or not, so let's use our strength to face it, shall we?This statement was recognized and supported by everyone.

When Qin Zixuan made this suggestion, he had been paying attention to Mr. Qiao's expression, but he saw that this person had a face of winning. Could it be that he was thinking wrong, and there was something else going on here?

Qin Zixuan felt that the matter was too big, as if he had deviated from his own ideas. Could it be that Qiao Kaifu is a capable person?If he is really capable, why was there no news before?

"Do you think he will learn from martial artists from other countries like Zhou Ziming?" Qin Zixuan asked in a low voice. Li Han raised his eyebrows.

If it is as Qin Zixuan guessed, then this matter needs to be investigated carefully. Li Han is straightforward, so he asked Qiao Kaifu on the spot who was his apprentice?Which family's kung fu did you learn?

This was originally just a common problem, but it caused Master Qiao to backlash. He sneered at Li Han for a while, saying that Li Han occupied a high position and did not contribute to the country, and even suppressed generals.

The implication is that Li Han is not worthy of being a general. Qin Zixuan frowned after hearing this. Whether Li Han is worthy of being a general is not decided by others, but by the emperor. As long as the emperor nods, Li Han can do it at any time. Throw away the official position.

The emperor also frowned, he also felt that Li Han's question was very common, so he would not be ridiculed by it, and after talking for a long time, Master Qiao did not say who Qiao Kaifu was his apprentice, which made the emperor suspicious.

The matter of Zhou Meiren reminded the emperor that when he saw the relationship between the women in the harem and the foreign ministers, the emperor's mind would change. This is not right.

So without waiting for Qin Zixuan to jump, the emperor took the lead to break Master Qiao's accusation and clamor, and asked who Qiao Kaifu studied as a teacher and which one he was good at.

Master Qiao's face was gloomy, he took a deep breath, as if suppressing his anger, then saluted to the emperor, and replied to the emperor's question with an aggrieved expression, Qin Zixuan looked at Master Qiao's expression with pain, do you want to show it? It's so wonderful.

The change in expression almost caught up with the film king, but looking at the officials, there are not many poor acting skills, and those with poor acting skills are not easy to mix.

"Going back to the emperor, Kaifu is a disciple of Taoist Master Qingxu of Nanyuan Mountain. He is good at swordsmanship. He has learned the art of war since childhood. If the emperor has any doubts, he can test it at any time."

Master Qiao's words fell silent, and Qin Zixuan couldn't help asking: "Is there a Qingxu Daoist in Nanyuan Mountain? Why haven't I heard of it? I think we traveled to Nanyuan Mountain back then."

Qin Zixuan's words made Mr. Qiao change his face, and he quickly added an explanation. Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing strangely. He has really been to Nanyuan Mountain, and it is not a famous mountain or river.

Who let Qin Zixuan go climbing in boredom? After visiting Nanyuan Mountain, he didn't find any Taoist temples. One thing is for sure, Master Qiao is lying.

The water in these words is not an exaggeration, and it is [-]% false. Does Mr. Qiao really think that he can deceive the world by fabricating a non-existing Taoist temple?It's a pity that I met a knowledgeable one.

The emperor also has the information in Qin Zixuan's hands, because the people who accompanied Qin Zixuan were the emperor's spies, this kind of thing cannot stand investigation, and it is precisely because of this that Qin Zixuan laughed so embarrassingly.

Master Qiao stared at Qin Zixuan, feeling guilty for a while. He really made up a Taoist temple. He thought it would be a big deal to send someone to build a fake one. He didn't expect that before he could act, he would be exposed and slapped in the face.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and looked carefully at Mr. Qiao, and finally turned his head to look at the emperor. Others dare not look directly at the emperor, but Qin Zixuan dared to look at him, and even smiled wickedly.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's bastard appearance, the emperor ground his teeth for a while, wanting to arrest this kid and beat him up, what's the matter?

Li Han whispered: "Sanggong, why did Mao expose him so quickly? Wouldn't it be good to keep him playing for a while?"

"No, I don't want to play with him. He's an unscrupulous bad guy, and if some bad guy gets involved in an army operation, those soldiers will be injured. I don't want to see Daqin soldiers injured."

Li Han nodded in agreement, what Xianggong said is correct, what Xianggong said is too reasonable, it is better not to have bad guys in the army, those are also her brothers, once the war breaks out, maybe her former subordinates will also respond play.

Mr. Qiao stared at the two whispering to each other, feeling a burst of resentment in his heart, he was so angry, how come there is Qin Zixuan everywhere, a majestic prince without a real job, why don't you stay in the palace?
Running to the main hall to show off, this is a problem with the Qiao family. Master Qiao thought about it for a while, but he didn't think of offending Qin Zixuan. Why did this kid miss himself?

(End of this chapter)

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