Second-hand little prince

Chapter 930 Complaint

Chapter 930 Complaint
Qin Zixuan was sprayed into darkness, staring at Dahai angrily, wanting to grab Dahai and beat him up, but he didn't want Dahai to be a ghost, he told his father to beat Dahai, Dahai was going to run away, and ran out of the Xianju Palace, staring at Dahai. With the back of the sea, Qin Zixuan was depressed for a while.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's gloomy look, everyone covered their mouths and snickered. Qin Zixuan really couldn't do anything about this baby. Dahai trotted all the way to the imperial study. The emperor was working when he heard Dahai's ghost screaming.

"Father is going to hit the sea, help me, my lord!"

The emperor stopped working, walked to the door of the imperial study, and saw Dahai crashing into his lap, he quickly bent down to hug him, and looked behind Dahai, but he didn't see the legendary figure.

"My lord, Dahai loves you, and I have something good for you." Dahai took out a small brown tree from his arms and held it in front of the emperor. The emperor took it in his hand and didn't know what it was.

"My lord, you have worked so hard. This can replenish your energy and refresh your mind. Alas, the wrinkles of your lord have deepened after not seeing you for a few days. Your lord, you have to control yourself." Hai Hai patted the face of the emperor like a little adult Let the emperor restrain himself, and listen to the emperor's black face.

This little fart knows what kind of restraint, but then he thought about who Qin Zixuan was?Will the kids he teaches be normal?Certainly not, so the emperor felt that Da Hai almost understood it.

The resentment in the emperor's heart towards Qin Zixuan, what did the stinky boy teach, it's so embarrassing, the old face is lost, but Dahai is right, he must be restrained, he can't be so presumptuous anymore, that Qiao beauty is nothing nice one.

Thinking of what happened in the main hall, the emperor had a split in his mind. If there was a problem with the Qiao family, it would be worth deliberating that that beauty Qiao met him.

I can send spies to West Qin, and they can also send them to me. Now it depends on whose spies are more powerful. Thinking of this, the emperor's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Master Qiao's destination needs to be carefully planned.

Dahai pretended not to understand the meaning of the emperor, holding the emperor's face in various confessions, that is, Dahai misses the emperor, thinks about it, can't sleep well, and thinks about the emperor for all kinds of good things, look at me Good things are left for you.

These things are good, better than what daddy gave you, I specially left a copy for you, the emperor was elated when he heard it, he hugged the sea for a while, and loved the sea dearly.

Seeing Dahai rubbing his legs vigorously, he took a look at Dahai's calf, and saw a scar on it, the emperor felt distressed when he saw it, and asked what was going on, Dahai took Xiao Changyin to complain.

Poor Qin Zixuan was explaining what had happened in the Xianju Palace, but he didn't expect Dahai to cheat again when he turned around. The emperor rushed to Xianju Palace with Dahai in his arms, and he wanted to settle the score with Qin Zixuan.

If he can take care of the child well, if he can't, leave the child to him. The emperor wants to take care of the child himself. He really can't stand Qin Zixuan's way of taking care of the child. That's not taking care of the child, it's cheating the child.

"Grandma, that's how it happened. It wasn't intentional. It was Dahai who hurt her mischievously. It has nothing to do with me." Qin Zixuan spent a lot of time talking about what happened.

It's true that Dahai's leg injury was done in front of Qin Zixuan, but it wasn't Qin Zixuan's fault, it was Dahai's own lawlessness. Qin Zixuan was just accompanying him, and didn't cause it by himself. He didn't expect to become Dahai's trick.

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with you?" Concubine Cheng was not happy. The good grandson let her son take him out to play. This time it was good, but he was injured all over his body. The concubine wanted to take care of her family.

Qin Zixuan giggled, stretched out his arms to hug Huang He, but was slapped away by Concubine Cheng, he didn't want his son to harm his grandson again, the eldest grandson has already taught him to be crooked, and the rest don't want to continue to be crooked.

Qin Zixuan was so angry that he wanted to catch Haihai and beat him up, so he dug a hole when he came back. He played in vain for several months, which was not good for him. He got angry when he thought about it, and he was just getting angry. The emperor came back with Dahai in his arms.

Qin Zixuan knew it was not good when he saw the emperor's posture, he came to settle accounts with himself, poor Qin Zixuan was abused by the sea, there is no way to reason.

Li Han was sitting there with a cup in his hand watching the play, Changjiang climbed up to Li Han to hug him, Li Han then put down his cup and hugged Changjiang, the emperor's reprimand sounded in his ears.

Qin Zixuan continued to explain with a bitter face, Dahai was quietly defending beside him, and then Qin Zixuan sadly realized that he was to blame again, tilting his head to look at Dahai, the baby was just laughing.

Forget it, this matter can't be discussed anymore, Qin Zixuan decided to give up his defense, turned to look at Concubine Cheng, and asked, "Where is my daughter? Why didn't she enter the palace."

Concubine Cheng rolled her eyes, she only thought of her daughter now, why didn't she think about it later in the year, told Qin Zixuan that Ling'er was ill these two days and couldn't come out to see the wind, Qin Zixuan was surprised and asked what the disease was?

Concubine Cheng told Qin Zixuan that Ling'er had water beans and couldn't see the wind, and was raising them in Prince Cheng's mansion. Qin Zixuan jumped up after hearing this, "Shui Dou, it wasn't a serious illness in the previous life, but this life is different. Without such advanced medical methods, he still Come home quickly.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's appearance, the emperor felt a headache, he was still so rough at such a big age, not stable at all, Qin Zixuan wanted to go home, so naturally he had to go home.

So the family bid farewell to the queen mother, and did not stay for dinner, so they should go home quickly. The queen mother was heartbroken and knew the importance of Ling'er, so she had to remind Qin Zixuan to come to the palace to see her tomorrow.

Qin Zixuan responded with a grin, turned around and threw Dahai to the Queen Mother, and asked the baby to chat with the Queen Mother. Dahai was very angry in his heart, the whole family went home, and he was not wanted!

Ouch, Dahai hugged his leg and yelled, saying that his leg was broken. Qin Zixuan was so frightened that he ran away, and if he stayed there, he didn't know what kind of moth came out of Dahai.

The empress dowager and the emperor watched the family leave with smiles on their faces. Prince Cheng’s mansion doesn’t have to worry about the end of the family. The six boys are very clever. The empress dowager clasped her fingers to settle accounts. There are 36 great-grandchildren, and the queen mother can wake up with a smile.

The motorcade hadn't returned to Prince Cheng's Mansion yet, but someone stopped him on the road, Qin Zixuan was anxious to go home, annoyed by this, he sent Lin Xi to ask what was going on, wondering if this was the driver of Prince Cheng's Mansion?
Lin Xi came back soon and reported that the person blocking the way wanted to find the general, saying that he was a former subordinate of the general, and he didn't say why he was looking for the general, only that it was very important.

After hearing this, Li Han didn't say a word. The carriage walked quickly to the front of the convoy, and saw a dirty man blocking the way. His hair was stuck on his head and his face was dark. He hadn't washed for some time. There was still a sour smell on his body, and there was thick blood in some places.

(End of this chapter)

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