Second-hand little prince

Chapter 949 Dog blood story

Chapter 949 Dog blood story
Zhang Wei, who was beaten hard, calmed down and never dared to play tricks again. He honestly confessed that there are two other juniors who have gone to Xiqin, and their strength is only inferior to his own, higher than Zhou Qian and the others.

Qin Zixuan was curious. These two were obviously Ye Licang's apprentices. Why did they hang out with Zhang Wei? After asking, he found out that the news of Zhang Wei's destruction of the Yeli family had not spread, and no one knew about it. many.

Zhou Qian just happened to know about it, the two juniors didn't know about it, and Zhang Wei misled the two of them to help him destroy his opponent, the reason being that they destroyed the Yeli family.

Qin Zixuan didn't expect that someone would be so stupid that he would ignore the enemy in front of him and even help the tyrant. Li Han drank water slowly, glanced at Zhang Wei from time to time, and suddenly asked: "Did Ye Licang often teach you?" Abusing you?"

When asked this question, Qin Zixuan turned to look at Li Han, wondering why his wife suddenly raised such a question?Li Han explained with a smile: "Everything that has been done will leave traces. If those two people really want to investigate, it is impossible to be misled."

"It makes sense, did Ye Licang really abuse you?" Qin Zixuan followed up with a question, looking curious, he really wanted to know if it was true that the eldest daughter-in-law was too smart as Li Han guessed.

Zhang Wei's eyes flickered a few times, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, sure enough there was something going on inside, let's just say, there are so many stories about why Zhang Wei wiped out his Manchus so ruthlessly.

It took a while for Zhang Wei to tell the truth under Qin Zixuan's threat.

Zhang Wei will catch the eyes of the other party, it is because he is good-looking that Ye Li Cang brings him by his side, and he is smart enough to learn all Ye Li Cang's skills.

Of course, Zhang Wei is also very good at currying favor with Ye Li Cang, the two are master and apprentice, until Zhang Wei was in his late thirties, Ye Li Cang passed away, after which Zhang Wei was truly free.

It's just that Zhang Wei at that time was capable, but he didn't have half a woman by his side, and his murder against Ye Lihong was only out of revenge.

Unexpectedly, a revenge made him have offspring. Zhang Wei didn't like Ye Lihong, but he liked his son, but it was ten years later when he knew that his son existed. Looking at his abused son, Zhang Wei It is conceivable how big Wei's anger is.

After Qin Zixuan listened to the dog-blood story in it, there was a dumbfounding expression on his face. It seems that people can't do bad things, and God knows when and where he will take revenge.

It was originally a wild affair, who would have thought that this was the root cause of the extermination of the clan, Zhang Wei was only out of revenge, who would have thought that he would be full of children and grandchildren.

After listening to Zhang Wei's story, Qin Zixuan felt that his two juniors might not have found out the truth, but felt that Zhang Wei had done what they had always wanted to do but failed, so he pretended to be cheated and followed Zhang Wei at the same time. Eat and drink.

After all, Zhang Wei is a member of King Hulun. He enjoys eating on the grassland and is surrounded by prosperity and wealth. They can benefit by pretending not to know it. This is a win-win situation.

"Has the national teacher from Yunmeng Kingdom come?" Qin Zixuan asked suddenly. This is the person Qin Zixuan wanted to kill the most. If it wasn't for that national teacher's nonsense, Qin Zixuan would still be cool and unrestrained. How could he be stared at? , was assassinated twice in three days.

They used to think about snatching Qin Zixuan away, but now they don't want to rob others. They just start killing Qin Zixuan, as long as Qin Zixuan is killed, Qin Zixuan is so angry that his heart hurts. This is really a disaster from heaven.

Zhang Wei didn't know about this issue either. They communicated through messengers. Even if the other party did show up, they wouldn't tell Zhang Wei, just as Zhang Wei didn't tell them to lead the team.

This group of people cooperate with each other but don't trust each other. The information exchanged between them also needs to carefully consider which ones are true and which ones are false. This answer makes Qin Zixuan very dissatisfied. swear.

Although he got some information, he still didn't get the core information. Although Qin Zixuan was upset, he had no choice but to hold his nose and accept this reality.

The next step is to ask about the combat power of the Hulun Kingdom. Zhang Wei has something to say about this point, and he is quite proud. Qin Zixuan was so angry that he whipped his whip again before he calmed down. Can't make it through, this is what Qin Zixuan most wanted to ask.

Zhang Wei told Qin Zixuan that the king of Hulun had conquered the country of Harbin, and now the area of ​​Hulun country is larger than that of the Three Kingdoms. Of course, many places are barren.

Qin Zixuan picked his nose. If the Yanhuang Continent was really like the earth he was on, then the area would be huge. The Eastern Expedition to Kazakhstan would be nothing, the area would be huge.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's unchanging face, Zhang Wei was a little discouraged. He was indeed a man of nature, very comparable to others, but he was shocked when he heard such a large area without changing his face.

Qin Zixuan silently recorded the development of Hulun Kingdom, and knew that when King Hulun returned, it would be the time for the decisive battle between Daqin and Hulun Kingdom. Facing the eagle in the grassland, Qin Zixuan knew that this battle was not easy to fight.

Although there are guns and cannons, what if people don’t give you the opportunity to attack a large area, what if you start a war from all directions, what if the opponent is a military expert and plays a sneak attack on tunnel warfare?

These made Qin Zixuan understand that even though the weapons in his hands were advanced, he still had to face the battle calmly, and he couldn't underestimate the enemy, otherwise he would be defeated.

Digging out a lot of inside information from Zhang Wei, Qin Zixuan left satisfied, Zhang Wei's stay in the Cheng Palace was useless, and the emperor would probably take over next, Qin Zixuan and Li Han returned to the courtyard, watching the hot atmosphere in the courtyard, Immediately throw your troubles to the clouds.

Dahai is standing in the yard teaching his younger brother boxing. His small fists are whistling with wind. If the movements of the Yangtze River and Huanghe are not standard, he will receive a flying kick from Dahai. Dahai has played his elder brother like a father to perfection.

Qin Zixuan, the father, was reluctant to teach the child a lesson, so Dahai decided to go on stage himself, and trained his younger brother so that he dared not speak out, and finally he had to follow up with punches honestly. Seeing Qin Zixuan and Li Han approaching, the two groaned and wanted to pounce. Qin Zixuan laughed out loud with a look of not daring.

"Sons, rest!" Qin Zixuan uttered a voice, the voice fell, Hai Hai rolled his eyes, his short legs were not idle, and he was the first to throw himself into Qin Zixuan's arms.

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River were relieved, and ran over. Qin Zixuan picked up his three sons and grinned. His sons were all smart, but it was Qin Zixuan who was sued by Dahai next.

(End of this chapter)

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