Chapter 952

Zhoushan old monster really wants to kill Yun Zheng, but this kind of thing can be done or not, it is better not to offend a fortune teller to death.So the Zhoushan old monster snorted and stopped talking, his eyes glanced coldly at Yun Zheng, his surface was calm and amorous, and he admired him in his heart.

Yun Zheng let go of the Zhoushan old monster and didn't continue the previous topic. He turned his head to look at Qin Zixuan, and couldn't help but twitch. He actually saw Qin Zixuan silently reciting the three-character scripture in his heart, so ugly.
Yun Zheng was so angry, is he really not that ugly?Is it better to be ugly than anyone else?Qin Zixuan stared at Yun Zheng with a smile, his mind was full of ugly things.

Let you know how to read minds, but you should read again, I think about the ugly monster all the time, let's see how you read, Qin Zixuan is a ghost, so angry that Yun Zheng gave up reading minds.

"General Cheng, General Li, this senior, please sit down." Yun Zheng stretched out his hand to invite the three of them to sit down, and looked at the table in front of him, his mouth twitched again, the cup could not be placed properly.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and said, "Ugly, don't you need to declare your family name before inviting people to sit?"

This was what Yun Zheng said before Qin Zixuan was blocked by Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan blocked it back intact. Yun Zheng secretly scolded Qin Zixuan for being stingy, with a faint smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said, "Under Yunmeng State Teacher Yun Zheng, be polite."

Hey, the disgust on Qin Zixuan's face, seeing Yun Zheng's face full of question marks, he didn't know what to dislike about him, the national teacher of Yunmeng.

"It's no big deal for famous people to read minds if they don't say dark words, and I won't praise you just because you can read minds, but it's your fault that you lied to me that I am Master Yunmeng." Qin Zixuan finished speaking The word liar kept flashing in my mind.

Yun Zheng raised his head and looked at Qin Zixuan carefully, trying to see the clues from Qin Liaoxuan's eyes, but he didn't expect that he only saw the word liar, and it was still playing in a loop. Yun Zheng was shocked at that time, and Qin Zixuan didn't know where he saw it.

Ha ha, Yun Zheng laughed dryly, touched his nose guiltily, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, did he guess right, the other party is not some shit national teacher!
"Under Yunzheng, Yunmengguo grand master is also." Yun Zheng changed his name, then stared into Qin Zixuan's eyes, and saw the word "bad guy", and it was still playing in a loop. Yun Zheng couldn't figure it out, grand master Why is he a bad guy?
This is related to the influence of the historical dramas that Qin Zixuan has watched. It seems that in every TV drama, the grand master is a villain, which is synonymous with bad guys. Qin Zixuan was deeply impressed.

Moreover, Yun Zheng looked to be in his thirties, and Qin Zixuan didn't believe him when he said that he was a grand master. Could it be that he had a child at the age of fourteen or fifteen?Then the child married the emperor of Yunmeng Kingdom at the age of fourteen or fifteen?This life is simply hanging up.

Li Han and the Zhoushan old monster didn't see why Yun Zheng applied for two official positions, and he was so guilty. Seeing the young man curling his lips, Li Han felt that she also wanted to learn mind reading skills, and wanted to see what he was thinking. ?He actually forced the other party to change his mouth.

When the three sat down, Qin Zixuan took out a wine gourd from his waist. He should drink what he brought. Poisoning mostly happened in drinks. For safety's sake, Qin Zixuan didn't want to touch what Yun Zheng brought.

"I've heard that Prince Cheng's Mansion produces fine wine. I wonder if this Grand Master will have a chance to taste it?" Yun Zheng, with a thick skin, was the first to ask for it.

Qin Zixuan grunted and poured him a glass, and shouted 100 taels, Yun Zheng was a little bit unsure about the best thing in front of him, this guy was thinking something different.

After drinking for a while, Qin Zixuan asked who Master Yunmeng was. He expressed that he wanted to get to know him, and he had better find another chance to beat him into a dog's head.

Who is Yun Zheng to come back to be the national teacher? He is just an ordinary official and has no chance to see the demeanor of the national teacher. None of the few people who said this believed it. Qin Zixuan believed that Yun Zheng had become a habit of lying.

That is, there is nothing to talk about. Qin Zixuan put away the jug and got up to leave. The other party can read minds, but they don't. It's too passive to talk about. The most important thing is that the other party didn't tell the truth.

When Li Han saw that the young man had a disagreement and left immediately, the five of them quickly walked out of the pavilion. Yun Zheng was dumbfounded, why should he be so capricious? Before he said anything, the other party left.

Hurry up to get up and stay, talk carefully if you have something to say, don't leave in a hurry, Qin Zixuan walked thirty feet away, looked back at Yun Zheng, and whispered to a few people how to break the mind reading technique, which made Zhoushan old monster almost laugh, it's okay Such an operation!

"Cheng Wang Qiansui, if you have something to say, please take a seat." Yun Zheng got up and caught up. When he saw Li Han drawing his sword, he stopped in place and did not dare to move up. He is very good at reading minds, and his weak strength is also his fatal weakness.

God rewards a bowl of rice, which is different from ordinary people, but also weaker than ordinary people. Yun Zheng's disadvantage is that his limbs are uncoordinated, he cannot practice martial arts, and he can't do anything related to sports. Just use the same hands and feet. You can trip yourself up when you walk.

Qin Zixuan didn't expect the other party to be so funny, watching Yun Zheng catch up with a smirk on his face, Yun Zheng didn't look at Qin Zixuan but looked at Li Han, and saw the other party kept saying ugly things.

Well, this is how everyone has learned how to deal with him. He was so angry that he twisted his face. Do you want to be so cruel? This Qin Zixuan is indeed his destined nemesis. He broke his mind-reading skills as soon as we met, which is too powerful.

Because Yun Zheng stayed with coolies, they sat back in the gazebo again, this time Qin Zixuan didn't invite the other party to drink, what's good for a person who didn't tell the truth, feeding a dog is better than feeding Yun Zheng.

This thought flashed through Qin Zixuan's mind, Yun Zheng's black face, this person is really, scolding him all the time in his heart, is his popularity so bad?It seems not, his popularity is still very good.

Yun Zheng doesn't believe that he is not popular, but he has to pay attention to Qin Zixuan from time to time. The purpose of inviting Qin Zixuan out in the name of the national teacher on this trip is to use his mind reading skills to find out some secrets.

"Cheng Wang Qiansui, although I, Yunmeng, is small, I also have ambitions in the world. Hasn't Cheng Wang Qiansui thought of sitting on the world?" , "I, Yunmeng, am willing to share the world with King Cheng Qiansui, but I don't know what King Cheng Qiansui wants?"

Yelling, win over?If you can't kill them, you can win them over. Yunmeng Country is quite difficult to deal with, at least in a country as big as Hulun Country, it doesn't have so many demon moths.

The words Yelang's arrogance flashed in Qin Zixuan's mind, Yun Zheng was curious, and asked what Yelang's arrogance meant, Qin Zixuan immediately explained to him the origin of Yelang's arrogance.

Insinuatingly scolding Yunmengguo Yelang for being arrogant, he has never seen the heroes of the world contend for hegemony, no matter how hard it is, it will never be Yunmengguo's turn to dominate the world.

(End of this chapter)

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