Chapter 979
Qin Zixuan didn't expect that his plan hadn't been implemented yet, and Shangguancheng took the initiative to jump out to show it, and he gathered all the masters to jump out together, which saved trouble.

Qin Zixuan made a gesture, and Yang Shulin led his personal guards to stand ready. Gong Liangjie and Wei Xiao, who were guarding Qin Zixuan's side, looked nervous. There were only two of them. There were too many masters rushing towards him, so they couldn't resist.

They hoped that Li Han could fight back, but in this case, Li Han couldn't fight back, because she was a general, and once she retreated, it would affect the morale of the army, and even lead to the defeat of this battle.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan wasn't jealous either, there was still someone in his hand who could use it, and [-] spears had already been aimed at the rushing group of people, and they were still firing intensively.

Shangguan Cheng's group had already lost more than half of them before they rushed to the front. They didn't expect that Qin Zixuan's spear team had improved again. Their bullets actually started a coordinated battle, and it became more difficult to rely on speed to dodge.

Qin Zixuan sat on Taxue's back, his eyes were fixed on the person rushing over, his hands were already clenched with pistols, Lin Xi was holding the horse in one hand and the gun in the other, equally frightened.

"The wind retreats!" As another master-level expert fell, Shangguancheng finally realized the fact that their idea of ​​relying on speed to approach Qin Zixuan was shattered, so they should retreat.

Qin Zixuan quit when he heard the yelling, what does it mean to retreat quickly, you rushed to me anyway, and made a gesture to let the gunman shoot at Shangguancheng, it seems that this person is the leader.

Just as Shangguan Cheng turned around and ran back, bullets rained down from the air, frightening Shangguan Cheng into the sky, he could see that this time he was careless, his body couldn't stop the bullets.

Shangguancheng was under intensive care, but there were two people who were slightly lightened and fled at full speed, leaving Shangguancheng alone. Qin Zixuan waved his hand and wanted to shoot the opponent again, but found that it was impossible, and they ran into the ranks of soldiers.

If he shoots again, it will hurt his own soldiers, and the enemy's soldiers will be killed. The soldiers on his own side can't do this, so Qin Zixuan has no choice but to chase after them, as long as they escape from the crowd.

The idea was good, but it was a pity that the other party got into the crowd and disappeared soon after. Qin Zixuan chased for a while and lost his track. He rode on his horse and looked around, asking who saw the fleeing two, and got the answer that he didn't know.

The members of the Shangguan family are assassins, and it is professional to hide them. It is really difficult for Qin Zixuan to find them.

Li Han had already led troops into Sanyang Pass, and when she took over Sanyang Pass, she found out that King Hejian ran away at some point, or the captives told Li Han that King Hejian had fled a long time ago. Run away when there is a big mess.

After hearing this, Li Han understood, he was really speechless to King Hejian, was he too afraid of death!You are afraid of death and still play rebellion, you are sick in your head, don't you want to see how fun rebellion is?
After taking over Sanyangguan, he began to clean the battlefield. Seeing Qin Zixuan wandering around, Li Han came over to ask what happened. Qin Zixuan told the story, and Li Han stared at the corpses all over the ground and sneered.

Order the soldiers to pile up the corpses and set them on fire!The soldiers had no objection. In order to prevent the plague, corpses were often burned on the battlefield. When they had time, they would burn their own corpses separately, and then collect the ashes and send them home.

As for the enemy's corpses, of course no one collects them. They pile them up and burn them on fire. There is no need to clean up the ashes. They don't have such a good intention to help the enemy collect the corpses.

Qin Zixuan was standing next to Li Han and his eyes were still wandering around. Unfortunately, until the last corpse was burned, he didn't find the fraudulent corpse, let alone the existence of those two people. up?

Not only Qin Zixuan didn't give up, but Li Han also didn't give up. He ordered the soldiers to gather and count the number of people.She can't identify all her soldiers, so let them identify them by themselves, as long as they are mixed in the team, there is a way to find them.

The order was passed, and everyone was gathering, when someone screamed suddenly, and saw two figures shoot at Shansen, Qin Zixuan raised his gun and shot, it was still too late, who would have thought that these two people changed clothes and mixed in with the soldiers.

Li Han chased after him with a horse, but it was a pity that the trees were so thick and the grass was deep. After chasing for a while, he lost the other party's trace.

Two people escaped, probably still masters, Li Han didn't dare to be careless, this kind of assassin hiding in the dark is more terrifying than a poisonous snake, so she ordered the soldiers to seal off the mountain, and she would personally lead people into the mountain to search for it inch by inch.

In this way, the army captured Sanyang Pass and did not hunt down Hejian King in time, but gave Hejian King some breathing space. Qin Zixuan and Li Han walked side by side in the forest, not looking for people, but playing.

Qin Zixuan was humming a ditty, waving a horsewhip in his hand, looking at the canopy from time to time, feeling that it would be easier to hide people there, Li Han also thought so, and the canopy became the one to take care of the most.

After searching for three days in a row, he still couldn't find any trace of the other party. Qin Zixuan really convinced those two people. Where did he hide?

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye, but they still couldn't find the other party. Li Han wanted to give up, but Qin Zixuan quit. This product is bad. He knows that one person can last seven days without food or drink. Those two are masters, so let's count on the big one. , Just stay here for half a month and starve them to death.

Everyone was speechless when he said this idea, this kid is so helpless, what kind of tricks did he come up with, Li Han made sense when he thought about it, after seven days, is he still holding on for eight days?

So the crowd did not act, but sent their subordinates to sweep around and take over the territory occupied by King Hejian again. They continued to wander in the mountains and forests, day and night, just not giving each other time to find food.

In a certain underground cave, it was a small pit three meters deep, which was probably a trap dug by a hunter. There were two people sitting in it, one with a wound on his foot, and a bloody wooden thorn beside him.

The two looked very depressed, their stomachs were growling like drums, and they were lying there weakly. One of them asked the other in a weak voice for a few days, when could they go out to get food.

Another person told him in a breathless voice that it was the tenth day and he could not go out yet. There were footsteps above and they were still patrolling.

Qin Zixuan sat at the foot of the mountain and set up a charcoal fire. He should cook a delicious meal to reward himself. He has worked hard during this time, and he can't treat himself badly if he treats anyone badly. Qin Zixuan treats himself very well.

(End of this chapter)

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