Warring States Call

Chapter 1000 Li Shimin

Chapter 1000 Li Shimin

The war in the Central Plains is in full swing, and the north seems to be in peace!But Geng Geng can't sleep!If there is a hidden danger!

The land of Yan State is an example. The territory of Yan State includes the entire Bohai Sea, and it occupies a lot of territory, Liaodong!Pyongyang!Liaoxi!Mountain Ring!Lone Bamboo!Xuzhou!Hejian!Wu Heng!Qu Ni!Wuyang!Yuyang, as well as the last Jicheng, Yandi is more than 200 miles away, with more than 800 million people under its rule!Compared with the big countries, it is not too far behind. After all, when Chu State was not destroyed, the population under his command also reached more than [-] million.

In recent years, Le Yi has conquered the South and the North, and it can be said that the Rong people in the north are afraid to go south. However, King Yan participated in the Battle of the Seven Kingdoms, and the horses he can use are only more than 5 people, of which 30 are Gong Wei. In the royal capital, the other 1 elites were personally trained by Prince Dan to guard the Great Wall to the north of the Yan Kingdom to ensure that the Rong people would not dare to go south to herd horses. As for the Korean Peninsula in the east, Prince Dan did not take him seriously at all. The land is small and the people are poor, and there are even some uncivilized people who are no different from savages. Of course, the main reason why Prince Dan underestimated them is that the population of that country is only about [-], and the total force in his hands is barely [-] More than [-], the most important thing is that the country is still divided. Wars with more than a thousand people are large-scale wars. There is really no need to waste our efforts.

On the Korean peninsula

Sitting in his seat, Li Yuan looked a lot more embarrassed. The past few years have been really hard, but he still has some gains. At least the soldiers under his command are all elite, and he also broke away from the original thatched house and built a resplendent The main hall, said to be resplendent and resplendent, is just a small town, built with a few pieces of wood, and there are no bluestone slabs on the ground. Once it rains, the wooden slabs under the ground will look very wet, and in winter, you will starve to death!The people who froze to death were scattered in patches, after all, it was too cold in the north here.

Li Yuan was dressed in sackcloth and a tiger skin on the outside, he looked like a copycat king, but everyone who knew him knew that he had replaced the original king and was self-reliant. There is no other reason, the city here is under his control, let them fight, but for training, every time the momentum is huge, but there will be no deaths.

"Father!" I heard a shout, and saw a tall and handsome man coming, with a wolf's head draped over his shoulders, and his head was not braided. Tied up, he is eight feet long, with a waist knife at his waist, and his figure looks very burly. Who else can this person be if it is not Li Shimin?

"Come on! Sit down! Is there anything you can gain from going into the mountains this time?" Li Yuan stroked his beard. He was satisfied with his son. He can fight on the battlefield when he is mounted on a horse, and rule the country when he is dismounted. He is both civil and military. Otherwise, Li Yuan wouldn't be so leisurely.

"This time, more than 3000 people were caught, all of whom were uncivilized mountain people. They all hunted for a living and were good at shooting arrows. I recruited more than 500 people, all of whom were good at bows and arrows. Every shot was accurate! "When Li Shimin said this, his whole body became excited, even with a sense of complacency.

Li Yuan listened, nodded, agreed, and then said, "Shimin! You tell my father! In the past few days, you have recruited a large number of soldiers, and even several other city generals practiced soldiers and horses together. What do you want to do! "

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding air became a bit colder. Li Yuan was very concerned that there were people who wanted to covet his position in this place, not even his son.

Li Shimin looked at Li Yuan's gaze, eyes as deep as an abyss, and then said: "Father, don't you want to be the king of a corner, and not the king of the world? If so, that strange son is just being sentimental!"

"Oh!" Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, looking at his son, the chill on his face gradually disappeared, and he even felt guilty, but now that Li Yuan looked at him, he still couldn't see through his son, and said seriously: "Tell me What is your intention! If you don’t give Weifu a reasonable explanation! Go to the blue sea and spend the rest of your life!”

"Father! I have received reliable news! Yan Guo is leading the main force to fight against the southward Central Plains and other countries. The domestic forces are empty. This is the time when our country is rising. As long as we get the approval of the Zhou Dynasty, we are eligible to participate in the feudal lords Only by war can we truly overlook the world, father!" Li Shimin said that he was heartbroken, and he must not hesitate at this time, if they miss this opportunity before them, it will be difficult for them to expand their territories, and they may even be destroyed. .

Li Yuan looked at his son, stroking his beard, and said in embarrassment: "Don't you know the military strength of Yan State? Even if they really have tens of thousands of troops going south, there are still more than 10 troops on the Great Wall in the north. There is no advantage at all, and the whole army will be wiped out if you are not careful, you child! Why are you so...!"

"Father is precisely because of this! If father is living comfortably now, he will not be far from overthrowing the country!" The coldness on Li Shimin's body gradually dissipated, and his face was slightly cold: "Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom! He is still an ambitious person. There are not a few capable men and strangers under their command, they are guarding the Great Wall, they can attack when they retreat, and defend when they advance! After the Kingdom of Yan regains its strength, we will face the iron cavalry of the Kingdom of Yan next!"

"With our current strength! We are not the opponent of Yan State at all! Even if you take down the Great Wall, you will not be able to defend it!" Li Yuan said with a worried expression.

"I have..." Li Shimin came to the map with the weapon in his hand, and said with a serious face: "Father, you are watching! We will capture the Great Wall of Yan and then take the land of Liaodong, and then use the water as the boundary! Where to build the city wall?" , set the capital in Xiangping, and then take in the herdsmen of Beirong together. You can get as many as [-] soldiers and [-] good horses. As long as you manage this land well, you can guarantee that in less than ten years, I will go south to swallow it. Yan! When the time comes, it will be easy to wipe out the great powers in the south!"

"Hehe! My son! Do you know that the combined strength of your troops is only 5 to 8 horses, and the big countries in the south can easily send out more than 30 troops, let alone the Yan Kingdom, which has [-] armored men. That's too much!" Li Yuan smiled disdainfully, waved his hands and patted his son's shoulder and said, "Let's just stay here honestly! Being a father doesn't have that kind of ambition!"

"Yeah!" Li Shimin's face turned cold when he heard it, and he glanced at Li Yuan behind him, and said half aloud, "Since that's the case! Father and son have to offend! Li Ling! Li Guang!"

Feel sorry!Because I have been busy with exams these days, I confuse Li Guang. I have changed it before. From now on, Li Guang will be Li Shimin’s.
(End of this chapter)

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