Chapter 1002

One person is brilliant, ten thousand people are boneless, this is the loneliness of the emperor and the owner. Li Shimin stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, looking into the distance with tiger eyes, rubbed his wrist for a while, looked at Li Guang behind him and said: "How is the situation?" Already! How is Li Ling handling it!"

Standing behind Li Guang with his hands folded in front of his chest, leaning on the pillars on the city wall, his expression was a bit dull, he kept his eyes closed and rested his mind, and said slowly: "Li Ling is doing business! Don't worry, my lord! No one will be left behind!"

"Very good!" Li Shimin let out a long breath, with a sense of relief in his eyes.

"Big brother! Big brother! Big brother! Look what I caught! A tiger! Let me tell you! This tiger is very powerful!" I saw a skinny eight-foot boy with messy hair and tattered clothes. Unbearable, most of them were tiger paw prints, the man's hair and cheeks were mostly blood, I wiped it with my left hand from time to time, and pulled a tiger tail with my right hand, dragging him back, I saw that the tiger didn't know why, and the tiger's teeth broke , as if it had been pulled out by someone, and for some reason, the tiger skin on the head was dented downwards, which looked like a human fist in size.

At this moment, Li Guang, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes, looked at the young man with a fearful expression, and involuntarily touched the carved bow behind his back with his left hand. Li Shimin looked at his younger brother, sighed helplessly, and said with a puzzled expression: "What's the matter with your blood! Are you injured? Let the second brother take a look!"

"Hey! No need for the second brother! Let me tell you! This tiger is so fun, just like a kitten, but it is a little tougher than them. I will go up the mountain tomorrow to see what else is interesting!" Li Yuanba said. He threw the tiger on the ground, splashing dust all over the place.

When the soldiers on both sides saw it, they couldn't help being stunned. Only this little guy could say this thing so lightly. For this thing, no less than dozens of soldiers died.

"Good! Good! Good! It's fine! Brother, you are the only good brother left!" Li Shimin looked at his younger brother and patted him on the shoulder, with a pampered expression on his face.

"Haha! The second brother loves me the most! By the way, the second brother! Why didn't you see the eldest brother and the third brother!" Li Yuanba turned around, but didn't find his other two brothers. He looked around curiously, and asked No sign of them was found.

"They... are all dead!" Li Shimin choked up, after all, he was his elder brother and younger brother, more or less they would be a little... heartbroken!

"Oh! I'm dead! I'm dead! It's fine if I die! As long as you're okay, second brother! I don't care about the rest!" Li Yuanba seemed careless and didn't care. have no idea.

Li Shimin looked at his younger brother, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Go and play! Brother still has things to do!"

"Okay!" Li Yuanba didn't make a fuss, continued to pick up the dead tiger, and ran outside.

Li Shimin glanced at Li Yuanba, and said with emotion: "My good brother! In the future, brother, I still need you to help me conquer the world! Live well!"

Seeing that Li Yuanba retreated, Li Guang closed his eyes, quietly retracted his left hand to his chest, and continued to maintain the gesture of protecting the environment with both hands.

"Li Guang!" Li Shimin's voice was narrow and long, and he looked at Li Guang who was behind him with his eyes closed and rested, and said calmly.

"What orders does Majesty have!" Li Guang opened his eyes, and his bronze-colored skin seemed to be cut by a knife.

"How are the soldiers and horses preparing?" Li Shimin looked at the banners waving in the wind in the distance, stretched out his hand, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a look of anticipation.

"The majesty's direct troops, three thousand Xuanjia troops! Centaurs have been mobilized from various places, and there are 8000 troops in total! Er Li and Li have more than 1000 soldiers each, and a total of 3000 people!" Li Guang truthfully reported, from He took out a bamboo slip from his arms and handed it to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin took a rough look, sighed and said, "There are still too few people! How is the recruitment going?"

"Recruitment only recruited 3000 people! The temptation is not great! It's really hard to use!" Li Guang said helplessly.

"Since this is the case! Then there is no other way! Send my order! Anyone who is willing to join the army! His family can get a lot of land!" Li Shimin smiled slightly, standing with his hands behind his back, the breeze blowing gently, and the clothes behind him would automatically move without wind.

"Majesty! We don't have any extra land in our hands! Most of it is divided by the children of the clan! It's almost divided up!" Li Guang's face was full of worry.

"Don't worry!" Li Shimin shook his head slightly, and said for a while: "Take Liaodong! Where is the vast land, are you afraid it won't satisfy their appetite? In addition, the land in the hands of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji is not small! Yes! Satisfy them partly!"

"I understand!" After Li Guang finished speaking, he stepped back and began to prepare.

Li Shimin stepped forward. Fortunately, there is no habit of recording history books here, otherwise the stylus is like a knife, and no matter what you say, it will be unclear.

Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom thought he could sit back and relax, but he underestimated Li Shimin. This is a tiger with a breast, a fat tiger that eats meat. Now he has shown his fangs, but the one standing behind Man, I have never seen it.

Li Shimin held the sword in his arms, looked at the sun in the sky, and laughed loudly: "One day! You! You will also surrender at my feet!"

"Ding! Li Jiancheng! Li Yuanji was beheaded by Li Shimin! Inspired by the attribute of Tian Khan, Li Shimin's force value is increased by 1 point, intelligence is increased by 1 point, commander is increased by 1 point, and politics is increased by [-] point. The current thinking is as follows
"Ding, Tang Taizong Li Shimin: military power 96 commander 100 intelligence 95 politics 100 implanted in the Korean peninsula,"

"Ding, Li Jiancheng is dead, the highest ability value reaches 93 points, which is not up to the limit, the host gets 9 summoning points, Li Yuanji's highest ability value reaches 89, the host gets 8 summoning points, and the current host gets 2671 summoning points! "

"Drink! My God Khan!" Han Yi smiled wryly. In the tiny place on the Korean Peninsula, Tian Khan has been sublimated. I am afraid that the rear of Yan Kingdom will not be so simple. For Han Yi It's not a bad thing, once this battle is over, as long as Han Yi wins, Li Shimin is not a problem either, he has Li Yuanba, I have Li Cunxiao!Xing Tian!Ran Min!Jiang Song!I'm not afraid of you, you have Li Shentong, and I can play him to death with any commander. Besides, I don't care about the affairs in the north now, so let's talk about solving the scourge in front of me.

(End of this chapter)

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