Warring States Call

Chapter 1012 Wei Jun Defeated

Chapter 1012 Wei Jun Defeated

The horses neighed, because many of the horses who were afraid of fire instinctively resisted the charge, and even some soldiers who were not skilled in riding were thrown off the horses, and their livers were torn apart, and the surrounding environment was particularly chaotic. How many people die, trampled to death a lot.

Guo Ziyi, who was far away, saw that Wei Jiang was the fiercest one, so he naturally fixed his eyes on this tiger, and took the big knife in his hand to kill it head-on.

Wei Jiang is not a soft persimmon either. Seeing that the road behind Guo Ziyi is open, she immediately reacted and said: "Soldiers! The exit is ahead! Go for me!"

"I think you are looking for death!" Guo Ziyi cut off the water with a knife, and directly killed Wei Jiang's throat. Wei Jiang quickly picked up the long spear in his hand to block it. Seeing that Guo Ziyi was holding a short weapon, but he was holding a long weapon. If he couldn't use it, he immediately pulled the horse rope hard, and the two front hoofs of the war horse took off, and he kicked down to tear down the tower.Guo Ziyi looked at the horse's belly with a knife.

"Ci La!" Blood spewed out like spring water, white intestines were exposed, blood splashed all over Guo Ziyi, and the whole body became a blood man, and the painful horse slid down with Wei Jiang, smashing Wei Jiang to the ground After turning a few somersaults, he stopped, shook the dust off his head, looked at Wei Qi who was riding a horse behind and said, "What are you doing here! Hurry up and rush out!"

"Brother, you...!" Wei Qi was anxious, looking at his brother, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Let's go!" Wei Jiang ordered this sentence, pulled out the bronze sword in her arms, urged the horse to go up, and slashed down with the sword. Seeing this, Guo Ziyi quickly danced the long knife in his hand, got off the horse and fought with Wei Jiang , I can only hear the sound of copper and iron from the two, and sparks will be sparked from time to time, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wei Jiang is at a disadvantage, and he still has to hang on, but he doesn't know that he is holding on What.

Wei Qi bit it, looked at the unconscious Wei Ke behind him, and stared forward: "Drive!"

Yiqi Qianchen barely tore a hole, but only released more than 30 cavalry, and the rest were intercepted.

When Wei Jiang saw that Wei Qi was gone, she no longer had any worries in her heart. Her eyes were like hungry wolves, she stared at Guo Ziyi and shouted, "Even if I die today! I will drag you down!"

Wei Jiang's swordsmanship changed drastically, instead of being slow as before, it became a bit more sharp. Guo Ziyi looked at this crazy Wei Jiang, bloodshot eyes appeared in a pair of eyes, and his dry lips puckered up!The upper and lower teeth were biting together, protruding the middle tooth muscles, staring at Wei Jiang who was mad, and said: "I also have my purpose! I want to prove myself! I am no worse than them!"

"Ah!" With one blow, the big knife in Guo Ziyi's hand fell suddenly, and Wei Jiang was unwilling to lag behind. The two of them seemed to have gone crazy.

Li Jing, who came in a hurry, saw that the battle circle was about to collapse, so he quickly set up a second defense line The tree that has been inhabited for a long time hovered in the air for a long time, not knowing where to go.


Han Jian looked at the little bird circling in the sky from above, then looked at Han Chen, folded his hands in front of his chest, stared at the bird in the sky and said, "I really don't know what you are thinking about this plan! It's just that the The smoke is really too big! And it's a bit choking"

"Choking people!" Han Chen was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "This is better than dead people!"

"Indeed!" Han Jian withdrew his gaze, looked at Guo Ziyi, who was fighting Wei Jiang, and sighed, "Your brothers are quite capable!"

"Is there?" Han Chen looked at Guo Ziyi, and there was still a feeling of hatred in his eyes. It had been several rounds, and Wei Jiang was obviously full of loopholes, but Guo Ziyi hadn't solved him until now.

"Aren't you going to help?" Han Jian asked puzzled, as if looking forward to Han Chen's answer.

"No need! He is my master's apprentice! The master has said since he entered the door that it doesn't matter if you can't beat others, and you die! But if you ask others for help, it means admitting defeat!" Although Han Chen was also worried about Guo Ziyi, he was always Keep calm, according to his analysis, Wei Jiang is not Guo Ziyi's opponent.

"What kind of master are you! What's the point! You don't make any sense!" Han Jian scolded.

"Open!" Guo Ziyi yelled angrily, and the blade suddenly hit Wei Jiang's sword. Staring blankly, he knelt on the ground for a while, with astonishment on his face, looking at the path, his younger brother's shadow appeared, and then he smiled and said, "Well...alive!"

It was supposed to be time for the Wei family to regain their glory, but because several major figures died in battle, their lifespan is about to end.

"The descendants do not kill!"

"do not kill!"

"do not kill!"

At sunset and dusk, the surrounding woodland with lush trees was burnt to a bare piece. Han Chen soaked in the river water. The weather was too hot. He was accompanied by dozens of people, all of whom were close friends. Of course, there was also Han Jian. Alone in a row of flowers and trees.

"Hey! It's such a hot day, and we fought all day! Where did the flowers and trees go! Didn't you come to take a bath?" Jiang Wei was used to it carelessly.

When Han Chen heard this, his eyebrows twitched, and Jiang Wei splashed his face and said, "What are you doing so much! Go away!"

"Hahaha!" Han Jian laughed while drinking wine.
"Hey! You...!" Jiang Wei also had nowhere to vent his anger, looking at the smiling Han Jian, he said, "What are you laughing at?"

"General! Xiaochen! Today's battle report is out!" I saw Mu Ying was panting tiredly, and the sweat on her head was like rain.

"Come down and talk!" Han Chen greeted.

"Okay!" Mu Ying was not pretentious, after all, it was too hot, taking off her clothes and jumping into the water, how cool it is.

"How's the battle report going! Tell me!" Han Jian said, gulping down his fine wine.

"More than 3000 people were killed in this battle! More than 5000 people were killed, and more than 4000 of them were captured, with hundreds of mutilated corpses! A few escaped! This time it can be said to be a complete victory. Let out a bad breath!" After Mu Ying finished speaking, she washed her face to remove the sweat on her face.

"Hahahaha! Awesome! When Yiyang attacked the city, the Wei army lost more than 2 people, and in the end they were killed by more than 1 people. Now it means that 3 people have been confessed here, and the total Wei army's 25 Out of ten thousand soldiers and horses, only 19 are left!" Jiang Wei said excitedly.

"It's not that simple! Wei Jun's was not injured at all! One hundred thousand Wei soldiers is not a small number!" Li Jing said with a worried expression.

(End of this chapter)

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