Chapter 1023

In the dark night, a group of people and horses are walking in the boundless darkness. The wooden torches are held high in the air, illuminating the way ahead. The torches form a long dragon. From a distance, it looks like a fire, entrenched in this mountain. waist land.

The rain has just stopped, and under the sun's rays, the whole land looks like fresh hair, and there are a lot of wetlands. There are more mosquitoes, snakes and rats in summer than before, buzzing among the crowd There was a loud noise, and there were a few close contacts from time to time, leaving a few red bags on the soldier's body.

"Drive!" With a soft cry, there were constant frightened birds in the forest, and the sound of hunting in the Zhongshan sea wind at night. Huo Qubing was wearing a black armor, and the red robe behind his back fluttered with the wind. He knelt on the ground and looked at the fire python. The sweat on his cheeks slid down his cheeks along his black hair, his nose was panting heavily, his eyes were narrowed into a slit, and the corners of his panting mouth were slightly raised, with a hint of a smile, looking out Yuan Fang: "Finally found it, it's not in vain for me to run so many miles of mountain roads!"

"What will the general do next!" Yang Yanping held a water bag and a wooden gun in his futon-sized palm, supporting his straddle. Every step he took seemed to have a heavy force, making it difficult for him to move forward. His eyes looked into the distance. , looking at the Huo Mang, said happily: "General! We found it!"

"Yes! I found it!" Huo Qubing took the water bottle in Yang Yanping's hand, sat down on the ground, with a cold light in his eyes, staring ahead like an eagle, licked his dry lips, and smiled slightly Said: "Almost!"

"Do you want to do it?" Yang Yanping asked seriously.

"Looking at the number of their lights, there must be a lot of people. The soldiers and horses in our hands are not enough. They have at least [-] food transport soldiers here!" Huo Qubing looked at the continuous lights, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes. As expected of Pang Juan, he was scheming and scheming, and he fought steadily. Wei Guo was also rich and powerful, and there were quite a lot of people who brought food and grass...

"General, what shall we do!" Yang Yanping said with a bit of embarrassment on his face. It would be a pity not to eat the food that was poured out of his mouth.

Huo Qubing stroked his chin, picked up two stones on the ground, and said calmly: "If Wei Guo kills our general, if he doesn't swallow this army, I will be sorry for him!"

"General, what do you want to do!" Yang Yanping's expression changed slightly. Huo Qubing's words meant that he was determined for this army.

"Hit east and west! Ambush on both sides!" After Huo Qubing finished speaking, he threw the stone in his hand down the mountain, his eyes gradually became cold, and he snorted coldly: "Tell all the soldiers under him to get up and fill their stomachs! Fire oil is ready!"

"The general understands!" Yang Yanping is also familiar with military books, and he still understands this kind of soldier.

"Hurry up, the food and grass must be sent to Yiyang within three days, understand!" The leading general, with a bookish look on his face, wore Wei's crimson battle armor, and his face looked impatient and kind Tired, with a goatee on his chin, a bronze sword hanging on his waist, and a riding whip in his hand, the general next to him looks like him in three parts, but he is quite burly, with a waist knife in his hand , this person is Yan Zhenqing and Yan Zhengao!

"I said big brother! Let's go to the front too! I'm aggrieved by always escorting them with food and grass!" Yan Zhengao said with a simple expression on his face.Running errands.

"Hurry up!" Yan Zhenqing yelled, glanced at Yan Zhengao, smiled disdainfully and said, "Only you, a three-legged cat! Who can you beat!" Yan Zhenqing sarcastically mercilessly.

Yan Zhengao's complexion changed, and he said dissatisfied: "Brother! That's not what you said, you think you are here to practice calligraphy every day! What's the point? Look at the grain bags at the back, which one has not been written by you over and over again? , is there anyone like you?"

Yan Zhenqing glanced at the words he had written, shook his head slightly and said, "These words are not good! It seems that we will continue!"

"What!" Yan Zhengao turned around, pointed at the cloth bag in front of him, and said with embarrassment: "This word is not good! There is probably nothing better than this in the entire Wei Kingdom!"

"No way, no way! Strength! The ending is lacking a lot! You still need to practice a lot!" After Yan Zhenqing finished speaking, he didn't talk too much, and rode forward on his horse, with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes. He had explored for so long. , I still haven't found my own way of writing, and I am very helpless.

"My elder brother! In this troubled world! Either make a plan! Or go to the battlefield. You really can't reuse your trail. After a hundred years of parents, I'm afraid you will...!" Yan Zhengao looked at Yan Zhenqing tentatively. I'm really afraid that my big brother will beat him with a whip now. Although Yan Zhenqing can't beat him now, there is a saying that says, your big brother is still your big brother. If you should be beaten, then you will be beaten.

The breeze in the dark night is mixed with the smell of green grass in the woods, the whole torch is whistling, and the horseshoes of the horses break the dead branches and leaves under their feet. The generals and soldiers riding on the horses are like dripping in the night. Salivating hungry wolf bared its fangs.

The hills on both sides are like the humps of camels, also known as Shuangtuo Hill. There are many trees on the hills, which are very lush, covering the soldiers on both sides.

Huo Qubing was riding a war horse, his eyes were slightly locked, he found a long spear, pulled the horse rope, and came to the edge of the mountain, the silver spear in his hand exuded a cold light, Huo Qubing raised his palm slightly, revealing his cold spear , the breeze blew their cheeks, their messy hair fluttered with the wind, and with three breaths, Huo Qubing suddenly clamped the horse's belly and shouted: "Charge!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people behind Huo Qubing rushed forward and rushed forward.

Yan Zhengao and Yan Zhenqing, who were on their way, were laughing and playing, not paying attention to the surrounding environment at all. When Huo Qubing shouted angrily, everyone woke up in the thunder. Yan Zhengao looked embarrassed and cursed: "What are you doing in a daze! Come on! Organize!" Get defensive! Hurry up! What are you waiting for?

"No!" The soldier who reacted raised the shield in his hand high, came to the front of the formation, and merged the shields in his hand to form a defensive wall.

Huo Qubing smiled slightly: "Small tricks! Get up!"

"Huh...!" The war horse jumped up, skipped over the defense of the shield organization, and killed the hinterland.

"Where did they come from? Are they bandits?" Yan Zhengao asked with a puzzled expression.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple! Bandits have such combat power, what do we need us to do!" Yan Zhenqing said embarrassingly while controlling the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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