Chapter 1034
"General Gongsun, don't panic! Huo Qubing is here too!" Hearing a roar in the air, a mass of cavalry rushed out, everyone was riding a war horse, and everyone's armor was bright, Huo Qubing rushed to Yiyang to rest Two days later, he led his troops out of the city and went straight to Quwo. He planned to wait for the battle between the two armies and directly copy Pang Juan's rear.

"Kill me!" Huo Qubing yelled, the impact force of the cavalry itself was strong, and Wei Jun, who was all full of energy and exhausted, completely had the upper hand, this would be a massacre.

Pang Juan was stunned. The soldiers were exhausted and hungry. There was almost no suspense in this war.

"Boom!" Sure enough, the soldiers and horses led by Huo Qubing went on a rampage, knocking three or four people into the air, flew into the air, fell to the ground, and fell to pieces, spitting out blood.

"Where is Pang Juan going!" Huo Qubing yelled, and rode away to kill him.

"The enemy generals are going to be rampant! I'll fight you!" I saw Zhi Yun holding a big knife, riding a bloody horse, with a dazed expression, urging the horse to go up, and directly killed Xiang Huo Qubing.

"Let's go slowly, General! I'm here to help you!" Ji Chang on the left held a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand and urged his horse up.

Two tiger generals came to kill, each followed by thousands of troops, Huo Qubing's face turned pale, and he laughed loudly: "You bastard! Come!"

The silver spear in Huo Qubing's hand threw out several splinters, dazzled the viewers, causing Yun's eyes to flicker, the big knife in his hand was cut out, and was chopped off by Huo Qubing's palm, and he shot with his backhand, taking his life. With a big knife, he slashed at the military flag, his movements were smooth and flowing, without waiting for a trace of hesitation.

Charge!Kill the general!Cutting the flag shocked thousands of people for a moment. Ji Chang saw that Huo Qubing was so powerful and the distance was still a little far away. He immediately drew his bow and set up an arrow, and was about to shoot it. His eyes were darkened, and he fell to the ground forever. Unable to get up, he didn't even know how he died, so he felt aggrieved, and Sanlang Yang Yan'an retracted the bow and arrow behind his back with a blank expression as if nothing had happened.

"Pang Juan is mine." Yang Yansi held two hammers in his hand, each hammer was like hitting a ball, and each hammer was accurate.

"General! Hurry! Withdraw quickly!" Zhang Gou'er didn't have time to think, he put Pang Juan on the horse, slammed the horse and walked away. The two generals Yun and Ji Chang were killed in battle, and Cao Bao ran away without a trace. They still can't fight the war.

"Quick! Withdraw quickly! Quickly!"

"Hahahahahaha... The Kingdom of Wei is doomed! The soldiers who have made extraordinary achievements through the ages are right in front of us! The opportunity to be famous through the ages is right in front of us, kill!" Gongsun Yan shouted.


"Kill...!" The Dingbei army with high morale suddenly counterattacked. At first they were still indulging in the killing spirit of Wei Wuzu and were crushed by them. It's crushed.

"Drive! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers were crushed!It's not that they don't do their best, it's just too tiring!so hungry!And the most important thing is that morale is too low.

"Bastard!" Pang Juan's tiger eyes shed tears of blood, pulled out the sword in his arms, and shouted: "Thinking that I, Pang Juan, have such a great reputation, I was defeated by an old man like Gongsun Yan. What face do I have to go to see the king! Ah! ……ah!"

"Whoosh!" Pang Juan suddenly pulled out the sword in his arms, and was about to draw the sword to kill himself. Zhang Gou'er at the side hurried forward, held Pang Juan down and said, "No general! Wei Guo has no one like me! But absolutely No general!"

"Think twice, general! I am willing to help the general break out of the encirclement!"

"No! I want to fight to the death with them! Fight to the death!" Furious, Pang Juan drew out the sword in his arms, and was about to charge.

Zhang Gou'er couldn't control that much, he whipped Pang Juan's horse on the buttocks, and the horse rushed forward in pain, Zhang Gou'er said decisively: "Quick! Quick! Cover the general's charge"

"I want to leave! It's not that easy!" Han Chen's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. He urged the horse up, but he didn't forget that Pang Juan was gesticulating in front of him. If he didn't kill him, he would really be unwilling.

Compared with Pang Juan who rushed out, Gongsun Yan looked at this Wei soldier more fancy. As long as they were killed, the Wei army would not be allowed to go south for ten years. This definitely provided conditions for Han Yi to pacify the northern princes. Gongsun Yanda With a wave of the pen, he yelled: "Hurry up! Pass my order! Order Deng Ai and Zhong Hui to outflank the left and right sides, and none of Wei Wuzu will be left behind!"


"Hahaha! Hack that Wei dog to death! I have avenged my elder brother today! Hahahahaha! Hahahaha" A stout man!Killing a lieutenant of Wei Wuzu, seeing him laughing heartily, the fallen Wei Wuzu must have a blood feud with him.

Compared with these Wei soldiers who called every day should not be called and the ground is not effective, Pang Juan, under the leadership of Zhang Gouer, can be said to meet gods and kill gods, meet Buddhas and kill Buddhas, just to kill a bloody path.

"Drive!" Zhang Gou'er was riding a war horse, his face was embarrassing, and he quickly turned around and said, "Bastard! Are you chasing so closely?"

Pang Juan's whole brain is now in a daze. He doesn't know what to do next. How can he have the face to meet the 70 people of Wei State.

"Quick! Divide into two groups! You guys follow General Pang Juan and take the small path! Let's lead the large army to divert the main force of the place! Quick!" Zhang Gou'er immediately made a decision, looked at the fork in front of him, and made a decision. own judgment.

"Here! General Zhang, be careful!" Pang Juan pretended to be concerned, but the horse under his crotch kept running forward, which showed Pang Juan's longing for life, and there were only more than 130 riders behind him.

"Drive!" Han Chen and the others dared to come to this fork in the road on their horses. Looking at the footprints emerging from the muddy road, they immediately said, "Damn it, they are divided into two groups!"

"Look at the footprints, there are more people on the main road! There are fewer people on the small road! But they always have more troops than us! If you are not careful, you may be ambushed!" Li Jing worried.

"Let me do it!" Xue Rengui said calmly while riding a war horse.

"What are you going to do! Old Xue! Although you are powerful! But... your hands can hardly touch your four feet!" Mu Ying worried.

"Don't worry! You guys give me the quiver! You can go after the main road without worry, and leave this small road to me!" Xue Rengui said with a serious face.

"It's always not safe for you to be alone, take a few brothers with you," Han Chen said while holding the horse rope.

"No! I don't care about them!"

(End of this chapter)

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