Chapter 1039

"Is it the same?" Pan Jinlian looked at Wu Zetian above her eyes, her beautiful eyes were slightly lost, she paused for a while, and laughed involuntarily: "Hahahahaha! Hahaha!"

Pan Jinlian laughed loudly, like a wind chime in the dark night, jingling and jingling, and laughed loudly. After a while, she smiled slightly and said, "What do you think Han Yi is? He takes the emperor to command the princes. With your current strength, Don't seek your own death!

"Looking for death!" Wu Zetian muttered these four words to himself, folded his hands together, put them under his lower abdomen, and said with a slight smile: "At least our purpose is the same, isn't it?"

"Purpose!" Pan Jinlian said thoughtfully, "I promise you!"

"Very good!" Pan Jinlian smiled slightly, glanced at Wei Zhongxian at the side, and said, "Take her down! Freshen up and dress up! Treat her like a king!"

"Promise!" Wei Zhongxian responded softly, and took Pan Jinlian down along the way, showing humility along the way. Based on his thoughts in the palace for many years, this woman must be a sharp weapon in Wu Zetian's hands in the future, and he must not offend her.

After dealing with the matter here, Wu Zetian rubbed his brows and said with a tired face, "Let's all step back!"

"Your Majesty! Wu Sansi is here!"

Wu Zetian, who was about to rest, was stunned for a moment, looked at the already dark sky, and said with a surprised expression: "If there is nothing important, let him go back, just say I am tired! I need to rest!"

"Your Majesty! Master Wu said that there is a very important matter that needs to be decided by Your Majesty!"

"Hmm!" Wu Zetian was stunned for a moment, then paused for a while and said, "Call him in!"


Wu Zetian looked a little puzzled, secretly suspicious in his heart, could it be Gongsun Cuo, or those old things from Wei State...

After a while, I saw a young general, wearing Wei Guojun Kai, with a Wei sword hanging around his waist. Generally, you need to untie the sword to enter the palace, but Wu Zetian specially ordered Wu Sansi to bring the sword into the palace in order to win over or show how much he valued Wu Sansi. The hall was in the limelight for a while, usually Wu Sansi would untie his sword and enter the hall, but today he seemed flustered, he even forgot to untie his sword, and ran away quickly, panting heavily.

Wu Zetian looked at the flustered Wu Sansi, his face changed slightly, staring at Wu Sansi, and said seriously: "What's wrong! Why is Sansi so flustered..."

Wu Sansi swallowed, and said half aloud: "Cao Bao is back! There are more than 2000 soldiers under his command, all of them shabby, and I blocked them outside the city!"

"Cao Bao!" Wu Zetian was stunned for a moment, but suddenly thought of something, his face changed, and he quickly stepped forward three steps and said seriously: "But what's wrong with the front line!"

"Exactly! Cao Bao said that there is an urgent matter. I think the situation is not right. He led the troops of the headquarters, controlled them outside the city, gave them some food, and got some words out of it...!" Wu Sansi said this, wanting to Yan Youzhi looked a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"What happened! Tell me quickly" Wu Zetian looked impatient, he had a bad feeling...

"The front line was defeated, and General Pang Juan was captured alive! Wei's 25 army was wiped out!" Wu Sansi said the news like a bolt from the blue.

Wu Zetian's whole head was dizzy, his whole brain was buzzing, his face was a little pale, and one of them was not very serious, almost fell to the ground, if not for the two maids behind supporting him, he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"Auntie! Are you alright!" Wu Sansi's face was a little focused, and the next thing was going to be difficult.

Wu Zetian barely stood firm, finally managed to stabilize the situation, and started to use troops against Han Yi. It was a very difficult situation, but now it is even more embarrassing. What should I do? Immediately thinking of someone he could use, he hurriedly said, "Where's Cheng Si?"

"Chengsi is stabilizing the situation and controlling Cao Bao to prevent the news from leaking out, but he still can't calm down the situation. It's just that the paper can't cover the fire. I'm afraid it won't last long. After the three of them, Anyi may be wailing day and night!" Wu Sansi's face became pale. It's embarrassing. After all, there are too many family members of these soldiers. If one is not careful, he may come to Anyi to make trouble. One by one, the whole family will drag their mouths and mourn. It has become a hell on earth.

"Tell the soldiers under your command how long this news can be suppressed, as well as the money and food that our family can provide now, all brought to me to appease the people!" Wu Zetian said with a serious expression.

"Auntie! I'm afraid this will cause opposition from the uncles below! I'm afraid it will be very difficult to implement!" Wu Sansi felt a little resistant when he heard this, because he was using his own pocket to fill their vacancy.

"Don't worry, tell them, whoever donates the most, I will grant them land! I will exchange the land for money!" Wu Zetian said calmly. Although he is a nobleman who has just risen, under his own power, the wealth he has hoarded cannot be underestimated. With the conditions he just mentioned, one or two will inevitably come up with their own money and food frantically.

Wu Zetian also had her own plans, using the money to appease the people, so as to calm the people everywhere. It is better to have money and food than nothing. It is normal for people to die in this day and age. If you give it to them, you can take it back sooner or later. With the control of these martial arts children, your rights will inevitably reach the peak, and you will be able to concentrate on dealing with military power at that time.

What worried Wu Zetian even more was that Gongsun Cuo seized power from her under the banner of returning to power. After all, Gongsun Yan had led soldiers, and there were [-] soldiers in the country who obeyed his orders. Pang Juan was in charge of power, followed by The rest of Leyang's military power is the few small soldiers and generals that Wu Zetian has recruited. Gradually, Wu Zetian has a new goal in his eyes.

"Understood again!" Wu Sansi finished speaking, pressing the sword in his arms, and was about to leave, Wu Zetian hurriedly said: "Wait a minute! Pass my order! Tell the two boys who just came back from the Wei family, if they are willing to submit to me , can protect them, and let Long Jia lead the army to withdraw all the people close to the border and garrison them to avoid accidents!"

"No!" Wu Sansi didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly ran up, this matter cannot be neglected.

"Han Yi...!" Wu Zetian's phoenix-eyed face looked worried. After all, she still underestimated Han Yi, Wei Guo!The two countries of Zhongshan have been wiped out by Han Yi one after another, and there are only a few other countries that can take over.

(End of this chapter)

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