Chapter 1041
In King Zhao's Palace, Zhao Yong was bored with government affairs, always paying attention to the world's trends. In his opinion, this war has entered a fever pitch, and when it is about to enter the decisive battle, Han Yi's domestic food and the country's fundamentals will be over time. He couldn't bear the consumption, so Han Yi would definitely come up with a plan at this time and fight back from the Jedi, otherwise what was waiting for him would be a dead end.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty...!" Outside the gate of the palace, there was a man holding a letter in his hand, running fast, and even fell down, but got up immediately, without any hesitation in his eyes.

Zhao Yong drooped his eyes and said with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong! You're in a panic!"

"Your Majesty! The Kingdom of Yan...the Kingdom of Yan!" Panting heavily, the minister was wearing a court uniform. He was about forty years old, holding a bamboo slip in his hand, and crawled to Zhao Yong. The dust didn't have time to pop off.

Zhao Yong looked at the flustered Ma Liang, threw the bamboo slips aside, patted his hand, and said with a puzzled expression, "Slow down!"

"Your Majesty! Good news! Good news!" Ma Liang's face was ecstatic. He had a hunch that the rise of Zhao Guo was only a matter of time.

"What good news! It makes you so ecstatic!" Zhao Yong waved to the eunuch beside him, motioning him to sit for Zhao Yong'an, staring at Ma Liang with puzzled expression.

"My lord! The Liaodong area of ​​the Yan Kingdom was defeated by those small countries on the peninsula! This is a great shame and humiliation for the Yan Kingdom. At this moment, Prince Dan must be preparing troops to fight to the death with that small country. General Zhao Kuangyin has already stationed at the border, as long as the king gives an order, we will definitely take over the entire Yan Kingdom!" Ma Liang said ecstatically.

"The Liaodong of the Yan Kingdom is gone!" Zhao Yong also stood up excitedly, but after thinking about it, he thought about it, and immediately said: "Send someone to tell Lin Xiangru! Mr. Zhao She, please invite them all in. Also call old General Lian Po over!"

"No!" Ma Liang didn't dare to neglect, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if Zhao Guoru grasps it well, maybe the whole north will belong to Zhao Guo.

Zhao Yong began to tangle with each other, before the three of them came, he said to Zhao Sheng behind him, "Hurry up and order your officials to prepare the supplies needed for the war! Weapons! Horses, etc., once the king discusses After you are done, you hurry to the border and tell Zhao Kuangyin to kill the hinterland of Yan!"

"The last general has orders!" Zhao Sheng didn't dare to be negligent. At this moment, Zhao Sheng is more mature and stable than in the past. Now Zhao Sheng has lost his greenness, has a little more beard on his chin, and combs his hair meticulously. , and even a little more fortitude, clad in armor and iron bones, no matter where you go, the whole person is like a spring breeze.

After a while, Lin Xiangru and Lian Po were the first to feel that Lin Xiangru was wearing civilian court clothes, while Lian Po was wearing armor. In his opinion, the upcoming war would make it easier to appear vigorous and resolute when wearing armor.

"My minister Lin Xiangru has seen the king!"

"Chen Lianpo has seen the king!"

The two members of Zhao Guo's Optimus Jade Pillar walked out, making the whole hall more serious.

"My minister, Zhao She, is late! I hope the king will make amends!"

Before Zhao Yong could speak, he heard an angry voice from behind the two of them. Everyone should be looking at Peng, only to see a tiger general, wearing armor, untied his sword and threw it to him. The eunuch at the side rushed over in a hurry.

"Not too late! Not too late! It's just right! You all did a good job! Ma Liang must have told you the news when he came." Zhao Yong said calmly.

"That's right!" The three of them nodded, and the two generals looked excited, thinking that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but Lin Xiangru was serious, this scene happened to be seen by Zhao Yong, and Lin Xiangru immediately stroked and caressed himself. With a beard on his chin, he said with a serious face: "My lord! This matter is complicated, we need to stay calm!"

"I also have some worries in my heart! So I asked the three of you to come and solve my king's problems! Xiangru, please talk to me first!" Zhao Yong saw that Lin Xiangru was a little worried, it must be some danger, and he needed to make a good plan.

"Your Majesty! There are about 35 soldiers and horses in the Yan Kingdom. Le Yi took away 25 elite troops from the Yan Kingdom this time, and there are still 5 active troops under the Yan Kingdom's command. The 20 Yan Army in Pyongyang has disappeared." , and the [-] Yan guards under Prince Dan are stationed in the north, and they will inevitably divide into two groups to counter the rebellion. All our troops have to face are the [-] troops of Yan State, and they are all scattered in various places. General Zhao The current military force to capture the country of Yan must be sufficient, but I am afraid that Le Yi will return to aid the country. At that time, our country will not be worth the loss, and we will have to fight these [-] people. On the contrary, it will be cheap for Han Yi! This seems to be a steal! The eclipse is over!" Lin Xiangru said a lot in one breath, ranging from stating the favorable conditions of the battle situation to analyzing the harm, which can be said to be everything.

Zhao Yong pondered for a while after hearing this, and said half-assedly: "That's true! But it's a pity to miss such a good opportunity like this!"

"In my opinion! Such an opportunity should not be missed in vain. Although the territory of Zhao State is large, there is too little land that can be cultivated to obtain food. However, the land of Yan State is also available, and the local people have more than 100 million households. In five years, more than [-] armored soldiers can be obtained. This battle will be of great benefit, and the land of Yan will be able to compete with Qi! Zhongshan and Zhongshan are bordering each other, so you can plan to go south to avoid Han Yi's front. This is the best choice. If this opportunity is missed, our country will have no choice but to take the lead!" Zhao She stroked his beard with a worried expression on his face. He has analyzed the battle situation many times over the years, but it was difficult to succeed. If the opportunity is in front of him today, why not take care of it? grasp.

"What General Zhao said is reasonable!" Zhao Yong nodded, and immediately said seriously: "This battle has been won, but I have to make a good plan. If we are not careful, we will lose everything. Next, please ask three A lot of suggestions.

"Based on the old man's construction, our country has 45 soldiers and horses, of which 25 are under the command of General Li, stationed in the north to guard against the Rong people, and another [-] are stationed at the border of Qin and Zhao, guarded by General Zhou Yafu, and the remaining [-] can be used , I need one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to stop Le Yi from outside Yan! You can rest assured, Your Majesty!" Lian Po pressed the sword in his arms, with a smile in his eyes, and even a hint of complacency.

"Oh!" Zhao Yong was surprised for a moment. Lian Po never said things that he was not sure of. He must have a good plan. Zhao Yong couldn't help but put his eyes on Lin Xiangru, pinched his beard and said, "Xiangru! You How do you feel!"

(End of this chapter)

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