Warring States Call

Chapter 1046 Wu Mourning

Chapter 1046 Wu Mourning
"He's not the only one! How can hunting tigers do without me, Ji Bu?" On the other side of the city wall, I saw a man wearing silver armor, tiger fur, and a square helmet, eight feet long, standing from the top of the wall Jumping up and down, the tiger's eyes on his shoulders were windless and automatic, and the silver knife in his hand gleamed coldly.

"This banquet! How can I miss my field cloth?" On the parapet wall, a big man with a thick back and waist was sitting on the top of the wall, with a waist knife in his mouth, and he took it down and put it on his waist. Looking in the direction of Ran Min and Lu Bu.

"Boom!" Another heavy blow fell on the bluestone, and a lot of gravel was thrown out of the whole ground. Ran Min, who was fighting with Lu Bu, stepped aside with an extremely embarrassed expression. At this moment, Lu Bu came back to his senses, retracted Fang Tian's painted halberd with one hand, moved his shins, shook the dust off his body, and asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"The general is worried that you will deal with this tiger alone, and asked me to come and help you!" Ying Bu kicked away the soldier in front of him, pinched his neck with one hand, threw it aside, and walked away .

"Cut! With me, Lu Bu, what can I do!" Lu Bu still looked arrogant, but he didn't express his refusal. He was very happy to be able to kill this fierce tiger easily.

"What I, Ji Bu, have said, there is no room for return! Ran Min, you are a man, but you are destined to perish on this wall today!" Ji Bu came to Ran Min's blind spot and blocked his retreat route. I don't intend to let them go this time
Ran Min's face was cold, and he smiled bleakly for a while, holding the weapon in both hands, and said calmly: "It's unknown who will die! But you four generals were beheaded by me one by one, or I, Ran Min, were defeated. Wang Yizhan, I haven't been so excited for a long time!"

"Speak wildly! Even if the king comes in person, he is not my opponent!" Tian Bu said with a sharp cold knife in his hand, looking at Ran Min with a serious expression.

"General Ran Min, don't panic! Mo Jiaxiong Kuohai is here to help you!" Xiong Kuohai really wanted to step forward, but a silver light flashed in front of his eyes. Who could it be if it wasn't Wu Yunzhao? , with one stick, hit the retired soldier Yunzhao three steps in a row. Just as he was about to step forward, he saw two more people jumping up, wearing silver armor and high-spirited, each holding a long spear in his hand, and shouted: "Generals, this purple The guy in front of you, leave it to me, the three brothers of the Wu family!"

Who could it be if the visitors were not Wu Tianci and Wooden!
"Hahahahahaha! General Xiong! I'm sorry, Ran Min, for hurting you today!" Ran Min's face became colder and colder as he held the soldiers in his futon-sized palm.

"General, your martial arts are world-class, and these guys are not taken seriously by a certain family. Even if you die today, you will delay them, and let the heroes of the world know that you and I will not lose to the thirteen generals of the Shangdang!" People!" Xiong Kuohai laughed wildly, he might not be able to retreat completely today, if that is the case, let's fight bloody.

"The last words are settled! Then die! Ha!" Lu Bu was furious, and with the halberd in both hands, scarlet blood burst out from around his body, condensing on the body of the gun, which looked particularly scary.

"excuse me!"


Lu Bu!Yingbo!Jibu!The four of Tian Bu set off together, and the four of them seemed to be in perfect harmony, cooperating with each other, swarming forward without fear.

"Ding, the attribute of the four cloths is activated, and one of the attributes is forcibly blocked by four people present. Each of the four cloths adds 2 to the force value of each person. For the current four people, each adds 8 attribute points!"

"Ding, the original force value of Lu Bu is 127, Lu Bu's force value is increased by 8, and the current force value is 135!"

"Boom!" The scarlet air stared at Lu Bu's body, there was no wind on his head, his cheeks as white as clouds turned red, and the veins on his body burst out, like a mad lion, extraordinarily scary.

Ran Min's face turned cold when he saw it. This is terrible. If he doesn't fight well today, he will be here. Most of the strength on the body is solidified on the weapon. After reaching 110, it will turn light red, and between 120 and 120, the red fishy smell will become heavier and heavier. After reaching 130, scarlet air will emerge around the body , It is almost impossible for a general who has reached this level to kill him, of course it depends on who he is facing.

If this kind of enemy is singled out, he Ran Min is naturally not afraid, but when he is attacked by the enemy, it seems that he has more energy than strength. The sweat on Ran Min's head gradually broke out, and he murmured: "Lu Bu, I admit that I am a little girl." I count on you!"

"Hahaha! To be appreciated by General Wu Mourning! What an honor General Lu is!" Ying Bu shouted, and walked up a few steps, his eyes were red.

"Ding, the basic force value of Yingbu is 103, currently affected by Sibu, the force value is increased by 8, the force value of the prisoner's tooth gun is increased by 1, and the current force value is 112!"

"Ding, Jibu's basic force value is increased by 99, currently under the influence of General Sibu, the force value is increased by 8, the force value of the Shuangyalongdao is increased by 1, and the current force value is 108!"

"Ding, Ji Bu's promise attribute activates. Once he promises to others, he will complete it to the death. The force value will be increased by 5. Currently, Ji Bu's force value is 113!"

"Ding, the basic force value of Tianbu is 98, the force value of Hushan step knife is increased by 1, the force value affected by Sibu is increased by 8, and the current force value is 107"

"Ants dare to talk about Haotian, die!" Lu Bu did not have the sick look just now, under the straight halberd, not a single blade of grass grew.

"Ding, Ran Min's Heavenly King attribute has been blocked and cannot be activated, and his force value will be reduced by 15. Currently, Ran Min's force value is 111!"

"Ahem!" It's Han Xin today!Han Qinhu, the thirteen generals of the Shangdang, came in person, but he was powerless to recover. Wu Qi, your reputation is outstanding, and you will eventually become a stepping stone for me! "Xu Da below untied the wine gourd in his hand, with a smile in his eyes, this war was destined to win and favored them, and the myth of Han Yi's invincibility came to an end.

"Ants! How can you appreciate the majesty of the mountains! Because they are always ants!" At this moment, the scarlet blood energy of Ran Min's beings is changing, and it is constantly climbing. A scarlet blood tiger surrounds Ran Min's body whole body.

"Ding, when Ran Min's martial mourning attribute is activated, the negative attributes of the enemy's skills can be exempted, the force value is increased by 10, the current king attribute returns, Ran Min's force value is increased by 15, and the current force value is 126. Affected by the martial mourning, the current Ran Min's force value Value 136!"

"Roar!" Knock on the mountain to shake the tiger, and the tiger roared in the forest. At this moment, Ran Min's aura was much stronger than that of Lu Bu, but the few people who went on the rampage were stunned, and even as strong as Lu Bu, he exclaimed: "I underestimated you"

(End of this chapter)

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