Warring States Call

Chapter 1060 Chi You vs Xing Tian

Chapter 1060 Chi You vs Xing Tian
On the second day, the wind blows the sand violently, the cold wind blows everywhere, the sun rises and chases white clouds, and the air is surrounded by cold light. The cold sunlight shines on the land, making people chill, and the dead branches and leaves fall to the ground, which represents winter. The arrival of the fallen leaves fell to the ground, making a crisp sound, and then it seemed that the whole ground was still,
When two armies confront each other, it is like chess players confronting each other, holding the white pieces first, taking the world as the game, and taking the people as the pieces. They are just people who lead others to play chess. The real master is like Han Yi, who lived far away. Watching the chess game in this area on the hillside, watching its moves.

Among the Qi soldiers, Tian Ji looked a little embarrassed. He was wearing heavy armor, sitting on the carriage, holding a sword in his right hand, and the black cloak on his back was fluttering in the wind. He stared at Han Qinhu's big formation, the formation was serious, and it was not the same as the battle formation under his command, but Tian Ji always seemed to lack confidence. Originally, Han Yi, who was fighting with Yan Qi and soldiers, hid in the city and dared not come out, but now Han Qin The most important thing is that when the tiger came out, Tian Ji just found out that when he was about to retreat, Han Qinhu had already formed a battle formation, ready to fight Tian Ji. At this time, it was impossible to leave. It is bound to be bitten like crazy by Han Qinhu, and the loss will be heavy, and even the entire army will be wiped out.

Tian Ji had no choice but to fight, but he lacked confidence, and his murderous aura was a little less. He cleared his throat, and Tian Ji shouted: "Han Qinhu, you dare to fight me in public, I tell you, Yan Bing It will be here in less than half an hour, if you don’t surrender quickly, the day I break the city will be your death day!”

"Oh! The date of the general's death! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" At this moment, not only Han Qinhu, but also the lieutenant behind him laughed, looking at Tian Ji as if he were looking at a lunatic talking to himself. After a while, Han Qinhu waved his big hand and said, "Qin Qiong! Yuchi Gong! Get ready to fight!"

"The last general has orders!" As soon as the two tiger generals heard this, they rode their horses and prepared to charge into battle.

"Bastard!" Tian Ji pressed the sword in his arms, his face was embarrassed. This Han Qinhu typically didn't take him seriously, which meant that what he said just now was in vain. At this moment, Tian Ji was very angry.

Standing behind Tian Ji, Tian Dan and Tian Pan looked at Tian Ji and said, "Brother, let's charge! What nonsense are you talking to them!"

"Wait a minute! General Chi You!" Tian Dan was about to play tricks.

"What are you calling me for!" Chi You held his Tiger Soul Saber, rode his blind black bear, and looked at Tian Ji with an unkind expression.

Tian Ji immediately said: "General, go ahead and call the battle, the enemy general must be Li Cunxiao! Jia Fu and his like, no matter what, we must hold off the enemy's general when the time comes. I will let General Hou Yi shoot cold arrows in the back, and it will definitely be the case when the time comes." Shoot the enemy general!"

"Oh! So that's what you're thinking about! Despicable and vile, but I like it!" Chi You said it directly, urging the black bear under his crotch, striding forward, every step he took, The whole earth emits a thick and thick side.

Tian Ji glanced at Hou Yi behind him, and said with a serious face, "General Hou Yi, please!"

Looking into the distance, Hou Yi led Peng Meng behind him and said, "OK!"

Although Hou Yi also despises it, but when the two armies are fighting, no matter what is right or wrong, it is good to win.

Jiao Zan behind Tian Ji sneered a little, he would fight a big battle, and he insisted on engaging in such despicable and nasty things.

"The enemy general, Li Cunxiao, is here! Fight me!" Chi You strode forward on a wild bear, and directly pointed at Li Cunxiao by name.

"Drink!" Li Cunxiao sneered, and was about to leave the station when Xing Tian hurriedly stopped him: "Hey! General Li! You are already famous, so leave this guy to me. What do you think! That Houyi magic arrow I can't hit him with my axe, so I'll have to rely on General Li a lot then!

Li Cunxiao also felt reasonable when he heard it, and immediately said: "Yes! But General Xingtian, be careful here, that black bear is not easy to deal with! This person even injured several generals in our army."

"Don't worry! A pig, what's there to be afraid of! Look at me!" Xing Tian slashed out with his big ax on his shoulders, looked at Chi You and said, "You are Chi You!"

Chi You took a look at the visitor, and saw that Xing Tian was seven feet long, holding a big ax in his hand. The ax was black all over, and there were spots of blood on the blade. The black was tinged with purple and gold. The cold light, from a distance, looks like a black thunderbolt in his hand.

Chi You pinched his chin, his beard was fluttering with the wind, he glanced at Xing Tian and said, "Where did the unknown general come from, you are no match for this old man! Why don't you retreat quickly! Where is Li Cunxiao! Call him Come and fight with me, you can't!"

Hou Yi, who was bending his bow and setting an arrow in the distance, looked not like Li Cunxiao, but an unknown soldier. He suddenly lost his intention to shoot, and folded his arms around his chest. In the black box, the look is indifferent.

There was arrogance in Chi You's words, but when he said it, he seemed naive, but the meaning of the words did not change, it was clear that he looked down on Xing Tian.

"It doesn't matter what you said, eat me with an axe!" The fiery red energy emerged from Xing Tianzhou's body, condensed on the battle axe, stared at the black bear under Chi You's crotch with a serious expression, and suddenly struck the axe Down.

"Ding, Xing Tian, ​​the god of war attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 10, the basic force value is 108, the force value of the Pangu ax is increased by 1, and the current force value is 119!"

Experts knew if there was one as soon as they made a move. The black bear under Chi You's crotch only felt a threatening aura floating under him, panicked for a while, and suddenly shook off Chi You, and ran to the black forest alone.

Chi You was startled in pain, it was the first time he saw the black bear under his crotch, and he ran away when he encountered an enemy, the only possibility was the enemy in front of him, even the black bear under his crotch was extremely afraid.

Chi You stared at Xing Tian's icy axe, spit out a mouthful of dust, and said to himself, "You're careless!"

Hou Yi, who was watching the battle above, was also shocked. This guy is definitely not simple, and he quickly said: "Who is this person! Why have I never heard of it!"

"No! I don't know!" Peng Meng hesitated.

"this time………!"

"Die!" The big ax in Xing Tian's hand criticized Mount Tai with one stroke, threatening to cut Chi You in half with one axe. Chi You looked angry and shouted: "You are too bullying, think I'm afraid you won't succeed! Get out!"

"Kang Dang!" With one or two people at the center, there was an ear-piercing sound from all around. It can be seen that the two were exerting great force, and Han Yi could naturally hear it from a distance. He crossed his hands and pressed his chin, and said with emotion: "Chi You! Who is the God of War between you two?"

(End of this chapter)

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