Warring States Call

Chapter 1063 Li Cunxiao's Must Kill

Chapter 1063 Li Cunxiao's Must Kill
Han Qinhu was stunned for a while, the general order in his hand could not be issued for a long time, behind him Lai Hu'er and Du Yu were riding horses, holding the ropes and looking at Han Qinhu seriously, as if asking him if he wanted to attack .

Han Qinhu helplessly put his hand on the sword at his waist, held the horse rope and said indifferently: "That's all, let him have a son today, this wolf has more meat and less meat, if the two generals want to go to battle to get credit Go, Ben will personally stand here for you!"

"In that case! Then I would like to thank General Han Qinhu. The old man has been a general for [-] years and has not made any great achievements. Today, I will break into him." Lai Huer stroked his beard, with a serious face, pressing The waist knife, with a stern look, urged the horse under his crotch, pressed the big knife and rushed up, extremely powerful.

Han Qinhu looked at Lai Huer, who was old and strong, and said with emotion: "The old general is as handsome as before, and I really admire him again!" Han Qinhu finished speaking with a smile, and glanced at Du Yu behind him, his face paled. Xie said: "General Du, won't you grab a piece of meat to eat?"

"Hehe!" Du Yu smiled mischievously, and said for a while: "Nowadays there are many heroes, with my ability, how can I overtake them, besides, the lives of my brothers are important, this little credit is nothing! "

"Oh! General Du Gaoyi!" Hearing this, Han Qinhu's admiration for Du Yu was like a river. This guy is an all-rounder, and in terms of comprehensive ability, no one is his opponent.

Han Qinhu silenced his voice, glanced at Zhou Panlong behind him and said with a smile, "Aren't you going, old man?"

Holding the horse rope with both hands, Zhou Panlong smiled and said, "General, do you think one sheep is enough for a pack of wolves?"

"Oh!" Han Qinhu was stunned, and then laughed out loud. Ruuo said that Du Yu was not capable enough to grab the meat, but Zhou Panlong didn't bother to take a bite.

"Stop for me! Stop for me!" Qingji looked embarrassed, looked at the piebald spots on his crotch, quickly tore off a piece of cloth from himself, and covered the guy's eyes, only then calmed down the tiger's agitation. Holding the black gun in his hand, Qing Ji looked at the scene in front of him, his expression changed drastically, and he didn't know when he came to the front of the battle, and the victor was Li Cunxiao, the general.

Li Cunxiao is wearing a fire unicorn gold armor, a fiery red unicorn pattern appears in front of the armor, a red cloak moves with the wind, a weapon is held in one hand, a golden cloud helmet is worn on the head, and the spark-colored Zhulong horse is majestic under his crotch Lin Lin stared angrily at Qing Ji who was riding a spotted tiger and shouted, "That Hou Yi will not be able to kill today, and I will definitely kill your general today! Your Excellency is riding a spotted tiger. Is it Qi's third most powerful general, Qingji?"

Qingji saw that it was Li Cunxiao, and immediately shouted: "Who should I be? It turns out that it is Li Cunxiao, who is known as the number one general in Korea. Others are afraid of you, but I Qingji is not afraid of you. I will definitely kill you by this gun today." Get down, drive!"

"Roar!" The tiger under Qingji's crotch yelled loudly, and rushed straight up, the red smell began to solidify on the gun body, even the tiger under Qingji's crotch was much braver at this moment, singled out a group He is afraid, but he is not afraid of the person facing him alone, who is he, he is the king of all beasts.

"Ding, Qingji's heroic attribute is activated. When facing a general with a force value of over 2, the force value will be increased by 110. If the force value exceeds 3, the force value will be increased by 120. If the force value exceeds 4, the force value will be increased by [-]! And so on."

"Ding, the current base force value of Li Cunxiao is 108, Bi Guoyan's force value is increased by 1, Zhu Longma's force value is increased by 1, the current force value is 110, Qingji's force value is increased by 2, Qingji's force value is increased by 3, the current Qingji's basic force value 101. Add 1 to the force value of the black barbarian gun, add 2 to the force value of the piebald tiger, and the current force value of Qingji is 110!"

"Kill! Ha!" With one blow, Li Cunxiao slashed down with both blades, and the cold wind blew, and the illusory energy around his body surfaced on the spear, and he could only hear: "Bang Dang!" The crisp sound made all the generals around stunned .

Li Cunxiao was also stunned, holding the weapon in one hand, with a gloomy expression, he said: "It's a little bit capable! But today, even if the gods come down to earth, it's hard to save your life! Let me open it!"

The illusory energy on Li Cunxiao Zhou's body suddenly opened up, a red fishy smell emerged, sharp and domineering, Li Cunxiao's eyes were blood red, and he shouted: "Get up!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao is bold to launch! When picking a general, reduce the enemy's force value by 3 points and increase your own force value by 5 points. When facing an army of ten thousand people, reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point and increase your own force value by 8!"

"Ding, add 8 to Li Cunxiao's force value, add 1 to the force value of weapons Wang Yu and Bi Yanluo! Add 1 to Zhu Longma's force value, base force 108, current force value 118!"

"Ding, reduce the Qingji force value by 3 points, the current Qingji force value is 4 points, and the current Qingji force value is 106!"

"Hmph! Li Cunxiao, if you have this ability today, you can become a stepping stone for my Qingji, open it for me!" Qingji shouted loudly, the veins on his arm bulged, and the weapon in his hand was a tiger-like blade. , this savage spear charged straight up like a black flood dragon.

"Ding, Qingji's brute force attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, and the personal force value is increased according to the strength released by the enemy, and the heroic attribute is increased, from the original one point to two points!"

"Ding, the current Qingji force value is 109, and the force value is increased by 7. According to Li Cunxiao's force value, the personal force value is increasing by 5 points, and the current Qingji force value is 118!"

"Ding, Qingji activates the strong kill attribute, and the force value instantly increases by 8, and the current force value is 126!"

From time to time, the tiger under Qingji's crotch would find the right opportunity and pounce on the Zhulong horse under Li Cunxiao's crotch. Fortunately, the war horse under Li Cunxiao's crotch was also one in a thousand, and the king of horses dared to face this tiger directly.

"Let's go!" Li Cunxiao's cold light was sharp, and he shot up, sweeping away Qingji's long spear, and the other spear suddenly appeared, piercing Qingji's throat.

"Ding, Li Cunxiao added 5 to the force value of the double-extreme attributes, and the current force value is 123!!
"Ding! The second special effect of Li Cunxiao's Shuangjue is activated. It is activated according to Li Cunxiao's personal anger. Every time he faces a dangerous situation, the force value will be increased by 2. It can be activated up to 3 times. The current force value is 125!"

"Ding, Li Cunxiao's divine power attribute is activated! Five horses don't distinguish their corpses, and they are eternal warriors! The king is no more than Xiang! The strength is no more than bully! The general is no more than Li. Li Cunxiao's force value is increased by 10, and the current force value is 135!"

"Ha!" Two red fishy smells appeared on the body of the gun like two blood pythons. The spear was as fast as a gust of wind, and they shot at Qingji's throat and chest respectively.

"Oops!" Qing Ji's face changed drastically, Li Cunxiao's attack might not be able to stop it! ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

(End of this chapter)

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