Warring States Call

Chapter 1077 Cao Ang

Chapter 1077 Cao Ang
The snow that fell in the dark night covered the dark ground, as if he had been covered with a layer of white clothes. It was already midnight, and the weather was unbelievably cold. No one knew how many people froze to death that night. When it comes to winter, most generals and kings will choose a truce in order to avoid freezing to death.

For this reason, many people stayed up all night, and Cao Cao, who was still confronting Tian Dan, was one of them. Looking at the bamboo slips in his hands, he rubbed his hands from time to time. He picked up the pen to dip the ink, but found that even the ink was frozen. Cao Cao He could only tirelessly get up and was about to sharpen the ink, but someone was faster than him.

When Cao Cao saw someone coming, he raised his head and looked at it with tiger eyes. His whole face was full of heroism, but more of it was a resolute and decisive spirit. He was grinding ink, flowing clouds and flowing water, looking at Cao Cao and saying: " Father, it's late at night, pay attention to rest!"

"Father!" Another general came out from behind the man, and saw him with a hulking back, holding a piece of clothing in his hand, coming to Cao Cao's back, and draping it on his shoulders, as if there was an explosive force on his arms , with hair growing on the snout and chin.

"Why are you two here! Why don't you go down to rest!" Cao Cao looked at the two with a puzzled expression.

Those who came were Cao Cao's two sons, the eldest son Cao Ang!As well as Cao Wenzhao beside him, Cao Ang looked at the gradually extinguished lights in the house, and the whole thing looked deserted, and immediately said: "Wenzhao, go light up the fire, it's too cold here!"

"Okay! Big brother!" Cao Wenzhao greeted him, staring at Daxue and walked out of the tent.

Cao Cao looked at his son, watched him grind the ink, and remained silent. Cao Ang made a gesture of please for a while, and then Cao Cao picked up the brush and continued writing.

Cao Ang looked at his father, and immediately said: "Father! It's cold today, and if we continue to fight, we will suffer heavy losses. Let alone how many people died in the war, the weather alone has killed too many people!"

Cao Cao glanced at his son, the boy pointed to his nose, leaned on his seat, and said seriously, "Do you know how long you have been waiting for this weather for your father?"

"Father, have you planned it for a long time!" Cao Ang said with a puzzled expression. According to this situation, if you continue, it will definitely hurt both sides.

Cao Cao stroked his beard, looked at his son, suddenly wanted to test him, and immediately asked, "What do you think of Tian Dan!"

"Tian Dan's raid tactics are indeed unparalleled in the world. Our army suffered a lot in the past few times, but I also discovered his shortcomings. Once their raid is over, it will be their fatigue. At that time, we only need to One bite, and they will surely be stuck in their throats!" Cao Ang said with a serious face, analyzing the battle situation in the past few days.

"Yeah!" Cao Cao nodded undeniably, and praised: "You can learn from failures, with such a heart, you are ashamed to be a father at your age!"

"Father is wonderful!" Cao Ang still maintained his calm look.

"Don't be humble, I kept you by my father's side to train you well, and you are worthy of it now!" Cao Cao picked up the kettle below with a smile and poured a bowl. The smile on the corner of his mouth could not be concealed. .

"Second brother is smart! Third brother is talented, and Cao Zhang! Wenzhao are all talented, and father also cultivated a lot!" Cao Ang said flatly.

"Hey! I don't know whether these three brats can become talents in the king's palace, but you and Wen Zhao are by my side. I want to train them well. At least the Cao family hopes in the future. The burden is on the two of you!" Cao Cao said calmly.

"Father, why don't you bring your two younger brothers with you to train them?" Cao Ang asked puzzled.

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Ang, pointed out, and said, "That's why you are still quite young. The three of them are in the palace. Don't worry, your Majesty, and so can I! The best of both worlds! You understand!"

Cao Ang didn't understand at first, but when he read it carefully, he understood the meaning, and immediately said: "Father is wise!"

"Okay! Let's stop talking nonsense!" Cao Cao said with a smile, staring at the front with his tiger eyes, and said for a while: "I look at the weather, there will be light snow tomorrow, and the horses of Yan Kingdom will definitely not go out to fight. If you dare not go out, you will definitely stay behind closed doors, and our chance is on this day!"

"What will father do! Tell yourself!" Cao Ang said with his hands in his sleeves, his face serious.

"Tomorrow I will personally lead the soldiers to battle. To ensure nothing goes wrong, you ambushed five thousand archers at the mountain pass. If we are defeated, we will come here. You will shoot them with bows and arrows. After repelling all the soldiers, you will be able to make a surprise attack here at night." We have won a big victory, if we don’t come back, you can see if there is smoke in the camp, if there is smoke everywhere, it means that we have won, and you can defend and return to the camp!” Cao Cao said with a smile.

"Father! Isn't this too risky! After all, it is the enemy's territory, they occupy a favorable terrain, and there is Gao Siji in the Qi army! Gao Changgong and I will not gain the upper hand!" Cao Ang said with a serious face .

"What you said is indeed a problem. This time I will try him first. In another seven days, the old man Gongsun Yan will arrive. This old guy didn't get any benefits on the battlefield of Jiagu. Now I am afraid that he will travel day and night. They are here to gain military exploits!" Cao Cao stroked his beard and smiled.

"Father! I don't think it should be radical! Father's reputation was earned in which battle, and with Gongsun Yan here, we will be more confident. Father is also a great military exploit now. We can't lose the big because of the small!" Cao Ang risked The situation, with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah!" Cao Cao thought for a while when he heard this, and then said, "No need, with the strength of this old man, I'm afraid I can't cure his little Tiandan! My son! You have to understand, this Tiandan is this pond. For the fish in the middle, you can pinch his fish in your hand with the flip of your hand, and you can seek stability for the general, but it’s okay to go slanted with the sword!"

"But what about the fierce generals in the Qi army!" Cao Ang worried.

"There is Luo Cheng! Deng Zilong! Your fourth brother Wen Zhao is unstoppable, so you don't have to worry!" Cao Cao said confidently.

"This! If that's the case, father, just be careful." Cao Ang said with a serious face.

The three fathers and sons worked hard for half an hour before they were able to rest. Cao Ang took Cao Cao to rest, pulled Cao Wenzhao by his side and said immediately: "Tomorrow, you must guard your father no matter what, and you must not let father have any troubles. !"

Cao Wenzhao glanced at his elder brother, patted his chest immediately and said, "Don't worry, elder brother! I'm here in this battle. If father has something to do, I'll come and see him!"

(End of this chapter)

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