Chapter 1082
The silver gun in Luo Cheng's hand brushed out several gun flowers, walking like a shadow, the horse stepped into the sky, and after the spear broke, afterimages appeared in Tian Guang's pupils, just a light blow, Tian Guang's throat swelled He could no longer make a sound, and fell powerlessly.

The blood fell down to the ground along Luo Cheng's silver gun. Behind Luo Cheng, Tian Guang's body fell down weakly. Pity him, Tian Guang, who just came to this world and died in less than half a month. Regretted, I suddenly found that I left this world without a single thing worth remembering, my mind went blank, and the only thing worth remembering was probably Tian Dan and his unlimited expectations for the country.

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!" Luo Cheng saw more and more soldiers gathering in the direction of Tian Dan's retreat, and he didn't want to chase for a while. There are too many enemies, it is too troublesome to chase, and can they be killed? Tiandan is not necessarily, it is really not suitable for adventure.

Putting away the cold gun, Luo Cheng rode on the horse, rubbed his wrist, stared at the front, looked at the mess everywhere, helplessly, shook his head and went back.

It is said that after Cao Cao retreated, Gao Siji was chasing after him. Cao Cao couldn't even open his eyes due to the cold wind. Looking at Gao Siji who was getting closer behind him, he patted his horse and said, : "Horse, horse, you can also be regarded as a thousand-mile horse. Today, the life of the Japanese general will be entrusted to you. Whether you can escape this calamity depends on you. Go for me!"

"Woohoo...!" The horse behind Cao Cao seemed to understand Cao Cao's language, got up suddenly, and rushed forward with all his strength. The speed of the horse was unknowingly faster than before.

Gao Siji, who was chasing after him, was startled and never thought how much Cao Cao's speed had increased.

And Cao Ang, who was lying in ambush in the forest, was always paying attention to the movement around him. He could only hear the sound of horseshoes getting closer and closer. When he saw it, it turned out to be Cao Cao. "Archers ready!"

Cao Cao was riding a war horse, and looked back at Gao Sichi behind him with tiger eyes, and immediately shouted: "I have no guts, I heard that you are also a famous general of the Qi State, I saw you today, but that's all."

"Yeah! If Cao Cao doesn't kill you today, I won't let go of the hatred in my heart!" Gao Siji suddenly urged his horse into the forest.

Cao Ang held the bow and arrow, looked at it for a while and found that Gao Siji was alone, and asked with a puzzled expression, "What happened, why is he the only one here!"

"What are you doing in a daze! Don't shoot any arrows!" Cao Cao shouted suddenly when he saw that no arrows had been shot from all around.

Cao Ang immediately reacted and shouted, "Let go!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Thousands of cold arrows were fired in a row. Hearing Cao Cao's cry, Gao Sji would rather believe it than believe it.

When Gao Siji looked up, the horse under his crotch had been shot into a hedgehog, and the whole horse fell in the snow, bleeding profusely.

Gao Siji took a look and realized that there were thousands of archers here, cursed despicably, fled into the forest to cover up their eyes and ears, and then fled.

When Cao Ang saw that one of the generals was retreating, he immediately stepped forward, his face puzzled, and said, "Father, how is the battle going! Why are you back alone!"

Cao Cao rode his horse, shook off the rain and snow on his body, and said immediately: "I don't know how the battle is going. You quickly gather your troops and horses, and follow me to watch the battle. I'm afraid of accidents!"

"That! Father just now!" Cao Ang said with a puzzled expression.

"Things are a bit troublesome, I can't explain clearly for a while, follow me quickly!" Cao Cao urged his horse forward with a helpless expression.

Cao Ang sighed, and said back: "Follow me!"

When Cao Cao caught up with the war, the war was over. Tens of thousands of soldiers supported each other, and looked in the snow from time to time to see if there were any fainted soldiers, so as to reduce casualties.

Gao Chong returned in vain, and scolded angrily: "Damn it, this guy is not good at fighting, but running away is the best way!"

"Father! The rain and snow here are too heavy. If you don't go back, you might freeze to death!" Cao Ang said with a worried expression.

Cao Cao stroked his breath, and said half aloud: "Send down the order to take away all the food, grass and military equipment of the Qi army, and burn all the other tents and so on. They will kill them if they are spared!"


Tian Dan had 10 horses, and was attacked by Cao Cao, killing 6 people, directly losing 4 people. On the battlefield, Tian Dan always felt that there was a breath in his heart, but he couldn't get it out. See Seeing Tian Guang stabbed to death by Luo Cheng, Tian Dan's eyes were bloodshot, but it never broke out.

"General! We've lost this battle, so let's quickly retreat to Laiwu!" Tian Ken behind him analyzed the situation of the battle. In this kind of weather, the soldiers really couldn't hold on.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to Laiwu. How big is the snowstorm? I'm afraid people will freeze to death before they fall!" Tian Dan sighed helplessly.

"But general! It's not an option to go on like this!" Tian Ken shook off the rain and snow on his body, his face a little embarrassed.

"Tell the soldiers under him to hide in the village for a day, and strictly order the three armies, whoever dares to violate the military law will be executed!" Tian Dan said with a serious expression.


"General...General! Something is wrong! General!" A soldier on a horse rushed over with a whip, as if something important had happened.

Tian Dan glanced back and shouted: "What's wrong! It's so unreasonable to panic!"

"General, General Tian Ji was defeated. He drew his sword and killed himself. The [-] troops were wiped out. The people in Linzi City were panicked, and Master Guan Zhong couldn't get sick!"

"What!" Tian Dan's face was pale, he was stunned for a moment, his face turned red for a while, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, his whole body was exhausted, he raised his head and arrived, Tian Ken behind him hurriedly supported him, and immediately said: "Big Brother! Big Brother! Big Brother!"

Tian Dan looked at the snow that was gradually falling, and shouted: "The sky is not fair, Tian Ji is wronging the country, Tian Dan is incompetent...!"

"Pfft!" Tian Dan also spat out a mouthful of old blood, and he fainted. He just wants to rest now. He doesn't know anything about the rest. He just wants to sleep well.
In the city of Linzi, people from all over the country are in panic, they don't know whether to go or stay, some long-sighted people seek refuge in other countries one after another, now the state of Qi can be said to be in the sunset, and the phoenix that has landed is not as good as a chicken.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is still kept in the dark. I saw an eunuch reading: "General Tian Ji beheaded the head of Han Qinhu, the Korean general, and donated it to the king in a few days. General Tian Dan defeated [-] enemies. Surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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